Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

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Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

[ 24 Feb 20 - Update #3 ]

Added the following:
  • Unlimited Ammo/Items
    Gives you 999 magazine ammo and items. Note that this is not a value I've chosen to hard-code, it exists in the engine itself. It was just a matter of finding the flip switch.
  • Coordinates
    Expanding this header will allow access to player's Y,Z,X coordinates and some already defined arrays. 'Full Array' should help you pin-point specific locations where collectibles are found (includes the facing vector). Just stop in front of a collectible, as fixed as you can, then copy-paste the Full Array to Notepad++. Move away from to some other spot, then copy-paste the value you stored over the current Full Array's value. You'll see what happens: instant teleport to the collectible's position (in front of it), including the Actor orientation (we want to be teleported facing the collectible, not with our back turned).
  • Hook Weapon Scope Target Coords
    Enable the script, then use a sniping weapon to target a random location. 'ScopePos_YZX_Array', 'ScopePos_Y', 'ScopePos_Z' and 'ScopePos_X' will become available.
    • Teleport To Scope Pos
      Enable the script, then press Numpad 0 to teleport to scoped position. You might want to target the spot first. This should also help you get out of bugged locations. Example: pin-point a roof-top or something high enough. See the screenshot below in Venice.
    NOTE: It actually works with any weapon, as long as you can right-click to aim at the chosen location. Using a sniping weapon gives better results if you plan to travel very far from your location ;)

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[ 21 Feb 20 - Update #2 ]

Added the following:
  • Unlimited Clip/Attachment Ammo
    Will keep your Clip or Attachment locked to current value. Player only.
  • Unlimited Stamina/Heart Rate
    Heart Rate (as it's called internally) won't decrease when you run or hold your breath. It might when you stomp bodies, but don't worry about it. Player only.
  • No Recoil
    Does what it says. Player only.
  • Super Accuracy
    Does what it says. Player only.
  • Fast Fire
    Does what it says. You might experience some occasional pause while firing machine guns, every 5-10s or so, can't be arsed to adjust that. Player only.
  • Upgrade Tokens
    You can edit them in the table directly, manually.

1.2 / Epic
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And I'm tired of this game :)


[ 19 Feb 20 - Update #1 ]
  • Console Goodies
    Will enable the exec flag for all commands and variables in the engine. Read more in the below to make sense of this.
  • [CE Lua Console] Log Commands/Variables
    Will log to CE Lua window all console output, regardless of flag status:

    - comment/uncomment lines 9/10 in the script based on your query
    - comment/uncomment lines 23/24/25/26 in the script based on your query
    - e.g.: to list all commands using 'listcmds' uncomment line 9 and comment line 10, then comment lines 24/25/26 leaving only line 23 uncommented
    - keep in mind these are paired

    Read more in the below to make sense of this.
1.1 / Epic
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I've taken a short break from hacking the actual game to focus a bit more on Asura engine :) The game, as mentioned, allows access to its console via Tilde (~`) key. Once opened, you'll then wonder "what can I do with this console?". The first thing I tried, considering this isn't documented in places (perhaps in older Sniper Elite games, someone, somewhere, posted a comprehensive commands/vars list[?]) was to type in the word help. Most command-line console windows feature this command as a starting point. And so I did:


So, "help" with no parameters will print the default user-friendly information. Using this with a parameter will show extensive information about given command/variable. Then I noticed two important commands which helped me in the upcoming analysis of the game engine: listcmds and listvars.

Typed the first and saw this:


Really, Rebellion? This many commands? Hmm ;) Then I noticed SearchCmds and SearchVars which allow you to search the list of commands and variables for strings that contain your query (e.g.: like InStr function - find a sub-string in a string). Then Clear command will clear the console buffer, as well as the screen. Ran that.

Then ran the listvars command to see what's there:


Again.. really, Rebellion?.. Really?

From past encounters with idTech 5 engine I kinda expected something like this. The question is: are there more commands and variables one can make use of - OR - were they stripped? Rephrasing: is there a condition based on which they are not shown - OR - stripped? I soon discovered it was the first one: the condition is the command/variable flag. Not only for display when queried, but also for execution.

In the first post down below I mentioned this:
and I think LocalActor can be obtained from the static pointer within "StatTracking.PopulateCurrentBankedScore"
Well, try to run that command and see what you get (you can copy it and paste it in the console):


This will happen with any marked command/variable execution. So then I said to myself "welp, in order to find that flag check, I'll need a starting point". And that starting point was the error message. So I searched for all string references and found the string here:


Set a breakpoint and re-ran the command. And x64dbg breaks.

I could detail all the logic I then devised to determine these checks, but to make it short I will leave you with these key points:
  • 0xC and 0x1C offsets hold the flags for a command (0xC) and variable (0x1C)
  • patching both of the above to flag of value 0x1 will render ALL commands/variables shown when queried for and executable
  • the function behind the execution of a command can be determined by checking the member-functions pointer in same structure with 0xC flag, 2nd function in the vtable (0x8); example of a run-down (using "Clear" command):

    MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RCX+20] <-- 0x20 in struct with 0xC flag
    JMP QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+8] <-- the exec function
  • these commands need patching - ListCmds, SearchCmds, ListVars, SearchVars - making it so the flag is set to 0x1 for each checked item
  • you get to the patching spots by tracing the code of each command above:
    000000014C8BFC27 | F643 0C 01 | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+C],1 | cmd_flag_check
    000000014C8C16E0 | F643 0C 01 | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+C],1 | cmd_flag_check
    000000014C8C0907 | F643 1C 01 | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+1C],1 | var_flag_check
    000000014C8C2220 | F643 1C 01 | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+1C],1 | var_flag_check
  • flag set to 0x1 for commands and variables so they become executable needs to be set at these spots:
    000000014C8C3C20 | 8B40 0C | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RAX+C] | cmd_flag_read
    000000014C8C3C66 | 41:FF51 08 | CALL QWORD PTR DS:[R9+8] | exec_cmd
    000000014C8C3C8B | 8B40 1C | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RAX+1C] | var_flag_read
    000000014C8C3CDB | E8 40689DF3 | CALL za4_dx12.14029A520 | exec_var
  • the "Console Goodies" script already does that; the content is hard-coded for JUST this version of the game; I will not keep up with updates!
  • if you patch the 4 commands and RUN 1 of each type - cmds, vars - you won't need to patch the 2 execution spots above, as the script already patches those flags
  • from what I could gather, the variables are restored to their default value
  • from what I could gather, most useful commands do "RET 1" a.k.a. "nothing" (e.g.: Player.Die, Cheat.Player.TeleportToEntity, etc.)
  • the engine's print function is virtualized (I bet they used VMProtect crypt markers for this shit)
  • due to that virtualization in use, once you make all commands and variables usable, you will experience a big lag when running the list or search commands; just don't freak out and end process cuz you'd think it's frozen; it's normal :P
Having said that, once you enable the "Console Goodies" script, you will be able to make use of 2512 commands and 896 variables I shared in the links below. These were gathered using the "[CE Lua Console] Log Commands/Variables" script in the table (which can collect everything you need, without patching the flags; the engine just doesn't print the commands/variables that aren't executable). Examples:


Here's an example of looking for "player"-related commands:


Here's an example of a command that populates the total XP you've gained to the console:


I hope you do realize these executions can be traced and you can create some nice table or trainer options out of them, right? :)

Like I said, these are undocumented, so asking "what does this do?" will result in a big IGNORE from my part. Why? Because the least you can do is freakin' test them out yourselves, considering I've done the heavy-lifting and made these available.

Lastly, what for you seems useless.. to me it is useful. Why? Because I could learn more about the engine's internals than be happy to use some god or whatever command and play the game :P More games Asura-driven are going to be produced by Rebellion in the future. Keep that in mind when you look condescendingly over the usefulness of my posts here, mmk? Vision over short-moment.

[ 18 Feb 20 - First Release ]

Game Name: Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Game Vendor: Epic
Game Version: ZA4 D3D12_Retail_Submission_Epic v1.15 (2020.02.10.170) - 21:31:46, Feb 10 2020 - NID 503
[ open the console with Tilde (~`) key in-game and check it out ]
Game Process: ZA4_dx12.exe


This is yet another zombie brain smasher from Rebellion, the guys who've also brought us Strange Brigade (see my topic here) :) Need I tell you that the array I used in the [ Enable ] script for that game works in this one as well? Try scanning for the below array, you'll see what I mean:
aobscanmodule( GetBaseStuff, StrangeBrigade_DX12.exe, F64439??010F85????????803D????????000F85????????4885FF0F84????????486348??0F2F7C39 )
registersymbol( GetBaseStuff )
I really hope the game is good and entertaining, already seeing the engine is somewhat identical.

  • God Mode (no stagger;no visuals)
    Does what it says. Gotten tired of seeing the various trainers out there freezing just your health and moronically show-casing 3 minutes of how you don't die in the presentation video. Game-hackers, can we have some *proper* options? It's been years already since you've been pulling the same routine. Evolution, please?
Adding more as I play, so bear with me :P

Theory (and for me to remember in later Asura games):

- this array works in both Strange Brigade and Zombie Army 4, pin-pointing the location where, if scrolling a bit, you find the global TEST instruction through which our Player structure is processed; just remember to do Memory Map > Ctrl+B so it's scanned in all memory (not just main executable module) -> "B8 79 91 F3 D5"
- you will find this:

Code: Select all

000000014B57DEFD | F643 08 01           | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+8],1           |<-- boom
000000014B57DF01 | 0F85 42010000        | JNE za4_dx12.14B57E049               |
000000014B57DF07 | 44:3825 0F1938F6     | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[1418FF81D],R12B     |
000000014B57DF0E | 0F85 35010000        | JNE za4_dx12.14B57E049               |
000000014B57DF14 | 807B 0C 01           | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+C],1            |
000000014B57DF18 | 0F85 2B010000        | JNE za4_dx12.14B57E049               |
000000014B57DF1E | 807B 0D 01           | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+D],1            |
000000014B57DF22 | 0F85 21010000        | JNE za4_dx12.14B57E049               |
000000014B57DF28 | 41:8B49 0C           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[R9+C]          |
000000014B57DF2C | 85C9                 | TEST ECX,ECX                         |
000000014B57DF2E | 0F84 09010000        | JE za4_dx12.14B57E03D                |
000000014B57DF34 | 41:8B41 08           | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[R9+8]          |
000000014B57DF38 | 83F9 01              | CMP ECX,1                            |
000000014B57DF3B | 0F85 EF000000        | JNE za4_dx12.14B57E030               |
000000014B57DF41 | 29C8                 | SUB EAX,ECX                          |
000000014B57DF43 | 41:8941 08           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[R9+8],EAX          |
000000014B57DF47 | 75 63                | JNE za4_dx12.14B57DFAC               |
000000014B57DF49 | 44:3825 075C3AF6     | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[141923B57],R12B     |
000000014B57DF50 | 74 57                | JE za4_dx12.14B57DFA9                |
000000014B57DF52 | 41:C741 0C 02000000  | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[R9+C],2            |
000000014B57DF5A | 8B0D 24527DF5        | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[140D53184]     |
000000014B57DF60 | 8B05 1A527DF5        | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[140D53180]     |
000000014B57DF66 | 44:0FBF05 14527DF5   | MOVSX R8D,WORD PTR DS:[140D53182]    |
000000014B57DF6E | C1E0 10              | SHL EAX,10                           |
000000014B57DF71 | 01C8                 | ADD EAX,ECX                          |
000000014B57DF73 | 41:01C0              | ADD R8D,EAX                          |
000000014B57DF76 | B8 7991F3D5          | MOV EAX,D5F39179                     |
- next-up, so I don't have to apply that filter there, I used this array: "48 8B 47 08 48 63 48 04 F6 44 39 10 01 0F 85"
- there will be many results; start F2-ing in the References window till one breaks
- note down the address composite and add it to CE list, then debug it to obtain a substantial list of breaks
- find one occurrence that runs ONLY for your player (when debugging it to "Find out what addresses this instruction accesses", you should have only 1 result)
- make sure you debug "TEST BYTE PTR [R64+R64+10],1" instructions, not something else (like "TEST BYTE PTR [R64+8],1")
- you'll have a sequence like this:

Code: Select all

000000014DF17023 | 48:8B47 08           | MOV RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+8]         |
000000014DF17027 | 48:6348 04           | MOVSXD RCX,DWORD PTR DS:[RAX+4]      |
000000014DF1702B | F64439 10 01         | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RCX+RDI+10],1      |
- the offset to the Player structure is taken out of [RAX+4]
- the offset to the Player sub-systems is taken out of [RAX+8]
- add base + [RAX+8] to your list and inspect its memory; somewhere close to 0x58 or 0x70 you will see a float; that's your HP
- debug that float on access and inspect the results, scrolling up, till you find one that looks like this:

Code: Select all

000000014F0C727B | 48:8B43 08           | MOV RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RBX+8]         |<-
000000014F0C727F | 48:6348 04           | MOVSXD RCX,DWORD PTR DS:[RAX+4]      |<-
000000014F0C7283 | F64419 10 01         | TEST BYTE PTR DS:[RCX+RBX+10],1      |<-
000000014F0C7288 | 0F85 5E010000        | JNE za4_dx12.14F0C73EC               |
000000014F0C728E | 803D 888583F2 00     | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[1418FF81D],0        |
000000014F0C7295 | 0F85 51010000        | JNE za4_dx12.14F0C73EC               |
000000014F0C729B | 48:85DB              | TEST RBX,RBX                         |
000000014F0C729E | 0F84 48010000        | JE za4_dx12.14F0C73EC                |
000000014F0C72A4 | 48:6348 08           | MOVSXD RCX,DWORD PTR DS:[RAX+8]      |<-
000000014F0C72A8 | 0F2F7C19 70          | COMISS XMM7,DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+RBX+70]|<-- checks HP
000000014F0C72AD | 0F83 39010000        | JAE za4_dx12.14F0C73EC               |
000000014F0C72B3 | 49:8B7F 48           | MOV RDI,QWORD PTR DS:[R15+48]        |
000000014F0C72B7 | 48:85FF              | TEST RDI,RDI                         |
- the function above is then hookable, stable and does real-time reading of your HP
- the above represents the hook I use in [ Enable ] script to get all I need :]
- and I think LocalActor can be obtained from the static pointer within "StatTracking.PopulateCurrentBankedScore":

Code: Select all

0000000150AB4186 | 48:8B15 6BE4E9F0     | MOV RDX,QWORD PTR DS:[1419525F8]     |<-- LocalActor
0000000150AB418D | 48:85D2              | TEST RDX,RDX                         |
0000000150AB4190 | 74 16                | JE za4_dx12.150AB41A8                |
0000000150AB4192 | 48:8B42 08           | MOV RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDX+8]         |
0000000150AB4196 | 48:6348 04           | MOVSXD RCX,DWORD PTR DS:[RAX+4]      |
0000000150AB419A | 8B5C11 18            | MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+RDX+18]    |<-- is initialized?
0000000150AB419E | 81FB E7030000        | CMP EBX,3E7                          |

P.S.: That game banner under "Game Process".. yeah, I made that in Fireworks based on the Steam model. Too bad the plugin (or code) STN added into phpBB doesn't cover Epic Store titles as well.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
1.0 / Epic
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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

#1: Updated main post with console goodies :)
#2: Updated with more scripts.
#3: Found targeted position when scope is active, thus you can now TELEPORT to scope position. Kinda fun being able to hop atop roofs and snipe away from there.

Play nice.

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Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by 13last92 »

Hey nice work on all of this, I just got introduced to ZA4 and sniper elite and I find them pretty fun.

My questions is the new 1.3 ct file for me doesn't seem to get the console commands working, it still shows the original commands. The enable part and all the options work just fine. Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by Glokta »

Nice work, thanks a lot for that.

My game seems to have a problem with the Upgrade Tokens.
Every time I activate this option, I get a crash in mission or the mission won't even load if I activate it in directly after I start the game.
Am I doing something wrong or doesn't the Table like the latest updates of the game?

best regards

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by unLucky »

Hey. There is very valuable information collected here. I, so that the commands that you used, you need to put a cross in front of "Console goodies" and after entering the command into the console. I am only new to console commands.

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by wyf36584 »

Dear SunBeam: Hello
I really like the modifier you made,
But for the ZA4.CT downloaded today, after I activate Hook W eapon Scopr Target Coords, the game crashes and exits automatically. Excuse me, is there any solution?

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by TroliusMaximus »

I know this thread is in rigor mortis... However, if someone can throw together a FREEZE HORDE MODE'S MID-WAVE COUNTDOWN TIMER script, I'd be much appreciative.

I can find the values in real-time, and use those by bulk-freezing 50~100 addresses... However, I know that the time clock does not reference that many addresses, and it tends to crash (either in-game, or in the tally menu) if I use that ham-fisted method. That, and no one ever makes a "freeze timer" script / trainer for the ZA / SE games (I managed to make one myself for SE4) -- one of the core functionalities I like to use 😑

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by adamg11 »

when be table for vulkan version ?

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by Blaz0r »

I don't understand coding, but I'm wondering if there's a way to code or trick the game for faster weapon leveling?
Some weapon skills are locked behind objectives (like kill 200 zombies etc.), so I wonder if it's possible to make the game think that you either have done it OR you only need 1 more time to do the given objc. basically same way as Avengers Hero Challenges, where it makes out the objectives, so instead of doing them 10x, you only need 1x.

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by chinso »

hey beautiful SunBeam :p
if the game still interests you or have time to spare, is it possible to make it work on xbox game pass version? just tried it and when I check enable nothing happens. on DX12 of course.

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by Lebynthos »

Thanks for the excellent table as always Sunbeam.

Patreon contribution specifically as an update to the latest release on 23 June 2021?

ZA4 v3.12 2021.06.23.1054694 at 21:39:03 Steam DX12 Release
Password: zombies
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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

Lebynthos wrote:
Sat Jul 03, 2021 3:09 pm
Thanks for the excellent table as always Sunbeam.

Patreon contribution specifically as an update to the latest release on 23 June 2021?

ZA4 v3.12 2021.06.23.1054694 at 21:39:03 Steam DX12 Release

Sure thing, drop by :) After subscribing, please allow Discord acces to Patreon in your profile (My Apps section) so you can get logged into my server. Cheers!

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by Dale »

Can't use teleport get mad message about posx or some stuff only unlimited ammo works

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

Cool, thanks. Please see the post above. I'm not publicly updating the table anymore.

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Re: Zombie Army 4: Dead War [Engine:Asura]

Post by dverdier2 »

Is there an update for this somewhere? I hate how they stop shit from working with updates. I've looked into how to do this but passed searching for a value to change its like an ancient dead language to me.

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