Wow, the table works with the FG repack (which is offline). Can someone make a Hero Editor? I want to have some fun with that oldie (I tried myself, but nah, I'm really bad at such complex things).
For: x86_64 If game is already running table can auto attach.
I added a Hero editor to Breathtaken's great resource table-All credit to him for that!
I was playing it and created a rather sloppy/janked up Hero editor. I tested it on several maps but no guarantees!
Notes: After editing stats, you need to level up I think before the changes are properly reflected (in your hitpoints and mana, and intelligence). the "Added Strength/Agility/Intelligence" will also update when you level up. So you should change the XP to 1 below what you need to level up so it will level up on your next kill.
ALSO do NOT touch the XP until you have gained some (so at beginning of game/map/whatever if you are level 1 with no XP do NOT change it until you have at least a couple XP or else it can glitch). I put in 15 spots as its shared/duplicated so never can tell what slot the hero will populate. Sometimes you can get duplicates but just change strength to determine which one.
ONLY slots with Hero names are valid!
!Every time you load a savegame or load another level/map you MUST deactivate and reactivate script to reload the heros. Also if you gain another hero you must deactivate and reactivate. Also deactivate before loading a savegame/level/map!
oh, and TURN OFF AUTO UPDATES for your game (if you can). Cause i may not fix it on every update.
I have only tested the Prologue and the Human Campaign. If it does not work for later campaigns then you will have to post or PM me your save game folder cause not playing thru the whole game right now.
Last edited by gideon25 on Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hello! Have you bypassed the anti-debug of Reforged? I have never managed to do hardware-breakpoint operations like "Find out what writes to this address", because CE throws an error and x64dbg makes the game exit immediately. Please tell me if you have any clues. Appreciated.