Mono Helper Project

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Mono Helper Project

Post by jgoemat »

Update 2024-02-25 - Cheat Engine 7.5.2, better instructions, simple quick start

* Source: [Link]
* Raft Tutorial: [Link]

To just use it, download the 'Dev.CT' file and activate the 'MonoHelper' table entry while attached to a game that uses mono, or copy the table entry and paste it into your own script. When activated, there will be a new 'Mono->Search' menu item letting you search an image (default to 'Assembly-CSharp' if present) for any classes, fields, and methods containing your search text. Double-clicking opens a 'Class' window showing fields and methods and letting you easily hook those methods.


Known bugs:

* Sometimes it doesn't show all the classes/methods/fields for a name, i.e. typing 'Play' will show 'PlayerStats' class but when you keep typing and add the 'e' it no longer shows up... Hard to track down
* If a class won't open when double-clicking on search results, close the current class window and retry
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Last edited by jgoemat on Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by TimFun13 »

If you do a search on the CEF for "cheat engine form to lua" there's a script to convert forms to lua scripts.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by gideon25 »

jgoemat wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:30 am
I created a cheat table with some forms and external scripts to help analyze games that use mono. ...
So which files over there at the repository do I put into my autorun folder for maximum functionality?

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by gideon25 »

Using cheat engine 7,with the monohelper scripts, cheat engine spits out errors, particularly "Attempt to index a nil value" (global mono) as well as a few other nil values and when I try to use the search under mono its: Error:C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine 7.0\autorun\monomenu.lua:23: attempt to call a nil value (method 'show') and nothing works. Its a shame because the stuff looks pretty cool.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by jgoemat »

@gideon25 Looks like you put the scripts in the cheat engine autorun directory, but they're set to be run from the directory with the cheat table, and the forms have to be in the table too. That might be the reason...


I updated the repo, now it has 'autorun/monohelper.lua' drop the file in your cheat engine autorun folder and it should work (it does for me). Let me know if you get any errors. Now it creates a separate menu 'Mono Search' when a mono game is loaded, using the same code that CE's mono code uses.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by corroder »

This is an old script I am used, just a little modified to generated an LFM file.

Code: Select all

--c = getMainForm()
--c.Visible = false
local path = TrainerOrigin or getMainForm()

if moduleForm then moduleForm.Destroy() end
moduleForm = createForm()
moduleForm.borderStyle = 'bsSingle'
moduleForm.Caption = 'LOL'

bgen = createButton(moduleForm)
bgen.Caption = 'Generate Lua Form Script'

function TranslateToFunction(Str, parent)
   if (type(Str) ~= 'string') then error('Not valid type'); end;
   local action = 'create' .. string.gsub(Str, 'TCE', '')
   if ( Str == 'TTabSheet' and parent and object_getClassName(parent) == 'TCEPageControl') then
      action = parent.getName() .. '.addTab()';
   return action

function GenerateLuaScript(WantedForm)
Form = WantedForm
FormToLua = {}
FormToLua.MainForm = {}
CompCount = Form.getComponentCount() = Form.getName()
FormToLua.MainForm.caption = Form.Caption
FormToLua.MainForm.left = Form.Left = Form.Top
FormToLua.MainForm.width = Form.Width
FormToLua.MainForm.height = Form.Height
FormToLua.MainForm.align = Form.Align
FormToLua.MainForm.enabled = tostring(Form.Enabled)
FormToLua.MainForm.visible = control_getVisible(Form) and 'true' or 'false'
for i=1,CompCount do
   i = i-1
   FormToLua[i] = {}
   Object = UDF1.getComponent(i)
   FormToLua[i].Object_parent = Object.Parent.getName()
   FormToLua[i].Object_type = TranslateToFunction(object_getClassName(Object), Object.Parent) or error("No object type???");
   FormToLua[i].Object_name = Object.getName() or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_caption = Object.caption or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_left = Object.Left or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_top = Object.Top or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_width = Object.Width or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_height = Object.Height or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_align = Object.Align or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_enabled = Object.Enabled and 'true' or false
   FormToLua[i].Object_visible = control_getVisible(Object) and 'true' or false
   FormToLua[i].IsTab = object_getClassName(Object) == 'TTabSheet';
   -- FormToLua[i].Object_color = tostring(Object.Color)
   -- FormToLua[i].Object_font = tostring(Object.Font)

GenerateScript = [[--Creates first the form
]] .. .. [[ = createForm(]] .. FormToLua.MainForm.visible .. [[)

]] .. .. [[.caption = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua.MainForm.caption .. "]]" .. [[

]] .. .. [[.left = ]]  .. FormToLua.MainForm.left .. [[

]] .. .. [[.top = ]]  .. .. [[

]] .. .. [[.width = ]]  .. FormToLua.MainForm.width .. [[

]] .. .. [[.height = ]]  .. FormToLua.MainForm.height .. [[

]] .. .. [[.align = ]]  .. FormToLua.MainForm.align .. [[

]] .. .. [[.enabled = ]]  .. FormToLua.MainForm.enabled .. [[

]] .. .. [[.visible = ]]  .. FormToLua.MainForm.visible

local f = assert('.LFM', "w"))
for line in string.gfind (GenerateScript,"[^\n]+") do
   f:write(line, "\n")

TempText = [[-- Creating the objects]]

for i = 1, CompCount do
   i = i-1
   TempText = TempText ..[[

]] .. (FormToLua[i].IsTab and FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[ = ]] .. FormToLua[i].Object_type or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[ = ]] .. FormToLua[i].Object_type .. [[(]] .. FormToLua[i].Object_parent .. [[)]]) .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_caption == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.caption = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_caption  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_left == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.left = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_left  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_top == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.top = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_top  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_width == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.width = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_width  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_height == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.height = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_height  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_align == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.align = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_align  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_enabled == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.enabled = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_enabled  .. "]]") .. [[

]] .. ((FormToLua[i].Object_visible == false) and '' or FormToLua[i].Object_name .. [[.visible = ]] .. "[[" .. FormToLua[i].Object_visible  .. "]]")

for line in string.gfind (TempText,"[^\n]+") do
   if (line~= '' and #line > 1) then
      f:write(line, "\n")

local mess = [[
Enter FORM NAME you has been created
using CE form designer

function Start()
   CEToLua = createForm(false)
   CEToLua.height = 70
   CEToLua.width = 240
   CEToLua.caption = "Generator"
   CEToLuaButton = createButton(CEToLua)
   CEToLuaButton.caption = "Generate"
   CEToLuaButton.height = 20
   CEToLuaButton.width = 60 = 2
   CEToLuaButton.left = 178
   CEToLuaLabel = createLabel(CEToLua)
   CEToLuaLabel.Caption = mess
   CEToLuaEdit = createEdit(CEToLua)
   CEToLuaEdit.width = 174
   CEToLuaEdit.left = 2 = 2
   CEToLuaEdit.Caption = ""
   CEToLuaButton.onClick = function ()
                        a = CEToLuaEdit.Text
                        if a == "" or a == nil then
                           showMessage("Form name can not be empty")
                           return a
                        loadstring([[test = (]] .. a .. [[ or nil) -- Defines test as a form]])()
                        a = nil
                        if (type(test)~="userdata") then
                           test = nil
                           CEToLuaEdit.Caption = ""
                           showMessage("Sorry but this is not a valid form!")
                        test = nil
                        --crdr.Visible = true

function CETrainerToLua()
   if CEToLua.getVisible() then

function canceled()
 return caFree

function loader()
 c = getMainForm()
 c.Visible = false

function clearance()
 return caFree

--moduleForm.onShow = loader
moduleForm.onClose = clearance
bgen.onClick = CETrainerToLua
CEToLua.onClose = canceled
How to use:
1. Save the script above as a CT file
2. Open with CE (I am use CE 7.0)
3. A LOL form will appear (just ignore it for now)
4. Create your form using CE Form Designer
5. Once you finish, click 'Generate Form Lua Script' on the LOL form
6. Done
7. Check your LFM file on the folder where you start LOL form

In case if you add 'CheckListBox' and/or 'ScrollBox' on your form within CE form designer then check your LFM form
and change 'createTCECheckListBox' to 'createListBox' and 'createTCEScrollBox' to 'createScrollBox'.
I think 'createScrollBox' not work since CE 6.4 till the latest CE version. You can add a scrollbox via a Lua function:

Code: Select all

function createScrollBox(Parent)
 local box = createComponentClass('TScrollBox', Parent)
 box.Parent = Parent
 return box

-- and use with, example:
myscbox = createScrollBox(form_name)
You also able to add a function on the main script which searches inside the generated LFM file for strings 'createTCECheckListBox' then change to 'createListBox' and strings 'createTCEScrollBox' and change to 'createScrollBox'.

Good luck

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by gideon25 »

jgoemat wrote:
Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:14 am
@gideon25 Looks like you put the scripts in the cheat engine autorun directory, but they're set to be run from the directory with the cheat table, and the forms have to be in the table too. That might be the reason...


I updated the repo, now it has 'autorun/monohelper.lua' drop the file in your cheat engine autorun folder and it should work (it does for me). Let me know if you get any errors. Now it creates a separate menu 'Mono Search' when a mono game is loaded, using the same code that CE's mono code uses.
Thanks! However I get this error when I open cheat engine:


Right now I only have the monohelper from your autorun in my the autorun folder. Cheat Engine 7.0

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by jgoemat »

Sorry, try the most recent version. I had some code still in it used to load the separate files. Here's the script by itself, password is 'ce'
Password is 'ce'
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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by gideon25 »

jgoemat wrote:
Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:46 am
Sorry, try the most recent version. I had some code still in it used to load the separate files. Here's the script by itself, password is 'ce'
Ok, no errors and I can see the monosearch menu at the top. So I select Mono Search, then search and I select the Assembly-Csharp. It says "initializing fields and methods" with a green bar that fills then disappears. No other window/menu pops up or anything. It just disappears. Do I need some other files or something to go with that monohelper?

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by jgoemat »

Does another window actually pop-up off screen? That happens to me and I can't figure out why, but I figured it had something to do with my multi-monitor setup. Try hitting ALT+SPACE, then 'm' to move the window. Hit left arrow key and then use the mouse to place the window. Sorry for the trouble, but I don't know why the windows are appearing that way.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by gideon25 »

jgoemat wrote:
Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:15 am
Does another window actually pop-up off screen? That happens to me and I can't figure out why, but I figured it had something to do with my multi-monitor setup. Try hitting ALT+SPACE, then 'm' to move the window. Hit left arrow key and then use the mouse to place the window. Sorry for the trouble, but I don't know why the windows are appearing that way.
Yea, no multiple monitors or any thing. Had DExpot buy uninstalled and rebooted. Then tried everything from changing the scaling thru Nvidia to a number of windows fixes (use cascade all windows, et) that SHOULD show the window if it exists at all. No dice. Bummer.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by jgoemat »

I've updated on 1/4/2021 after having time over the holidays to do some cleanup. Check the actual post where there are direct links to the script and an attached table so you don't have to add it to your autorun directory. Also fixed the window not appearing on screen bug and made a few other cosmetic changes. No need to clone the repository now which I think caused a lot of confusion with my lua files all over the place. Now the source lua is all in 'lua', there's a 'Build' directory for me to use, and a 'Dev.CT' table with a nice menu for doing the build for me.

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by gideon25 »

Yes, works great now. Thanks.. Keep at it, its quick and less clunky than the new .Net viewer in 7.2. Add all the stuff and tools you can think of that would be useful into it! Its all good :)

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by Messy6666 »

Very nice thanks for sharing

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Re: Mono Helper Project

Post by Shtoops »

Wow, this is really cool. Haven't fully figured it out yet, but it's incredibly helpful

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