Updated the table to 1.40 (codex version), didn't check everything so tell me if something is not working.
Added a simple EXP multiplier (doesn't show ingame) and Max FPS scripts.
Credits to l0wb1t, I only changes a few offsets and added two scripts.
Updated the table to 1.40 (codex version), didn't check everything so tell me if something is not working.
Added a simple EXP multiplier (doesn't show ingame) and Max FPS scripts.
Credits to l0wb1t, I only changes a few offsets and added two scripts.
most things seem to work except for the char 1 pointers. Thank you!
Game has updated to 1.60. The EXP box worked for a couple hours, but suddenly became unselectable the next time I booted the table up. I'm curious if there is a quick fix that allows us to just update tables ourselves. However, I'm no programmer, so I can only understand so much of how these tables work.
Does updating a table mean going line by line, an address change, or something else? I'd like to learn how to update the tables I have without having to pester the OP with constant "WhEn UpDaTe?!", you know?
i enabled get alot of items and items do not decrease but my d medals went -469 wth is there anyway to fix this? ,i guess i need to start a new game ha this save is gone