So im making this D3D menu and i don't understand how to create timer and to read memory address with it every 3 seconds or so. I have a pointer to it, i made it with AOB scan.
local RacePointer = getAddress("[Racetime]")
RacePointer = readPointer(RacePointer + 0x1C)
local function MyTimer()
if timer ~= nil
timer.Enabled = true
timer = createTimer()
timer.Interval = 3000
timer.Enabled = false
Option2=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight,'Race Timer: '..RacePointer)
The value shows up correctly but its only read if i click the execute.
You never actually create the timer with that code, since you never call mytimer. What you need to do is put the update code inside the timer function and the timer create code outside the function.
Here are some eample timers. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6492
Just note that the first example is a one shot timer, the third one will run as long as the memory record script is enabled.
You never actually create the timer with that code, what you need to do is put the update code inside the timer function and the timer create code outside the function.
al = getAddressList()
mr = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription("My RaceTimer")
mra = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription("My RaceName")
mrb = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription("Player Size")
mrc = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription("Player Size Starter")
mr.OnGetDisplayValue = function(mr,valuestring)
mra.OnGetDisplayValue = function(mra,valuestringa)
mrb.OnGetDisplayValue = function(mrb,valuestringb)
Option1.Text = 'Player Size: '..valuestringb
Option2.Text = 'Race Timer: '..valuestring -- print value
Option3.Text = 'Race Name: '..valuestringa
but now my problem is that when i load the CT file, i need to manually activate my Auto Assembler Scripts and then execute the LUA code. But i need the LUA to activate/enable my Auto Assembler scripts because i need to read stuff from my AOB Injections.
Is there a reason you have all the OnGetDisplayValue nested together like that? Seems like you should create one function for each that updates that one record using the "valuestring" parameter. With that the first two just sets the others OnGetDisplayValue repetedly and only the third one actually updates the option text. But to activate a memory record just set mr.Active to true. You can look in the celua.txt file in the CE folder for documentation, and the CE Wiki has a fair amount of this stuff documented with examples.
Is there a reason you have all the OnGetDisplayValue nested together like that? Seems like you should create one function for each that updates that one record using the "valuestring" parameter. With that the first two just sets the others OnGetDisplayValue repetedly and only the third one actually updates the option text. But to activate a memory record just set mr.Active to true. You can look in the celua.txt file in the CE folder for documentation, and the CE Wiki has a fair amount of this stuff documented with examples.
and i added the mr.Active=true but i still keep getting error of it not figuring out what the address name is (it can't read it because the AA scripts aren't enabled by the LUA even though i added the mr.Active=true.
That function only has two parameters "memoryrecord" and "valuestring", so "mr" will be "memoryrecord" and "mra" will be "valuestring". and with "mr.Active" "mr" needs to be the memory record that is the AA script.
Here's an example of one I use to format a game time record from seconds to a readable time.
TIME_MR.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' and tonumber(valuestring) ~= nil then
local secs = tonumber(valuestring)
if secs < 0 then
return false, ''
local h = math.floor(secs / (60 * 60))
local m = math.floor(secs / 60 % 60)
local s = math.floor(secs % 60)
return true, string.format("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", h, m, s)
return false, valuestring
and here's an example of one script enabling another. Basically "No Reload" enabling "Infinite Ammo".
if syntaxcheck then return end
local mr = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(78796)
------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
if not mr.Active then
AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active = true
mr.Active = true
------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
if AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active then
AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active = nil
mr.Active = false
I have to get to work, so hopefully someone else will help. If not I'll check back after work today.
That function only has two parameters "memoryrecord" and "valuestring", so "mr" will be "memoryrecord" and "mra" will be "valuestring". and with "mr.Active" "mr" needs to be the memory record that is the AA script.
Here's an example of one I use to format a game time record from seconds to a readable time.
TIME_MR.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' and tonumber(valuestring) ~= nil then
local secs = tonumber(valuestring)
if secs < 0 then
return false, ''
local h = math.floor(secs / (60 * 60))
local m = math.floor(secs / 60 % 60)
local s = math.floor(secs % 60)
return true, string.format("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", h, m, s)
return false, valuestring
and here's an example of one script enabling another. Basically "No Reload" enabling "Infinite Ammo".
if syntaxcheck then return end
local mr = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(78796)
------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
if not mr.Active then
AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active = true
mr.Active = true
------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
if AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active then
AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active = nil
mr.Active = false
I have to get to work, so hopefully someone else will help. If not I'll check back after work today.
So you put lua code in the AOB? Also whats that getMemoryRecordByID(78796) ID value here?
That function only has two parameters "memoryrecord" and "valuestring", so "mr" will be "memoryrecord" and "mra" will be "valuestring". and with "mr.Active" "mr" needs to be the memory record that is the AA script.
Here's an example of one I use to format a game time record from seconds to a readable time.
TIME_MR.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' and tonumber(valuestring) ~= nil then
local secs = tonumber(valuestring)
if secs < 0 then
return false, ''
local h = math.floor(secs / (60 * 60))
local m = math.floor(secs / 60 % 60)
local s = math.floor(secs % 60)
return true, string.format("%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", h, m, s)
return false, valuestring
and here's an example of one script enabling another. Basically "No Reload" enabling "Infinite Ammo".
if syntaxcheck then return end
local mr = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(78796)
------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
if not mr.Active then
AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active = true
mr.Active = true
------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
if AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active then
AmmoClipWrtHook_InfiniteAmmo_Active = nil
mr.Active = false
I have to get to work, so hopefully someone else will help. If not I'll check back after work today.
Okay i tried these now and its super glitchy [Link] and when i click ok to script i get [Link]
and the Lua script just prints same value for different strings [Link] EDIT: i fixed the button click for the script but putting that mr.Active=true inside that script im trying to enable with it is not going to work so i need to put this somehow inside my LUA script that has the timer. Also it still prints those string names but they have same values, does this work? [Link]
Okay i tried these now and its super glitchy [Link] and when i click ok to script i get [Link]
and the Lua script just prints same value for different strings [Link] EDIT: i fixed the button click for the script but putting that mr.Active=true inside that script im trying to enable with it is not going to work so i need to put this somehow inside my LUA script that has the timer. Also it still prints those string names but they have same values, does this work? [Link]
Okay i tried these now and its super glitchy [Link] and when i click ok to script i get [Link]
and the Lua script just prints same value for different strings [Link] EDIT: i fixed the button click for the script but putting that mr.Active=true inside that script im trying to enable with it is not going to work so i need to put this somehow inside my LUA script that has the timer. Also it still prints those string names but they have same values, does this work? [Link]
al = getAddressList()
mrHS = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('HamsterBall Size')
mrRT = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('My RaceTimer')
mrRN = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('My RaceName')
mrHS.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option1.Text = 'Player Size: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
mrRT.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option2.Text = 'Race Timer: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
mrRN.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option3.Text = 'Race Name: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
Okay that almost fixes all my problems, so it does create these texts and give them values properly though some of these don't work (mainly the race timer) [Link] And i still don't know where i activate my Player Size AA AOB script? Also not sure if i should improve these
lineheight=d3dhook_texture_getHeight(fontmap) --fontmap inherits from texture so this can be used
Option1=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50,'Player Size: '..PlayerSize)
Option2=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight,'Race Timer: '..RacePointer)
Option3=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight*2,'Race Name: '..RaceName)
In a sense that the concatenate strings are the functions that get the addresses... EDIT: hmm the race timer actually works now,weird so my current problem would be starting the AA AOB script after i click execute, also wanted to ask that how would i setup something like this [Link] so that it would print text 'Camera Positions: (x,y,z)' ?
Okay that almost fixes all my problems, so it does create these texts and give them values properly though some of these don't work (mainly the race timer) [Link] And i still don't know where i activate my Player Size AA AOB script? Also not sure if i should improve these
lineheight=d3dhook_texture_getHeight(fontmap) --fontmap inherits from texture so this can be used
Option1=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50,'Player Size: '..PlayerSize)
Option2=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight,'Race Timer: '..RacePointer)
Option3=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight*2,'Race Name: '..RaceName)
In a sense that the concatenate strings are the functions that get the addresses... EDIT: hmm the race timer actually works now,weird so my current problem would be starting the AA AOB script after i click execute, also wanted to ask that how would i setup something like this [Link] so that it would print text 'Camera Positions: (x,y,z)' ?
No sure where to put the activator for the AA script. How are you attaching to the process, and where is the rest of the script, is this a table or a trainer? You could try a timer and check for the process, then enable the AA script. Or just have the AA script also run the Lua code, and just nane the script "Enable This" or something like that.
//------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
// AOB script enable section here
al = getAddressList()
mrHS = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('HamsterBall Size')
mrRT = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('My RaceTimer')
mrRN = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('My RaceName')
mrHS.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option1.Text = 'Player Size: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
mrRT.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option2.Text = 'Race Timer: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
mrRN.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
local x = readFloat('[playerpos]+758')
local y = readFloat('[playerpos]+75C')
local z = readFloat('[playerpos]+760')
if x ~= nil and y ~= nil and z ~= nil then
OptionPOS.Text = string.format('Camera Position: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f', x, y, z)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option3.Text = 'Race Name: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
//------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
// AOB script disable section here
Okay that almost fixes all my problems, so it does create these texts and give them values properly though some of these don't work (mainly the race timer) [Link] And i still don't know where i activate my Player Size AA AOB script? Also not sure if i should improve these
lineheight=d3dhook_texture_getHeight(fontmap) --fontmap inherits from texture so this can be used
Option1=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50,'Player Size: '..PlayerSize)
Option2=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight,'Race Timer: '..RacePointer)
Option3=d3dhook_createTextContainer(fontmap,1,50+lineheight*2,'Race Name: '..RaceName)
In a sense that the concatenate strings are the functions that get the addresses... EDIT: hmm the race timer actually works now,weird so my current problem would be starting the AA AOB script after i click execute, also wanted to ask that how would i setup something like this [Link] so that it would print text 'Camera Positions: (x,y,z)' ?
No sure where to put the activator for the AA script. How are you attaching to the process, and where is the rest of the script, is this a table or a trainer? You could try a timer and check for the process, then enable the AA script. Or just have the AA script also run the Lua code, and just nane the script "Enable This" or something like that.
//------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
// AOB script enable section here
al = getAddressList()
mrHS = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('HamsterBall Size')
mrRT = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('My RaceTimer')
mrRN = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('My RaceName')
mrHS.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option1.Text = 'Player Size: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
mrRT.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option2.Text = 'Race Timer: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
mrRN.OnGetDisplayValue = function(memoryrecord, valuestring)
local x = readFloat('[playerpos]+758')
local y = readFloat('[playerpos]+75C')
local z = readFloat('[playerpos]+760')
if x ~= nil and y ~= nil and z ~= nil then
OptionPOS.Text = string.format('Camera Position: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f', x, y, z)
if type(valuestring) == 'string' then
Option3.Text = 'Race Name: ' .. valuestring
return true, valuestring
return false, valuestring
//------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
// AOB script disable section here
Okay one more thing, how do i hide/disable all these texts if i press button lets say tilde button (0xc0)?
You can use a script with a hotkey that toggles the script then in that script set the fonmap's "Visible" property to false if true and true if false (or a simple "fm.Visible = not fm.Visible") in the main section of the script so it runs when enabled and disabled. Not really sure thought, never messed with the D3D mutch.
You can use a script with a hotkey that toggles the script then in that script set the fonmap's "Visible" property to false if true and true if false (or a simple "fm.Visible = not fm.Visible") in the main section of the script so it runs when enabled and disabled. Not really sure thought, never messed with the D3D mutch.
Thank you so much for helping me with everything so far, i tried
You can use a script with a hotkey that toggles the script then in that script set the fonmap's "Visible" property to false if true and true if false (or a simple "fm.Visible = not fm.Visible") in the main section of the script so it runs when enabled and disabled. Not really sure thought, never messed with the D3D mutch.
Thank you so much for helping me with everything so far, i tried
function keydown(virtualkey,char)
if (virtualkey==VK_UP) then
as i can't find fontmap function in any cheat engine wiki page and even this sadly doesn't work..
Yeah, sometimes it's best to look in the "celua.txt" file in the CE folder, it has a list of functions and classes. Then I hit ctrl-f and enter what I'm looking for. The return from "createD3DHook" has a "OnKeyDown" property as well. And see if toggling the fontmap's "Visible" property works, you could create the fontmap then set visible to false and only show the text after the key is pressed. And in the code above you'll be creating a new fontmap every time a key is pressed except when it's the up key, so you'll want to move where you create the fontmap, or at least check for nil and create a font map only if it hasn't been created yet.