Of course the front page one doesn't work, it hasn't been properly updated since the major change to the game in May with the massive update and multi-platform release.
The reason that people are asking for an update is, for some reason, the table you linked has stopped working for the latest game version (1.1.290) for a lot of people.
can confirm, the table behind the update 4 post does not work.
but since most of the table creators do these things in their free time: learn to be patient.
just play some other game. or look elsewhere in the internetz. it's full of trainers. no ads here.
It does work, but you must follow the instructions to put "FindNthAOBResult.lua.ct" into your CE folder and you must load the table and press the script loading button (the clock icon) during MW5 loading when just started up. For some reason the script wont work if the game has already fired up when you run it, atleast for me. Also choose the right process (MW - Win64 - Shipping) from the process list rather than from the application list.
It does work, but you must follow the instructions to put "FindNthAOBResult.lua.ct" into your CE folder and you must load the table and press the script loading button (the clock icon) during MW5 loading when just started up. For some reason the script wont work if the game has already fired up when you run it, atleast for me. Also choose the right process (MW - Win64 - Shipping) from the process list rather than from the application list.
oh boy, the game loads way to fast. :lol:
the moment i am able to load the script i'm already in main menu.
loading app/process is no difference for me (at least the offset is the same).
i'll just wait for an update, until then other tools will have to work as plan B. ;)
It does work, but you must follow the instructions to put "FindNthAOBResult.lua.ct" into your CE folder and you must load the table and press the script loading button (the clock icon) during MW5 loading when just started up. For some reason the script wont work if the game has already fired up when you run it, atleast for me. Also choose the right process (MW - Win64 - Shipping) from the process list rather than from the application list.
You are wrong. Table doesn't work at all on latest version of game.
oh boy, the game loads way to fast.
the moment i am able to load the script i'm already in main menu.
loading app/process is no difference for me (at least the offset is the same).
i'll just wait for an update, until then other tools will have to work as plan B.
Guess you aren't too fast in alt+tab-ing then. There is the three warning/info/blablabla text screens in the beginning and I have no problem alt+tab-ing to CE, press the process/program button which opens already the process tab and choose the right process and even alt+tab back before the game is in the main screen.
Guess you aren't too fast in alt+tab-ing then. There is the three warning/info/blablabla text screens in the beginning and I have no problem alt+tab-ing to CE, press the process/program button which opens already the process tab and choose the right process and even alt+tab back before the game is in the main screen.
Which store and table version are you using? The current version of the table auto attaches. Alt-tabbing to attach isn't an issue either way with multiple monitors anyway so that shouldn't be the relevant 'fix'. Each time I launch and try to activate the script, a various aob error is shown in the right click shortcut menu. Most frequently it is the pilotskillenumerator but has sometimes been other ones. As I said before, it worked fine with EGS prior to the most recent game update which is when the issues started to occur.
If everyone could post the store platform I would think that version information might help to see if the table has an issue with the different versions.