Options so far:
Always Max Hunger Gauge
Infinite HP
Set Max Attack
Set Max Defense
Minimum Inventory Quantity
Infinite Stamina
Gratitude Point Multiplier
Moon Jump Pointer (Press Hotkey)
Can Craft All Known Recipes/No Material Requirement
Infinite Items While Crafting
Gathering Items Multiplier
Instant Cook Time
Pointers to Inventory Quantity and Item ID
Pointers to Current HP, Max HP, Hunger Gauge, Attack, Defense, Stamina, Gratitude Points, Mini Medals
These may port over to the release version fairly easily and I plan on working on some more things when the game releases on December 10th, 2019.
I fixed Infinite HP to calculate all of your Max HP to set your current HP to. There are 2 pointers now for Base Max HP and Additional Max HP. I also added in the Item ID list that I found on the Internet from when it was released on consoles. If the name is the same it usually means there are various colors you can choose but I put the ID in parenthesis in these cases.
Here are some useful items according to the file I downloaded:
Code: Select all
287 - Golden Brazier
3F1 - Obsidian
3FE - Basalt
485 - Marble
61D - Gold Brick
6A7 - Golden Tile
2C1 - Fur
477 - Egg
478 - Milk
1A9 - Coal
1AA - Copper
1AB - Iron
1C4 - Malrothium
1CD - Gold
1FB - Orichalcum
209 - Mythril
241 - Zenithium
242 - Ruby
248 - Silver
290 - Diamond
29D - Magnetite
279 - Spectacular Shrooms-on-a-Stick
6D2 - Spectacular Savoury Smoothie
85D - Spectacular Slime Bun
927 - Spectacular Steak
92E - Spectacular Stir-Fry
930 - Spectacular Soldier's Stew
934 - Spectacular Sailor's Stew
939 - Spectacular Seafood Salad
93E - Spectacular Saucy Spaghetti
DC3 - Spectacular Smoked Salmon
DC5 - Spectacular Squid-on-a-Stick
DCD - Spectacular Salmon Rice Ball
7C - Mason's Workstation
22A - Carpenter's Workstation
2FE - Wizard's Workbench
3AF - Builder's Workbench (Lv5)
546 - Colour Wheel
54D - Machinist's Workbench
54E - Welder's Workbench
551 - Furnace
703 - Infernal Workbench (Lv3)
77C - Wooden Workbench (Lv4)
9F7 - Stone Workbench (Lv4)
9FA - Iron Workbench (Lv4)
Bomb / Stationary Weapon:
19D - Rusty Wrecking Ball
534 - Evil Idol
559 - Cannon
55D - Ballista
55E - Magic Cannon
575 - Wrecking Ball
Debug Blocks:
316 - Freshwater
317 - Poison Water
318 - Swamp Water
319 - Mud Water
31A - Thermal Water
31B - Lava
31C - Seawater
4A5 - Red Water
554 - Millennium Buggy Buggy
6F9 - Black Hole (Note: don't save your game after using this!)
C51 - Buggy Buggy
C52 - Lightning Buggy Buggy
I added a couple more things. Set Max Attack and Defense and also an option to Set Minimum Quantity for slots in your inventory. This should help with gathering items.
Added Infinite Stamina option by request and a pointer to Stamina.
I added a pointer to Gratitude Points (Hearts). I think the main thing I haven't done is the mini medal pointer, but might wait until game releases for that.
EDIT 4.5:
I fixed the Gratitude Point Pointer to 4 Bytes and also added in a Gratitude Point Multiplier if you want to speed things up that way. Someone said the points don't update until you get a heart normally, but you can put a Gratitude Point item in your inventory and put the quantity (they only count 1 point a piece when you add them to your inventory). Then you discard the item in your inventory and you can pick up the heart.
EDIT 5.0:
Someone did a moon jump option for the Switch version. I was able to search the memory around the area and ported it over to this version of the game. I have the pointer and setup a hotkey of the B button on the Xbox 360 controller or the spacebar on keyboard. This writes the value 0.25 to the pointer which gives you moon jump while pressing the button.
EDIT 5.1:
I made it so you can turn the hotkeys off and on for moon jump so it doesn't have to always be enabled if you don't want it to be. Just a minor update for that.
EDIT 5.5:
Okay, I think this might be last update for this until release. I tracked down the Mini Medal pointer. It now has most options you would need.
EDIT 6.0:
I guess I lied. I thought a Can Craft All Known Recipes/No Material Requirement option might be useful so I came up with it. With this option, you can craft all known recipes on the workbench or anvil and it doesn't take any item from your inventory to craft. To learn recipes, you can modify the workbench item in your inventory to level 4 for example to know all recipes for the first story chapter if you wish.
EDIT 6.5:
I added in a few things as I was playing. I put in just a Infinite Items While Crafting. This option just makes it so crafting doesn't cost items. The Craft All Known Recipes has this option also, but I made it separate with this other option I added. I also added in a Gather Items Multiplier with a default multiplier of 2. This makes it so when getting items from gathering or crafting you get more than 1 at a time. I reworked the Moon Jump option as I found sometimes it stopped working.
EDIT 6.6:
I was able to get Instant Cook Time working. Enjoy!
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1