Deskaar wrote: ↑Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:51 pm
Marcus101RR wrote: ↑Sat Nov 23, 2019 6:43 pm
RGB Color For LightSaber?
7320320 Green
4161279 Blue
I ended up finding these, but I am not sure if these lead you to changing those. Code below is lightsaber data, should let you customize it. It seems to use RGB/ALPHA codes
Also, you can have both sabers different colors:
{ Game : starwarsjedifallenorder.exe
Date : 2019-11-23
Author : Marcus101RR
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(sabercolor,starwarsjedifallenorder.exe,0F 10 00 B0 01 41) // should be unique
movups xmm0,[rax]
mov al,01
jmp return
jmp newmem
db 0F 10 00 B0 01
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7187F
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7185E: FF 90 58 02 00 00 - call qword ptr [rax+00000258]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71864: 49 89 E9 - mov r9,rbp
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71867: 49 89 F0 - mov r8,rsi
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7186A: 48 89 DA - mov rdx,rbx
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7186D: 48 89 C1 - mov rcx,rax
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71870: 4C 8B 10 - mov r10,[rax]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71873: 41 FF 52 58 - call qword ptr [r10+58]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71877: EB 13 - jmp starwarsjedifallenorder.exe+1BB7188C
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71879: 48 83 C0 10 - add rax,10
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7187D: 74 BB - je starwarsjedifallenorder.exe+1BB7183A
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7187F: 0F 10 00 - movups xmm0,[rax]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71882: B0 01 - mov al,01
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71884: 41 0F 11 00 - movups [r8],xmm0
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71888: EB 02 - jmp starwarsjedifallenorder.exe+1BB7188C
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7188A: 30 C0 - xor al,al
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7188C: 48 8B 5C 24 30 - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71891: 48 8B 6C 24 38 - mov rbp,[rsp+38]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB71896: 48 8B 74 24 40 - mov rsi,[rsp+40]
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7189B: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB7189F: 5F - pop rdi
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB718A0: C3 - ret
"starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"+1BB718A1: CC - int 3
How did you manage this?
The code above will give you the closest address to it, you just have to sniff them out, they are close to the player pointers mostly.
In any case, they are floats and are always between 0 and 1. There are 4 sets, 3 each (RGB). 2 for the saber color, and 2 for the glow color. I'm no expert at parsing the information and making this into a saber script, but changing these values will result in the saber colors changing. If you want to easily get it:
starwarsjedifallenorder.exe+1BB11D7E - 0F11 41 10 - movups [rcx+10],xmm0
Goto that address, change your saber color via the station, then change any/all the accessed addresses that show up as 1, these are the bases, make sure to add +4 and +8 to each one as the first one is always RED, so you need GREEN and BLUE to edit the full color spectrum.