Oop, no assert then ig, didn't have time to check it out in game, and yeah... ": x" makes a mad face lmao, while I meant a silent one with it's mouth shut LOL.
Recifense's table seems to work just fine on my game, even though it appears to be missing the instructions (comments). Some of the province-pointers in CompactDisc's table may need some revision however. Local Autonomy stays at 0 even though it's 35-75 in many of my provinces (I overextended a bit). So now my game slows down to a crawl since my reformation depends on low autonomy. Oh, well.
Which reminds me, I'd recommend against using the Quick Province Ownership function. Things get really weird. I accidentally had it on while at war and as expected every province I had occupied became mine as soon as I clicked on it. But afterwards the game seems to half-think it still belongs to the previous owner, giving me a Casus Belli to reconquer it and the previous owner a penalty for having the wrong religion/culture (since I converted it). Only gets fixed once the previous owner no longer considers it a core province. No problem for me, players should just be aware of this.
Recifense's table seems to work just fine on my game, even though it appears to be missing the instructions (comments). Some of the province-pointers in CompactDisc's table may need some revision however. Local Autonomy stays at 0 even though it's 35-75 in many of my provinces (I overextended a bit). So now my game slows down to a crawl since my reformation depends on low autonomy. Oh, well.
Which reminds me, I'd recommend against using the Quick Province Ownership function. Things get really weird. I accidentally had it on while at war and as expected every province I had occupied became mine as soon as I clicked on it. But afterwards the game seems to half-think it still belongs to the previous owner, giving me a Casus Belli to reconquer it and the previous owner a penalty for having the wrong religion/culture (since I converted it). Only gets fixed once the previous owner no longer considers it a core province. No problem for me, players should just be aware of this.
You're correct about the autonomy pointers. Try replacing the address with pProvince+21C. That should do it.
As for the quick ownership, that seems like a bug in Reci's table. He probably didn't alter all the necessary values in the script.
Upon further exploration, the quick ownership is indeed very messed up. The province is controlled and owned by me, but the game mechanics still think it belong to the original owner. So I keep getting Casus Belli to conquer it among other things. No problem, I like taking them legitimately anyways.
I discovered the "States" pointer under technology, so 175 states later (and -5 Territories?) I now have 0% Autonomy and am very much closer to my ultimate goal of conquering the world using a tiny one-province native American tribe and converting everybody to Animism. Thanks!
Looks like the Autonomy works when it's not at minimum. So when the minimum is 75%, that will be reflected as 0 in the table. Bit confusing, since setting it higher didn't change anything in the past, but so be it.
Upon further exploration, the quick ownership is indeed very messed up. The province is controlled and owned by me, but the game mechanics still think it belong to the original owner. So I keep getting Casus Belli to conquer it among other things. No problem, I like taking them legitimately anyways.
I discovered the "States" pointer under technology, so 175 states later (and -5 Territories?) I now have 0% Autonomy and am very much closer to my ultimate goal of conquering the world using a tiny one-province native American tribe and converting everybody to Animism. Thanks!
Looks like the Autonomy works when it's not at minimum. So when the minimum is 75%, that will be reflected as 0 in the table. Bit confusing, since setting it higher didn't change anything in the past, but so be it.
Ah, the Autonomy in the table is the 'Base' Autonomy. The 75% minimum autonomy is a modifier, those are not accounted for in the table (it's hard to do so, would require programming code to find all modifiers).
Any way to make the autonomy and devastation modifier work only for your nation's provinces? Because when I'm in a war, and I click on an enemy's province while having the autonomy freezed to 0, they immediately lose the "War Exhaustion" from devastation and autonomy .