Don't you just need the admin level to unlock the idea slots? editing the number of the idea group pointers doesn't seem to do anything, editing just the admin level to 29 unlocks all slots and you can pick and choose and then edit the admin level to where it was before, you can also use console:
Code: Select all
add_idea_group innovativeness_ideas
add_idea_group spy_ideas
add_idea_group religious_ideas
add_idea_group diplomatic_ideas
add_idea_group economic_ideas
add_idea_group trade_ideas
add_idea_group expansion_ideas
add_idea_group exploration_ideas
add_idea_group administrative_ideas
add_idea_group maritime_ideas
add_idea_group humanist_ideas
add_idea_group influence_ideas
add_idea_group aristocracy_ideas
add_idea_group offensive_ideas
add_idea_group defensive_ideas
add_idea_group quality_ideas
add_idea_group quantity_ideas
add_idea_group naval_ideas
I originally thought if I edited the idea pointer to more than 8, I can choose 10 or more idea groups but that doesn't seem to be the case, you can add more than 8 by the console but they will be added out of border. You can install The Tenth Idea mod and the ideas will be listed within the border even if you add all idea groups, I believe you only need the interface part of the mod to be able to use it in ironman as well, haven't tried.
An instant prosperity for all your states or when you create a state will be great, thank you for all the cheats.