Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by cfemen »

rapitrone wrote:
Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:55 pm
Skill points are one or all of these. It worked for me.

yeah it worked for you coz this addresses can only work for you :roll:
but it wont work at someones else machine.

i just downloaded the game, just n small table from me with things i searched for now:
activate it if you are in the level, not in the main menu,and not while fighting with enemy!

-Max Health Pointer


Stamina Pointer

Force Pointer

-Easy Kills
works best with monster, stormtroopers have protection against the lightsabers.

-Skill Pointer

-Stim Pointer @rambo99jose!
info : if you are dying you need to refresh the pointer -> Hotkey F1
i made this because i didnt look yet for a compare, coz this i made sure my main scripts stops updating if its found the player pointer ( this function also gets used while fighting with bosses)
Updated Table:
added an table without the need for refresh the pointer.
only tested on updated version

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
newest table:
auto. pointer
only tested on updated version
(268.91 KiB) Downloaded 1200 times
newest table:
F1 Hotkey to refresh pointer
(268.95 KiB) Downloaded 346 times
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Last edited by cfemen on Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by pablo.vizzi »

Hey, is there any way to have a walk toggle?, would be amaizing..

And, its possible to get the enemies free, i mean, most of them get stuck on their sector, but, should following us..

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by xandre434 »

I'm trying to figure out how to increase blaster projectile speed. Having trouble isolating the right addresses in CE. Plz help :(

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by kay0 »

xandre434 wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:10 pm
I'm trying to figure out how to increase blaster projectile speed. Having trouble isolating the right addresses in CE. Plz help :(

Code: Select all

[00003490] 000000001E24E300 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.IsInterpolationComplete.ReturnValue
[00003491] 000000001DED79C0 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.IsVelocityUnderSimulationThreshold
[00003492] 000000001E24E400 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.IsVelocityUnderSimulationThreshold.ReturnValue
[00003493] 000000001DED7900 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.LimitVelocity
[00003494] 000000001E24E480 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.LimitVelocity.ReturnValue
[00003495] 000000001E331880 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.LimitVelocity.NewVelocity
[00003496] 000000001DED7300 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MoveInterpolationTarget
[00003497] 000000001E331900 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MoveInterpolationTarget.NewRotation
[00003498] 000000001E331980 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MoveInterpolationTarget.NewLocation
[00003499] 000000001E3B04C0 DelegateFunction Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileBounceDelegate__DelegateSignature
[00003500] 000000001E331A00 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileBounceDelegate__DelegateSignature.ImpactVelocity
[00003501] 000000001E331A80 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileBounceDelegate__DelegateSignature.ImpactResult
[00003502] 000000001DED73C0 DelegateFunction Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileStopDelegate__DelegateSignature
[00003503] 000000001E331B00 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileStopDelegate__DelegateSignature.ImpactResult
[00003504] 000000001E3BBA40 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.ResetInterpolation
[00003505] 000000001E3BBEC0 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.SetInterpolatedComponent
[00003506] 000000001E331B80 ObjectProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.SetInterpolatedComponent.Component
[00003507] 000000001E3BBC80 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.SetVelocityInLocalSpace
[00003508] 000000001E331C00 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.SetVelocityInLocalSpace.NewVelocity
[00003509] 000000001E3BBD40 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.StopSimulating
[00003510] 000000001E331C80 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.StopSimulating.HitResult
[00003511] 000000001DDBC3A0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.InterpLocationSnapToTargetDistance
[00003512] 000000001DDBB300 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.InterpLocationMaxLagDistance
[00003513] 000000001DDBBCA0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.InterpRotationTime
[00003514] 000000001DDBBD10 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.InterpLocationTime
[00003515] 000000001DDBBD80 IntProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.BounceAdditionalIterations
[00003516] 000000001DDBBDF0 IntProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MaxSimulationIterations
[00003517] 000000001DDBBE60 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MaxSimulationTimeStep
[00003518] 000000001E331D00 WeakObjectProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.HomingTargetComponent
[00003519] 000000001DDBBED0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.HomingAccelerationMagnitude
[00003520] 000000001E331E00 MulticastDelegateProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileStop
[00003521] 000000001E331E80 MulticastDelegateProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.OnProjectileBounce
[00003522] 000000001DDBBF40 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MinFrictionFraction
[00003523] 000000001DDBBFB0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.BounceVelocityStopSimulatingThreshold
[00003524] 000000001DDBC020 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.Friction
[00003525] 000000001DDBC090 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.Bounciness
[00003526] 000000001DDBC100 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.Buoyancy
[00003527] 000000001DDBC170 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.ProjectileGravityScale
[00003528] 000000001E330380 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.PreviousHitNormal
[00003529] 000000001DDBC1E0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.PreviousHitTime
[00003530] 000000001E331F80 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bInterpRotation
[00003531] 000000001E332000 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bInterpMovement
[00003532] 000000001E332080 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bIsSliding
[00003533] 000000001E332100 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bBounceAngleAffectsFriction
[00003534] 000000001E330080 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bIsHomingProjectile
[00003535] 000000001E330100 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bSweepCollision
[00003536] 000000001E330180 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bSimulationEnabled
[00003537] 000000001E330200 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bForceSubStepping
[00003538] 000000001E330280 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bInitialVelocityInLocalSpace
[00003539] 000000001E330300 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bShouldBounce
[00003540] 000000001E330400 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bRotationFollowsVelocity
[00003541] 000000001DDBC250 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MaxSpeed
[00003542] 000000001DDBC2C0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.InitialSpeed
Maybe this could be useful for you

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by xandre434 »

kay0 wrote:
Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:51 am
xandre434 wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:10 pm
I'm trying to figure out how to increase blaster projectile speed. Having trouble isolating the right addresses in CE. Plz help :(

Code: Select all

[00003490] 000000001E24E300 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.IsInterpolationComplete.ReturnValue
[00003491] 000000001DED79C0 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.IsVelocityUnderSimulationThreshold
[00003492] 000000001E24E400 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.IsVelocityUnderSimulationThreshold.ReturnValue
[00003493] 000000001DED7900 Function Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.LimitVelocity
[00003494] 000000001E24E480 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.LimitVelocity.ReturnValue
[00003495] 000000001E331880 StructProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.LimitVelocity.NewVelocity
[00003539] 000000001E330300 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bShouldBounce
[00003540] 000000001E330400 BoolProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.bRotationFollowsVelocity
[00003541] 000000001DDBC250 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.MaxSpeed
[00003542] 000000001DDBC2C0 FloatProperty Engine.ProjectileMovementComponent.InitialSpeed
Maybe this could be useful for you
I have the complete name and object dumps already, but honestly have no idea what i'm doing. i've been trying to teach myself how identify any addresses in this game and can't figure it out lol. i just want to speed up these blaster projectiles man it's like they're throwing pool noodles at me

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by TemptingIcarus »

Picked up the game today. Gonna give this table a whirl. Thanks for your hard work SB.

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by TheByteSize »

Here is basic table.
  • Inf HP
  • Inf Stamina
  • Inf Force
  • Damage Modifier
    -This is multiplier so: 0 = take no damage, 0.5 = half damage, 1 = normal, 2 = 2x damage. You can enter value to make game harder or easier by taken more or less damage for both MC and Enemy.
  • SP Exp Multiplier
v1.1 - fixed the exp address checker

Back up your save files before using EXP Multiplier. I did what I can to single out unique condition but you never know and I haven't gone far in game.
Thanks for the pointers list.
starwarsjedifallenorder v1.1.CT
fixed exp address checker
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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by kay0 »

disable the motion blur via console

Code: Select all

r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur 0
anyone working on a walk key?

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by IcyPurpose99 »

Here is a pointer system, it might not work as i haven't narrowed down the "universal" ones that work for most machines. Hopefully these pointers help sniff out the rest of the data, I may also have found Force/Health Essence pointer as well.

If anything doesn't work, respond to this post, if everything works, just upvote this and thanks.


Health Pointer
Force Pointer
Stim Canister (Max & Current)
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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by kay0 »

[00003350] 000000005CBB5380 Function Engine.MovementComponent.IsExceedingMaxSpeed
[00003351] 0000000055804080 BoolProperty Engine.MovementComponent.IsExceedingMaxSpeed.ReturnValue
[00003352] 000000005CAAE240 FloatProperty Engine.MovementComponent.IsExceedingMaxSpeed.MaxSpeed
[00003353] 000000005CBB5200 Function Engine.MovementComponent.K2_GetMaxSpeedModifier
[00003354] 000000005CAADF30 FloatProperty Engine.MovementComponent.K2_GetMaxSpeedModifier.ReturnValue
[00003355] 000000005CBB52C0 Function Engine.MovementComponent.K2_GetModifiedMaxSpeed
[00003356] 000000005CAAE1D0 FloatProperty Engine.MovementComponent.K2_GetModifiedMaxSpeed.ReturnValue
[00003357] 000000005C4C0400 Function Engine.MovementComponent.K2_MoveUpdatedComponent
[00003358] 0000000055806480 BoolProperty Engine.MovementComponent.K2_MoveUpdatedComponent.ReturnValue
[00003359] 0000000055806500 BoolProperty

[00017403] 000000005CC11400 StructProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetCurrentAcceleration.ReturnValue
[00017404] 000000005C8F9280 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetImpartedMovementBaseVelocity
[00017405] 000000005CC11380 StructProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetImpartedMovementBaseVelocity.ReturnValue
[00017406] 000000005C8F91C0 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetLastUpdateLocation
[00017407] 000000005CC11300 StructProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetLastUpdateLocation.ReturnValue
[00017408] 000000005C8F9100 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetLastUpdateRotation
[00017409] 000000005CC11280 StructProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetLastUpdateRotation.ReturnValue
[00017410] 000000005C8F9040 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetLastUpdateVelocity
[00017411] 000000005CC11200 StructProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetLastUpdateVelocity.ReturnValue
[00017412] 000000005C8F8F80 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxAcceleration
[00017413] 000000005CABF900 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxAcceleration.ReturnValue
[00017414] 000000005C8F8EC0 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxBrakingDeceleration
[00017415] 000000005CABF890 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxBrakingDeceleration.ReturnValue
[00017416] 000000005C8F8E00 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxJumpHeight
[00017417] 000000005CABF820 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxJumpHeight.ReturnValue
[00017418] 000000005C8F8D40 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime
[00017419] 000000005CABF7B0 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMaxJumpHeightWithJumpTime.ReturnValue
[00017420] 000000005C8F8C80 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMinAnalogSpeed
[00017421] 000000005CABF740 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMinAnalogSpeed.ReturnValue
[00017422] 000000005C8F8BC0 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMovementBase
[00017423] 000000005CC13180 ObjectProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetMovementBase.ReturnValue
[00017424] 000000005C8F8B00 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetPerchRadiusThreshold
[00017425] 000000005CABF6D0 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetPerchRadiusThreshold.ReturnValue
[00017426] 000000005C8F8A40 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetValidPerchRadius
[00017427] 000000005CABF660 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GetValidPerchRadius.ReturnValue
[00017428] 000000005C8F8980 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.IsWalkable
[00017429] 000000005CC13100 BoolProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.IsWalkable.ReturnValue
[00017430] 000000005CC13080 StructProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.IsWalkable.Hit
[00017431] 000000005C8F88C0 Function Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.IsWalking
[00017432] 000000005CC13000 BoolProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.IsWalking.ReturnValue[/code]
[00017600] 000000005CCB29A0 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MaxAcceleration
[00017601] 000000005CCB2930 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MaxCustomMovementSpeed
[00017602] 000000005CCB28C0 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MaxFlySpeed
[00017603] 000000005CCB2850 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MaxSwimSpeed
[00017604] 000000005CCB27E0 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MaxWalkSpeedCrouched
[00017605] 000000005CCB2770 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MaxWalkSpeed
[00017606] 000000005CCB2700 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.GroundFriction
[00017609] 000000005CC14880 ByteProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.CustomMovementMode
[00017610] 000000005CC14800 ByteProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.MovementMode
[00017613] 000000005CCB25B0 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.JumpOffJumpZFactor
[00017614] 000000005CCB2540 FloatProperty Engine.CharacterMovementComponent.JumpZVelocity
[00017615] 000000005CCB24D0 FloatProperty

[00022222] 000000005CD3CB80 FloatProperty RsGameTechRT.RsCharacterDefinition.RunSpeed
[00022223] 000000005CD3CB10 FloatProperty RsGameTechRT.RsCharacterDefinition.JogSpeed
[00022224] 000000005C7D3100 BoolProperty

[00030283] 0000000031857EF0 FloatProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.WalkingAcceleration
[00030284] 0000000031857E80 FloatProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.WalkingSpeed
[00030285] 0000000031857E10 FloatProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.WalkingFriction
[00030286] 0000000031857DA0 FloatProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.maxPitch
[00030287] 0000000031857D30 FloatProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.MinPitch
[00030288] 0000000031879400 StructProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.MaxRotationalVelocity
[00030289] 0000000031879380 StructProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.RotationalDeceleration
[00030290] 0000000031879300 StructProperty ArchVisCharacter.ArchVisCharMovementComponent.RotationalAcceleration
[00030291] 0000000031857CC0 IntProperty

Can anyone figure out how to create a movement speed modifier with this? We need to be able to toggle walk for KB+M :?

lots of people are asking for it:

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by TheByteSize »

updated my original post with a basic table.
you can find it here

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Hey guys.

This will take a little longer, as I figured if games keep updating like this, I won't keep up with the process. So I want to work out a method to find, map and be able to update this mapping in future updates for the internal UE4 functions of interest to us. Like these:


So I'll post the dumper (you can already use that with Otis' Universal Console Unlocker) and an incipient table that won't prove too useful to the gamer. I'll update it whenever I finish the auto-updater. Already got the 2500+ game Classes with a CE Lua script and wanna do more with this:

So.. dumper + table, later today.

Best regards,

P.S.: In case you wonder why there's no fly/ghost/walk and might not be in any trainers out there, well, gamehackers are just gamehackers. Plus there was no public information by the time they wrote their trainers with 3-4 simplistic options for an AAA game. Which is sad, now remembering how praised they were/are from time to time by clueless fags.

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by KS212 »

If dismemberment is ever made for human models it will be a pretty extensive mod with new meshes, not anything easily achieved.

+1 on the Unlock All Outfits/Database/Customization tho as there is no NG+... its infinitely moronically stupid. A game like this has absolutely NO replay value w/o NG+. Nobody wants to unlock everything over and over after doing it all once.

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

^ There is a console command called "UnlockDataBank" that does just that. I've not checked to see if it unlocks outfits and other crap; but the whole Data Bank was available, even if I was on Bogano, just having stepped off the ship (early beginning).

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Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order [Engine:Unreal 4.21] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by KS212 »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:06 am
^ There is a console command called "UnlockDataBank" that does just that. I've not checked to see if it unlocks outfits and other crap; but the whole Data Bank was available, even if I was on Bogano, just having stepped off the ship (early beginning).
Nice, that's something. Some of the databank entries are pretty annoying to hunt down if you don't literally comb every single corner of the world.

Its probably not possible to give all Force abilities at the beginning as supposedly it actually breaks story progression so eh, we'll have to do without that... But if we can create a pseudo NG+ where you can customize at least your lightsaber from the beginning, that'd be something a lot of ppl would love.

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