The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by JLee3D »

SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:09 pm
How did you actually find the code that accesses the map reveal radius?
For the IL2CPP releases of TLD, I used IL2CPPDumper (GUI) --- see spoiler below.
The function used by earlier scripts is Panel_Map.DoDetailSurvey() which stores the reveal radius in xmm1 upon entering the function. All we need to do is overwrite the original reveal radius value to "dd (float)150000.0" which is what the original script did (I only looked for the new address of that function and left the script as-is from a request).
Download IL2CPPDumper GUI or search for it online in case the link becomes dead.

Executable File: <game-root-folder>\GameAssembly.dll
Global Metadata: <game-root-folder>\tld_Data\il2cpp_data\Metadata\global-metadata.dat
Mode: Auto (Plus)
Unity Version: 2018.4.12

Then click on "Start Dumping".
Open dump.cs or whatever file you set the dump to and look for public void DoDetailSurvey().
It should have the codes for the RVA and Offset, i.e. // RVA: 0x7A4BE0 Offset: 0x7A3FE0.
The function based on the example RVA above should be "GameAssembly.dll"+0x7A4BE0 when debugging in Cheat Engine or used in your script.
SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:09 pm
I found a similar AOB on a different version of the game but after modifications of the script it still isn't working.
I don't think the codes you need are in 'd3d12.dll' as most of the functions here are DirectX generic methods. The map radius script starts at the beginning of its function where the original stack is saved (to be restored when the function returns), so it will have lots of similar results when using AoB as all function calls start with these codes. The trick should be to get the correct function address from the AoB results.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Fearless Donors
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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by JLee3D »

Siniestro wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:43 pm
can you please please pretty please add god mod, speed hack (this is more important) and fly mod? i was doing the archivist challenge and died twice near the end of the challenge i want to hammer my balls and really don't want to do it all over again.
Not sure about the requests, but let me try archivist and see what I can do to make it easier if not faster.

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by SvT »

JLee3D wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:33 am
SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:09 pm
How did you actually find the code that accesses the map reveal radius?
For the IL2CPP releases of TLD, I used IL2CPPDumper (GUI) --- see spoiler below.
The function used by earlier scripts is Panel_Map.DoDetailSurvey() which stores the reveal radius in xmm1 upon entering the function. All we need to do is overwrite the original reveal radius value to "dd (float)150000.0" which is what the original script did (I only looked for the new address of that function and left the script as-is from a request).
Download IL2CPPDumper GUI or search for it online in case the link becomes dead.

Executable File: <game-root-folder>\GameAssembly.dll
Global Metadata: <game-root-folder>\tld_Data\il2cpp_data\Metadata\global-metadata.dat
Mode: Auto (Plus)
Unity Version: 2018.4.12

Then click on "Start Dumping".
Open dump.cs or whatever file you set the dump to and look for public void DoDetailSurvey().
It should have the codes for the RVA and Offset, i.e. // RVA: 0x7A4BE0 Offset: 0x7A3FE0.
The function based on the example RVA above should be "GameAssembly.dll"+0x7A4BE0 when debugging in Cheat Engine or used in your script.
SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:09 pm
I found a similar AOB on a different version of the game but after modifications of the script it still isn't working.
I don't think the codes you need are in 'd3d12.dll' as most of the functions here are DirectX generic methods. The map radius script starts at the beginning of its function where the original stack is saved (to be restored when the function returns), so it will have lots of similar results when using AoB as all function calls start with these codes. The trick should be to get the correct function address from the AoB results.
Unfortunately I don't think I can use that tool because I'm on the Windows Store version of the game and none of the files are accessible other than game saves.

Maybe I can try scanning for that AOB (I always seem to forget about that rather than just finding the first matching AOB in Memory View).

Edit: Hmm I can't even find a similar AOB now.

What I have so far :)

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by JLee3D »

SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:42 am
Unfortunately I don't think I can use that tool because I'm on the Windows Store version of the game and none of the files are accessible other than game saves.
Could you try accessing the files with this article: [Link]? Been trying game pass but it is not supported in my region.

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Fearless Donors
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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by JLee3D »

Siniestro wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:43 pm
can you please please pretty please add god mod, speed hack (this is more important) and fly mod?
TLD Speed Multiplier
Copy XML text (code->select all->ctrl+c) and paste in Cheat Engine.

Enable the script and go back to the game so the pointer updates. You will need to set the multiplier manually to fit your needs, the default values are in parenthesis to revert to the original multiplier. To test it try "Indoor Speed Multiplier (0.6818000078)" and set it to "5" --- if you are indoors then you should feel the speed boost without sprinting.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Player Movement Speed Multiplier"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  Game   : The Long Dark (tld.exe)
  Version: Steam v1.74
  Date   : 2020-04-28
  Author : JLee

  Gets the "class PlayerMovement". Stored in RAX.
  Returned from "public static PlayerMovement GetPlayerMovementComponent()".

  public float m_MaxSlopeOutdoors; // 0x18
  public float m_MaxSlopeIndoors; // 0x1C
  public float m_IndoorMovementSpeedMultiplier; // 0x20
  public float m_RoadMovementSpeedMultiplier; // 0x24
  public float m_WindMovementSpeedMultiplierMin; // 0x28
  public float m_WindMovementSpeedMultiplierMax; // 0x2C
  public float m_MinWindSpeedToAffectMovement; // 0x30
  public float m_ShallowSnowSpeedMultiplier; // 0x34
  public float m_DeepSnowSpeedMultiplierMin; // 0x38
  public float m_DeepSnowSpeedMultiplierMax; // 0x3C
  public float m_SlowLimpSpeedMultiplier; // 0x40
  public float m_SlowBodyCarrySpeedMultiplier; // 0x44

define(bytes,48 85 C0 0F 84 4E 03 00 00)





  mov [PlayerMovement],rax

  test rax,rax
  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E
  jmp return

  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db bytes
  // test rax,rax
  // je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E



"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6A4: 48 8B BB 90 00 00 00  -  mov rdi,[rbx+00000090]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6AB: 44 8B B3 F8 02 00 00  -  mov r14d,[rbx+000002F8]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6B2: 48 8B 0D 77 4C 15 03  -  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+3C93330]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6B9: F6 81 27 01 00 00 02  -  test byte ptr [rcx+00000127],02
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C0: 74 0E                 -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3E6D0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C2: 83 B9 D8 00 00 00 00  -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000D8],00
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C9: 75 05                 -  jne GameAssembly.dll+B3E6D0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6CB: E8 B0 38 73 FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+271F80
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D0: 33 C9                 -  xor ecx,ecx
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D2: E8 E9 D3 83 FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+37BAC0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D7: 48 85 C0              -  test rax,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6DA: 0F 84 4E 03 00 00     -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E0: 33 D2                 -  xor edx,edx
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E2: 48 8B C8              -  mov rcx,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E5: E8 46 89 9D FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+517030
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6EA: 48 85 FF              -  test rdi,rdi
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6ED: 0F 84 35 03 00 00     -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA28
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F3: 45 33 C9              -  xor r9d,r9d
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F6: 0F 28 D0              -  movaps xmm2,xmm0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F9: 41 8B D6              -  mov edx,r14d
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6FC: 48 8B CF              -  mov rcx,rdi
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6FF: E8 DC 63 F2 01        -  call GameAssembly.dll+2A64AE0
          <Description>"MAX Slope Outdoors (45)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="45" RealAddress="20211A13DD8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Slope Indoors (60)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="60" RealAddress="20211A13DDC"/>
          <Description>"Indoor Speed Multiplier (0.6818000078)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.6818000078" RealAddress="20211A13DE0"/>
          <Description>"Road Speed Multiplier (1.149999976)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.149999976" RealAddress="20211A13DE4"/>
          <Description>"MIN Wind Speed Multiplier (0.5)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.5" RealAddress="20211A13DE8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Wind Speed Multiplier (1.200000048)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.200000048" RealAddress="20211A13DEC"/>
          <Description>"MIN Wind Speed To Affect Movement (25)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="25" RealAddress="20211A13DF0"/>
          <Description>"Shallow Snow Speed Multiplier (1.5)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.5" RealAddress="20211A13DF4"/>
          <Description>"MIN Deep Snow Speed Multiplier (0.25)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.25" RealAddress="20211A13DF8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Deep Snow Speed Multiplier (0.75)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.75" RealAddress="20211A13DFC"/>
          <Description>"Slow Limp Speed Multiplier (0.6000000238)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.6000000238" RealAddress="20211A13E00"/>
          <Description>"Slow Body Carry Speed Multiplier (0.75)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.75" RealAddress="20211A13E04"/>
Always Full Health
I'm going to add these to the main table on the next game update.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"[Health] Always 110"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  Game   : The Long Dark (tld.exe)
  Version: Steam v1.74
  Date   : 2020-04-28
  Author : JLee

  Infinite Health

  * public static Condition GetConditionComponent()
    - RAX = class Condition
  * fields
    - public float m_MaxHP; // 0x1C
    - public float m_CurrentHP; // 0x18
  * max default = 100, rest bonus = 105

define(bytes,48 85 C0 0F 84 D1 12 00 00)




  mov [rax+18],(float)110

  test rax,rax
  je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db bytes
  // test rax,rax
  // je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "GameAssembly.dll"+3E716A

"GameAssembly.dll"+3E713D: 48 8B C8                 -  mov rcx,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7140: E8 4B 19 F4 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+328A90
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7145: 48 8B 0D E4 C1 8A 03     -  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+3C93330]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E714C: F6 81 27 01 00 00 02     -  test byte ptr [rcx+00000127],02
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7153: 74 0E                    -  je GameAssembly.dll+3E7163
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7155: 83 B9 D8 00 00 00 00     -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000D8],00
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E715C: 75 05                    -  jne GameAssembly.dll+3E7163
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E715E: E8 1D AE E8 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+271F80
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7163: 33 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7165: E8 16 25 F9 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+379680
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E716A: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E716D: 0F 84 D1 12 00 00        -  je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7173: F3 0F 10 48 18           -  movss xmm1,[rax+18]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7178: F3 0F 5E 48 1C           -  divss xmm1,[rax+1C]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E717D: F3 0F 10 83 30 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rbx+00000130]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7185: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7188: 0F 93 C2                 -  setae dl
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E718B: 45 33 C0                 -  xor r8d,r8d
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E718E: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7191: E8 FA E6 00 00           -  call GameAssembly.dll+3F5890
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7196: 48 8B B3 40 01 00 00     -  mov rsi,[rbx+00000140]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E719D: 33 D2                    -  xor edx,edx

Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:18 pm
Reputation: 3

Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by Siniestro »

JLee3D wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:38 pm
Siniestro wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:43 pm
can you please please pretty please add god mod, speed hack (this is more important) and fly mod?
TLD Speed Multiplier
Copy XML text (code->select all->ctrl+c) and paste in Cheat Engine.

Enable the script and go back to the game so the pointer updates. You will need to set the multiplier manually to fit your needs, the default values are in parenthesis to revert to the original multiplier. To test it try "Indoor Speed Multiplier (0.6818000078)" and set it to "5" --- if you are indoors then you should feel the speed boost without sprinting.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Player Movement Speed Multiplier"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  Game   : The Long Dark (tld.exe)
  Version: Steam v1.74
  Date   : 2020-04-28
  Author : JLee

  Gets the "class PlayerMovement". Stored in RAX.
  Returned from "public static PlayerMovement GetPlayerMovementComponent()".

  public float m_MaxSlopeOutdoors; // 0x18
  public float m_MaxSlopeIndoors; // 0x1C
  public float m_IndoorMovementSpeedMultiplier; // 0x20
  public float m_RoadMovementSpeedMultiplier; // 0x24
  public float m_WindMovementSpeedMultiplierMin; // 0x28
  public float m_WindMovementSpeedMultiplierMax; // 0x2C
  public float m_MinWindSpeedToAffectMovement; // 0x30
  public float m_ShallowSnowSpeedMultiplier; // 0x34
  public float m_DeepSnowSpeedMultiplierMin; // 0x38
  public float m_DeepSnowSpeedMultiplierMax; // 0x3C
  public float m_SlowLimpSpeedMultiplier; // 0x40
  public float m_SlowBodyCarrySpeedMultiplier; // 0x44

define(bytes,48 85 C0 0F 84 4E 03 00 00)





  mov [PlayerMovement],rax

  test rax,rax
  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E
  jmp return

  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db bytes
  // test rax,rax
  // je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E



"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6A4: 48 8B BB 90 00 00 00  -  mov rdi,[rbx+00000090]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6AB: 44 8B B3 F8 02 00 00  -  mov r14d,[rbx+000002F8]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6B2: 48 8B 0D 77 4C 15 03  -  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+3C93330]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6B9: F6 81 27 01 00 00 02  -  test byte ptr [rcx+00000127],02
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C0: 74 0E                 -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3E6D0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C2: 83 B9 D8 00 00 00 00  -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000D8],00
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C9: 75 05                 -  jne GameAssembly.dll+B3E6D0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6CB: E8 B0 38 73 FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+271F80
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D0: 33 C9                 -  xor ecx,ecx
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D2: E8 E9 D3 83 FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+37BAC0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D7: 48 85 C0              -  test rax,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6DA: 0F 84 4E 03 00 00     -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E0: 33 D2                 -  xor edx,edx
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E2: 48 8B C8              -  mov rcx,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E5: E8 46 89 9D FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+517030
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6EA: 48 85 FF              -  test rdi,rdi
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6ED: 0F 84 35 03 00 00     -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA28
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F3: 45 33 C9              -  xor r9d,r9d
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F6: 0F 28 D0              -  movaps xmm2,xmm0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F9: 41 8B D6              -  mov edx,r14d
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6FC: 48 8B CF              -  mov rcx,rdi
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6FF: E8 DC 63 F2 01        -  call GameAssembly.dll+2A64AE0
          <Description>"MAX Slope Outdoors (45)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="45" RealAddress="20211A13DD8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Slope Indoors (60)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="60" RealAddress="20211A13DDC"/>
          <Description>"Indoor Speed Multiplier (0.6818000078)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.6818000078" RealAddress="20211A13DE0"/>
          <Description>"Road Speed Multiplier (1.149999976)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.149999976" RealAddress="20211A13DE4"/>
          <Description>"MIN Wind Speed Multiplier (0.5)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.5" RealAddress="20211A13DE8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Wind Speed Multiplier (1.200000048)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.200000048" RealAddress="20211A13DEC"/>
          <Description>"MIN Wind Speed To Affect Movement (25)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="25" RealAddress="20211A13DF0"/>
          <Description>"Shallow Snow Speed Multiplier (1.5)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.5" RealAddress="20211A13DF4"/>
          <Description>"MIN Deep Snow Speed Multiplier (0.25)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.25" RealAddress="20211A13DF8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Deep Snow Speed Multiplier (0.75)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.75" RealAddress="20211A13DFC"/>
          <Description>"Slow Limp Speed Multiplier (0.6000000238)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.6000000238" RealAddress="20211A13E00"/>
          <Description>"Slow Body Carry Speed Multiplier (0.75)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.75" RealAddress="20211A13E04"/>
Always Full Health
I'm going to add these to the main table on the next game update.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"[Health] Always 110"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  Game   : The Long Dark (tld.exe)
  Version: Steam v1.74
  Date   : 2020-04-28
  Author : JLee

  Infinite Health

  * public static Condition GetConditionComponent()
    - RAX = class Condition
  * fields
    - public float m_MaxHP; // 0x1C
    - public float m_CurrentHP; // 0x18
  * max default = 100, rest bonus = 105

define(bytes,48 85 C0 0F 84 D1 12 00 00)




  mov [rax+18],(float)110

  test rax,rax
  je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db bytes
  // test rax,rax
  // je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "GameAssembly.dll"+3E716A

"GameAssembly.dll"+3E713D: 48 8B C8                 -  mov rcx,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7140: E8 4B 19 F4 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+328A90
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7145: 48 8B 0D E4 C1 8A 03     -  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+3C93330]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E714C: F6 81 27 01 00 00 02     -  test byte ptr [rcx+00000127],02
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7153: 74 0E                    -  je GameAssembly.dll+3E7163
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7155: 83 B9 D8 00 00 00 00     -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000D8],00
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E715C: 75 05                    -  jne GameAssembly.dll+3E7163
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E715E: E8 1D AE E8 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+271F80
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7163: 33 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7165: E8 16 25 F9 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+379680
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E716A: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E716D: 0F 84 D1 12 00 00        -  je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7173: F3 0F 10 48 18           -  movss xmm1,[rax+18]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7178: F3 0F 5E 48 1C           -  divss xmm1,[rax+1C]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E717D: F3 0F 10 83 30 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rbx+00000130]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7185: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7188: 0F 93 C2                 -  setae dl
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E718B: 45 33 C0                 -  xor r8d,r8d
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E718E: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7191: E8 FA E6 00 00           -  call GameAssembly.dll+3F5890
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7196: 48 8B B3 40 01 00 00     -  mov rsi,[rbx+00000140]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E719D: 33 D2                    -  xor edx,edx
i will try it and will get back to you, thank you for your time!

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Table Makers
Table Makers
Posts: 589
Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:17 am
Reputation: 1852

Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by SvT »

JLee3D wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:22 am
SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:42 am
Unfortunately I don't think I can use that tool because I'm on the Windows Store version of the game and none of the files are accessible other than game saves.
Could you try accessing the files with this article: [Link]? Been trying game pass but it is not supported in my region.
Even after following those steps I can't open or copy/paste any of the files :(

Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:18 pm
Reputation: 3

Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by Siniestro »

Siniestro wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:06 pm
JLee3D wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:38 pm
Siniestro wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:43 pm
can you please please pretty please add god mod, speed hack (this is more important) and fly mod?
TLD Speed Multiplier
Copy XML text (code->select all->ctrl+c) and paste in Cheat Engine.

Enable the script and go back to the game so the pointer updates. You will need to set the multiplier manually to fit your needs, the default values are in parenthesis to revert to the original multiplier. To test it try "Indoor Speed Multiplier (0.6818000078)" and set it to "5" --- if you are indoors then you should feel the speed boost without sprinting.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Player Movement Speed Multiplier"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1" moDeactivateChildrenAsWell="1" moAllowManualCollapseAndExpand="1"/>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  Game   : The Long Dark (tld.exe)
  Version: Steam v1.74
  Date   : 2020-04-28
  Author : JLee

  Gets the "class PlayerMovement". Stored in RAX.
  Returned from "public static PlayerMovement GetPlayerMovementComponent()".

  public float m_MaxSlopeOutdoors; // 0x18
  public float m_MaxSlopeIndoors; // 0x1C
  public float m_IndoorMovementSpeedMultiplier; // 0x20
  public float m_RoadMovementSpeedMultiplier; // 0x24
  public float m_WindMovementSpeedMultiplierMin; // 0x28
  public float m_WindMovementSpeedMultiplierMax; // 0x2C
  public float m_MinWindSpeedToAffectMovement; // 0x30
  public float m_ShallowSnowSpeedMultiplier; // 0x34
  public float m_DeepSnowSpeedMultiplierMin; // 0x38
  public float m_DeepSnowSpeedMultiplierMax; // 0x3C
  public float m_SlowLimpSpeedMultiplier; // 0x40
  public float m_SlowBodyCarrySpeedMultiplier; // 0x44

define(bytes,48 85 C0 0F 84 4E 03 00 00)





  mov [PlayerMovement],rax

  test rax,rax
  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E
  jmp return

  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db bytes
  // test rax,rax
  // je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E



"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6A4: 48 8B BB 90 00 00 00  -  mov rdi,[rbx+00000090]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6AB: 44 8B B3 F8 02 00 00  -  mov r14d,[rbx+000002F8]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6B2: 48 8B 0D 77 4C 15 03  -  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+3C93330]
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6B9: F6 81 27 01 00 00 02  -  test byte ptr [rcx+00000127],02
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C0: 74 0E                 -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3E6D0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C2: 83 B9 D8 00 00 00 00  -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000D8],00
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6C9: 75 05                 -  jne GameAssembly.dll+B3E6D0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6CB: E8 B0 38 73 FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+271F80
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D0: 33 C9                 -  xor ecx,ecx
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D2: E8 E9 D3 83 FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+37BAC0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6D7: 48 85 C0              -  test rax,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6DA: 0F 84 4E 03 00 00     -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA2E
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E0: 33 D2                 -  xor edx,edx
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E2: 48 8B C8              -  mov rcx,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6E5: E8 46 89 9D FF        -  call GameAssembly.dll+517030
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6EA: 48 85 FF              -  test rdi,rdi
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6ED: 0F 84 35 03 00 00     -  je GameAssembly.dll+B3EA28
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F3: 45 33 C9              -  xor r9d,r9d
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F6: 0F 28 D0              -  movaps xmm2,xmm0
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6F9: 41 8B D6              -  mov edx,r14d
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6FC: 48 8B CF              -  mov rcx,rdi
"GameAssembly.dll"+B3E6FF: E8 DC 63 F2 01        -  call GameAssembly.dll+2A64AE0
          <Description>"MAX Slope Outdoors (45)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="45" RealAddress="20211A13DD8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Slope Indoors (60)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="60" RealAddress="20211A13DDC"/>
          <Description>"Indoor Speed Multiplier (0.6818000078)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.6818000078" RealAddress="20211A13DE0"/>
          <Description>"Road Speed Multiplier (1.149999976)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.149999976" RealAddress="20211A13DE4"/>
          <Description>"MIN Wind Speed Multiplier (0.5)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.5" RealAddress="20211A13DE8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Wind Speed Multiplier (1.200000048)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.200000048" RealAddress="20211A13DEC"/>
          <Description>"MIN Wind Speed To Affect Movement (25)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="25" RealAddress="20211A13DF0"/>
          <Description>"Shallow Snow Speed Multiplier (1.5)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="1.5" RealAddress="20211A13DF4"/>
          <Description>"MIN Deep Snow Speed Multiplier (0.25)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.25" RealAddress="20211A13DF8"/>
          <Description>"MAX Deep Snow Speed Multiplier (0.75)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.75" RealAddress="20211A13DFC"/>
          <Description>"Slow Limp Speed Multiplier (0.6000000238)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.6000000238" RealAddress="20211A13E00"/>
          <Description>"Slow Body Carry Speed Multiplier (0.75)"</Description>
          <LastState Value="0.75" RealAddress="20211A13E04"/>
Always Full Health
I'm going to add these to the main table on the next game update.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"[Health] Always 110"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
  Game   : The Long Dark (tld.exe)
  Version: Steam v1.74
  Date   : 2020-04-28
  Author : JLee

  Infinite Health

  * public static Condition GetConditionComponent()
    - RAX = class Condition
  * fields
    - public float m_MaxHP; // 0x1C
    - public float m_CurrentHP; // 0x18
  * max default = 100, rest bonus = 105

define(bytes,48 85 C0 0F 84 D1 12 00 00)




  mov [rax+18],(float)110

  test rax,rax
  je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db bytes
  // test rax,rax
  // je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "GameAssembly.dll"+3E716A

"GameAssembly.dll"+3E713D: 48 8B C8                 -  mov rcx,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7140: E8 4B 19 F4 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+328A90
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7145: 48 8B 0D E4 C1 8A 03     -  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+3C93330]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E714C: F6 81 27 01 00 00 02     -  test byte ptr [rcx+00000127],02
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7153: 74 0E                    -  je GameAssembly.dll+3E7163
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7155: 83 B9 D8 00 00 00 00     -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000D8],00
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E715C: 75 05                    -  jne GameAssembly.dll+3E7163
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E715E: E8 1D AE E8 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+271F80
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7163: 33 C9                    -  xor ecx,ecx
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7165: E8 16 25 F9 FF           -  call GameAssembly.dll+379680
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E716A: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E716D: 0F 84 D1 12 00 00        -  je GameAssembly.dll+3E8444
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7173: F3 0F 10 48 18           -  movss xmm1,[rax+18]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7178: F3 0F 5E 48 1C           -  divss xmm1,[rax+1C]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E717D: F3 0F 10 83 30 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rbx+00000130]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7185: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7188: 0F 93 C2                 -  setae dl
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E718B: 45 33 C0                 -  xor r8d,r8d
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E718E: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7191: E8 FA E6 00 00           -  call GameAssembly.dll+3F5890
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E7196: 48 8B B3 40 01 00 00     -  mov rsi,[rbx+00000140]
"GameAssembly.dll"+3E719D: 33 D2                    -  xor edx,edx
i will try it and will get back to you, thank you for your time!
i did try it, works well when you walk/sprint on road but when you immediately step on snow it goes back to normal speed, any ideas on what im doing wrong?

EDIT: i tried everything but it doesn't seems to work, only speed multipliers that work are indoor speed and road speed, everything besides that still functions as the game intended.

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by AlexS »

Siniestro wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:43 pm
can you please please pretty please add god mod, speed hack (this is more important) and fly mod?

(Google translation)

These options are in the table that I posted here, but it is for the version of the game GOG. What is your version of the game?

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by Siniestro »

AlexS wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:00 pm
Siniestro wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:43 pm
can you please please pretty please add god mod, speed hack (this is more important) and fly mod?

(Google translation)

These options are in the table that I posted here, but it is for the version of the game GOG. What is your version of the game?
i have the latest steam you have the table for it?


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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by AlexS »

Siniestro wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:55 pm
i have the latest steam you have the table for it?

(Google translation)

I do not have a Steam version, so I can’t create a table for this version. I have only the GOG version.

I made this script, maybe it will work. On the GOG version, this script works, but I can not check it on the Steam version. Try to activate it on the Steam version (you need to activate it in the game and wait for it to work). If it works, it must activate the cheat "GodMode" - infinite health and indicators, invulnerability and invisibility of the player. But this is a built-in in-game cheat, so the game will know that you are using cheats.

Sorry for the bad English ...
(700 Bytes) Downloaded 163 times

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by Siniestro »

AlexS wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:27 pm
Siniestro wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:55 pm
i have the latest steam you have the table for it?

(Google translation)

I do not have a Steam version, so I can’t create a table for this version. I have only the GOG version.

I made this script, maybe it will work. On the GOG version, this script works, but I can not check it on the Steam version. Try to activate it on the Steam version (you need to activate it in the game and wait for it to work). If it works, it must activate the cheat "GodMode" - infinite health and indicators, invulnerability and invisibility of the player. But this is a built-in in-game cheat, so the game will know that you are using cheats.

Sorry for the bad English ...
tried it... sadly it does not work.

thanks for trying tho!

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by AlexS »

Siniestro wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:33 am
it does not work
(Google translation)

It’s strange. Two other users whom I asked to check the script on the Steam version, the script works. You need to activate the script in the game and in open space (not indoors). Activation time can take up to 30-50 seconds (the search is carried out throughout the game memory). After activation, the script must be immediately turned off, while the "Godmode" mode will remain activated. But when moving to the room and back or to another location, the Godmode mode may be reset, so the script needs to be activated again each time. I understand that using it is inconvenient, but it's better than nothing. Unfortunately, I do not have a version of the Steam game, so I can’t make a stable working script for this version.

Sorry for the bad english.

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by Siniestro »

AlexS wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:22 pm
Siniestro wrote:
Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:33 am
it does not work
(Google translation)

It’s strange. Two other users whom I asked to check the script on the Steam version, the script works. You need to activate the script in the game and in open space (not indoors). Activation time can take up to 30-50 seconds (the search is carried out throughout the game memory). After activation, the script must be immediately turned off, while the "Godmode" mode will remain activated. But when moving to the room and back or to another location, the Godmode mode may be reset, so the script needs to be activated again each time. I understand that using it is inconvenient, but it's better than nothing. Unfortunately, I do not have a version of the Steam game, so I can’t make a stable working script for this version.

Sorry for the bad english.
i can't even activate the script, it takes like 10/15 seconds but nothing happens.

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Re: The Long Dark (Steam/JLee3D)

Post by JLee3D »

Siniestro wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:37 pm
EDIT: i tried everything but it doesn't seems to work, only speed multipliers that work are indoor speed and road speed, everything besides that still functions as the game intended.
Hi Siniestro, updated table on first page. Should now have god mode and speed multiplier for snowy terrain.
Tried it on survival and the speed hack no longer slows down when on snow. 8-)

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