V0.16 is out:
Patch Requests - Freeze Count Down
Now works requests countdown for 'send troops'.
Patch Validation on clic > Send Troops
Now works with 'send troops' request.
The battles will always be win.
Revamp Army Godmod
Increase health, damages and armor of Player soldiers and walkers.
Lower hp, damages and armor of Enemy soldiers and Warboats and animals.
Building can always be destroyed!
(Even with a Attack stuck on 0 the buildings are destroyed sorry i cant find code part for this :[ )
(Sorry y revamp again this part but now only two code part are change in place of 4/5)
Buildings - During Pause trigger
Allow you to build During Pause.
Remove building always require unpaused game
Roads and non 'building' stuff can be removed durring pause.
Add Freeze Time trigger
Stop the time!
Just bypass the month increment..
Add Section === Time Pointers ===
Show you the following:
- Start Mission Date (Year)
00 - January
01 - February
02 - March
03 - April
04 - May
05 - June
06 - July
07 - August
08 - September
09 - October
10 - November
11 - December
- Actual Year pointer