The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by erikem »

Would it theoretically be possible to edit quests? And specifically to change some flags (changing the option I chose in that quest to another one)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by tampy »

Csimbi wrote:
Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:56 pm
Anyway, here's the my first version, with focus on getting around, and weapons.
I am on the first level, so not much role-playing stuff to test just yet ;-)
Is it possible to use with everything disabled at first? Had to disable everything except a few cheats every launch..

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Csimbi »

tampy wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:56 am
Is it possible to use with everything disabled at first? Had to disable everything except a few cheats every launch..
Sure. Edit the default settings in the script and save it with your own defaults.
Search for "///", you will find them.
0 means off, 1 means on.

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by BrutaleBent »

So, just to get this right - you can't edit attributes or skill points after character creation at all? :/

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Csimbi »

I'm not sure about attributes - I never needed to change them.
You can add skill points and perk points and you can assign them whereever you want - this is what I preferred at least because this way the bonuses unlock correctly.

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Zanzer »

My table lets you add bonus attribute points after creation to max them out.

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by niebaum »

Did anyone managed to get the Console Enabler to work with the CODEX release ? I simply can't get it to work on my game, I do everything right, I even get the warning saying that the process was done and all but no console in-game.

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Zanzer »

Did you follow the remaining instructions to set your key binding?

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Shadw »

I have pointer for change current Attribut :
(13.94 KiB) Downloaded 60 times

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by RaggedCritic »

Anyone had any luck finding the pointer for companion perk points? I've managed to track down the temporary value, but can't figure out if it's encrypted or what. Just haven't had any luck.

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Aztec2012 »

Shadw wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:45 pm
I have pointer for change current Attribut :
Attributes not saved. When reload a save it rollback to original values.

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The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store) Noclip

Post by CheatingMuppet »

Finally figured out collisions fully. The following is a script for flying and noclipping (ghost).

SunBeam gets some credit for this because he helped me get to the bottom of how bActorEnableCollision works. Short of it is that the bitfield structure is not the same for every ue4 game like I had thought and I brainfarted and didn't try different structures until SunBeam confirmed that the offset that I found was correct. Anyway here it is, just enable the first script and then one of the other scripts (only 1 at a time please). I'm sure SunBeam will come out with his usual console command restoration table soon.

And as always, feel free to use this in your tables or trainers just give credit.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Get Pointer"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
-- Pointer Paths
muppetAPlayerController = 0x388 -- in APlayerCameraManager
muppetAPlayerState = 0x390 -- in APlayerController
muppetACharacter = 0x3C8 -- in APlayerController
muppetUCharacterMovementComponent = 0x3F8 -- in ACharacter
muppetUCapsuleComponent = 0x400 -- in ACharacter
muppetSpreadManagerComponent = 0xB08 -- in ACharacter
muppetPlayerInventoryComponent = 0xB30 -- in ACharacter
muppetEquipmentComponent = 0xBF8 -- in ACharacter
muppetCurrentHeldEquipment = 0x2D8 -- in EquipmentComponent
muppetStandardAmmoPool = 0x210 -- in CurrentHeldEquipment
muppetPlayerHealthComponent = 0xBE8 -- in ACharacter
muppetPlayerStatComponent_C = 0xC00 -- in ACharacter
muppetPlayerInfoComponent = 0xC08 -- in ACharacter
muppetCameraComponent = 0xED0 -- in ACharacter
muppetPlayerTargetingComponent = 0xEE0 -- in ACharacter
muppetPlayerInteractionComponent = 0x1430 -- in ACharacter

--muppetAPlayerController = '[muppetGetInjPoint]+388'
--muppetAPlayerState = ''



aobscanmodule(getInjectPoint,IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 10 B1 A4 03 00 00 33) // should be unique


  push rdi
  lea rdi,[rcx]
  mov [muppetGetInjPoint],rdi
  pop rdi

  movss xmm6,[rcx+000003A4]
  jmp return

  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db F3 0F 10 B1 A4 03 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1E1

"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1BB: CC                       -  int 3 
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1BC: CC                       -  int 3 
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1BD: CC                       -  int 3 
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1BE: CC                       -  int 3 
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1BF: CC                       -  int 3 
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1C0: 48 81 EC 98 05 00 00     -  sub rsp,00000598
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1C7: 0F 29 B4 24 80 05 00 00  -  movaps [rsp+00000580],xmm6
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1CF: 48 8B 05 62 BE 13 02     -  mov rax,[IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+3D88038]
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1D6: 48 33 C4                 -  xor rax,rsp
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1D9: 48 89 84 24 70 05 00 00  -  mov [rsp+00000570],rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1E1: F3 0F 10 B1 A4 03 00 00  -  movss xmm6,[rcx+000003A4]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1E9: 33 C0                    -  xor eax,eax
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1EB: 0F 57 C0                 -  xorps xmm0,xmm0
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1EE: 89 44 24 20              -  mov [rsp+20],eax
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1F2: 0F 2F F0                 -  comiss xmm6,xmm0
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1F5: 77 18                    -  ja IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe+1C4C20F
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1F7: 48 8B 01                 -  mov rax,[rcx]
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1FA: 48 8D 54 24 30           -  lea rdx,[rsp+30]
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C1FF: FF 90 28 07 00 00        -  call qword ptr [rax+00000728]
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C205: F3 0F 10 70 18           -  movss xmm6,[rax+18]
"IndianaEpicGameStore-Win64-Shipping.exe"+1C4C20A: B8 01 00 00 00           -  mov eax,00000001
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
if syntaxcheck then return end

local addressList = getAddressList()
local enableFirstRecord = addressList.getMemoryRecordByDescription("Get Pointer")
if enableFirstRecord ~= nil and enableFirstRecord.Active == false then
  error('Activate Get Pointer')

-- MovementMode: 5 = Flying, 3 = Falling, 1 = Walking
-- bCheatFlying: 0 (4bytehex: 890) = Not Flying, 1 (4bytehex: 894) = Flying
-- MaxFlySpeed: Default is 600
-- MaxAcceleration: Default is 2048
-- bImmuneToFallDamage: 0 = Can take fall damage, 1 = Can not take fall damage
-- Offsets:
-- 388 = APlayerController; 3C8 = ACharacter; 3F8 = UCharacterMovementComponent
--                                            BE8 = HealthComponent
muppetMovementMode = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+1E8'
muppetbCheatFlying = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+3F4'
muppetMaxFlySpeed = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+218'
muppetMaxAcceleration = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+220'
muppetbImmuneToFallDamage = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+BE8]+19E'

writeInteger(muppetMovementMode, 5)
writeInteger(muppetbCheatFlying, 0x894)
writeFloat(muppetMaxFlySpeed, 1200)
writeFloat(muppetMaxAcceleration, 20000)
writeInteger(muppetbImmuneToFallDamage, 1)

writeInteger(muppetMovementMode, 3)
writeInteger(muppetbCheatFlying, 0x890)
writeFloat(muppetMaxFlySpeed, 600)
writeFloat(muppetMaxAcceleration, 2048)

local muppetResetFallDamageImmunity = createTimer()
  muppetResetFallDamageImmunity.Interval = 10000 -- 10000 = 10 seconds
  muppetResetFallDamageImmunity.OnTimer = function(t)

  writeInteger(muppetbImmuneToFallDamage, 0)
          <Description>"Fly &amp; Noclip"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
if syntaxcheck then return end

local addressList = getAddressList()
local enableFirstRecord = addressList.getMemoryRecordByDescription("Get Pointer")
if enableFirstRecord ~= nil and enableFirstRecord.Active == false then
  error('Activate Get Pointer')

-- MovementMode: 5 = Flying, 3 = Falling, 1 = Walking
-- bCheatFlying: 0 (4bytehex: 890) = Not Flying, 1 (4bytehex: 894) = Flying
-- MaxFlySpeed: Default is 600
-- MaxAcceleration: Default is 2048
-- bImmuneToFallDamage: 0 = Can take fall damage, 1 = Can not take fall damage
-- Offsets:
-- 388 = APlayerController; 3C8 = ACharacter; 3F8 = UCharacterMovementComponent
--                                            BE8 = HealthComponent
muppetMovementMode = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+1E8'
muppetbCheatFlying = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+3F4'
muppetbActorEnableCollision = '[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+9C'
muppetMaxFlySpeed = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+218'
muppetMaxAcceleration = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+3F8]+220'
muppetbImmuneToFallDamage = '[[[[muppetGetInjPoint]+388]+3C8]+BE8]+19E'

writeInteger(muppetMovementMode, 5)
writeInteger(muppetbCheatFlying, 0x894)
writeFloat(muppetMaxFlySpeed, 1200)
writeFloat(muppetMaxAcceleration, 20000)
writeInteger(muppetbImmuneToFallDamage, 1)
writeInteger(muppetbActorEnableCollision, 0x0001040E)

writeInteger(muppetMovementMode, 3)
writeInteger(muppetbCheatFlying, 0x890)
writeFloat(muppetMaxFlySpeed, 600)
writeFloat(muppetMaxAcceleration, 2048)
writeInteger(muppetbActorEnableCollision, 0x0001044E)

local muppetResetFallDamageImmunity = createTimer()
  muppetResetFallDamageImmunity.Interval = 10000 -- 10000 = 10 seconds
  muppetResetFallDamageImmunity.OnTimer = function(t)

  writeInteger(muppetbImmuneToFallDamage, 0)

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by niebaum »

Zanzer wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:11 pm
Did you follow the remaining instructions to set your key binding?
I did, the key is the one to the left of 1, the same I use for Skyrim, FONV, FO4...etc.

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by benny89 »

player pointed from zanzer table totally doesn't work for me (script doesn't initiate at all).

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Re: The Outer Worlds (Epic Game Store)

Post by Aztec2012 »

What about max weight pointer?

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