Crossroads Inn Anniversary Edition Trainer (Game version 3.0.2)
500k Guldens
Add 1k Guldens
50 Resources
Add 10 Resources
300 Economic Gosip
300 Political Gosip
300 Traveller's Gosip
Note: Add 1k Guldens & Add 10 Resources, don't activated too long
Hello kind sir,
first of all, thank you for the good table and trainer, but i cant seem to activate the gossip cheat, for gulden and resources i have no trouble. thank you once again
Here's a table for GOG 3.0.5/3.0.6 Anniversary Bugfest Edition. Static pointers won't work on the Steam release (they are easy to find though), but the scripts might.
The table is signed to avoid CE's prompt for the auto-attach script.
Single script, with controls organized in groups as follows: Player Skills
- Static pointers; player skills. In 3.0.6, the pointer is dynamic, open the stats page for the pointer to refresh. Economy Controls
- Min. Gold; your gold will never fall below this value.
- No gossip costs; you can unlock most things for free (well the things I could unlock so far), except trade routes. Trade routes can be unlocked for gold, so I did not hack that.
- Static pointers; Money and Gossips Character Controls
- Min. Mood.; min. mood for your staff.
- Positive Status Effect Decay Mod; allows you to scale how fast positive status effects wear off from your staff members.
- Negative Status Effect Decay Mod; allows you to scale how fast negative status effects wear off from your staff members.
- XP Gain Mod; allows you to scale how fast your staff members gain experience while working.
- Stamina Regen Rate Mod; allows you to scale how fast your staff members regenerate stamina while they are on a break.
- Task Progress Rate Mod; allows you to scale how fast your staff members perform their work.
- Skill Gain Rate Mod; allows you to scale how fast adventurers improve their stats while training.
- Last Viewed Visitor/Adventurer (About); direct access to basic stats for adventurers or visitors. Triggered when you click the character and then 'About'.
I also found how fast people move, but they get stuck a LOT even as it is (clearly, buggy).
Speeding them up made the situation even worse.
Same thing with getting stuck on (in?) stairs (the stairs appear to become floors)!
Anyway, enjoy!
No updates planned - I stopped playing on account of the tons of the bugs that still exist (the getting stuck and broken stairs bugs being the worst).
Just when I uploaded the table, 3.0.6 dropped.
So, I made some tweaks and added the 3.0.6 script as well.
I replaced the static player skill pointers with dynamic ones - this should make it more patch-proof and allow Steam players to use it, too.
Still no significant list of bugfixes, I am assume all of them are still in the game...