Has anyone had any luck finding a way to change employee's traits? As in changing the 4 random behavior traits given to every worker, say swapping 'lazy' with 'workaholic'.
I have terrible luck when it comes to getting employees, I'm VERY lucky if I can get one with just 2 positive traits, so if I could swap out some of these awful traits that would be awesome.
If someone has made a save game editor or table for changing the traits of the workers, it would be appreciated. Kinda fed up for those random lazy-dumb-drunkard-smoker inkeepers with half traits hidden.
Here is a scenario I made for P&P:
- 50k start money
- Uses slightly modified campaign map after the Duke's fire.
-> Rockburry is a wine shop with possibility to buy fruit wine.
-> Courriers sell Kabo.
- Only Crossroads town unlocked at beginning.
- As a tavern it has all drinks unlocked in the beginning, but no food at all.
- Übermensch inkeeper Voitto with every positive attribute. UI won't show some, but they are there.
- Six henchmen of Voitto with only positive attributes. If you hate them, just fire 'em.
- The whole 32x32 square building space unlocked. May cause glitches so caution advised when building outside vanilla area or huge buildings.
- Possibility to build 10+3 stories high. Could have unlocked more, but why bother. Again may cause glitches.
To use:
- Extract the file inside the zip into directory "[Crossroads inn folder]\Scenarios" (*If you don't know how, ask your parents or math teacher.)
- Choose "scenario" at the game start and then the "Tavern in the Cross"-scenario from the list.
- IF it crashes on launch, start first a sandbox, exit and start the scenario.
If for some reason the zip gets deleted from here, bellow is alternate link (didn't really understand why zips should be password protected): [Link]
Atros: question regarding Scenarios: are they game version dependant? I tried your scenario with the most recent Codex version (2.4.0) and the game just closes after "confirm" and the loading screen. The "inbuild" scenarios (Rockburry's Revenge etc.) work. Launchin a sandbox first as recommended did not change that outcome.
Edit: wrote too soon, 6th try worked. So they so have some - prolly unwanted game related - check in there? Weird behavior.