I was able to find time.
it's 4 byte. 00:00 is 0 and it counts from there. 01:00 is 60 and 01:30 is 90, etc.
You can freeze it or change it, though I don't recommend changing. Game updates weirdly and it looks weird.
If you deactivate money/skill script you can't activate it again until you restart. Can't figure out why.
I'm a newb.
Have fun.
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
I have no desire to make more than this currently. Just a simple pointer to exp, level, money. For HOODLUM release 2019.1.0.2698131. May work on retail, I don't know. Enable the script and enter your character sheet to populate values.
It's easy to set the attributes even higher. Just search for them, when creating your character, there will be 172 addresses or so found. You need the four last addresses.
You can also find the time. It's hours*60+minutes (If it's 9:58 am, then the value will be 598).
doesnt work on patched game after the win 7 black screen fix patch.
I was able to find time.
it's 4 byte. 00:00 is 0 and it counts from there. 01:00 is 60 and 01:30 is 90, etc.
You can freeze it or change it, though I don't recommend changing. Game updates weirdly and it looks weird.
If you deactivate money/skill script you can't activate it again until you restart. Can't figure out why.
I'm a newb.
Have fun.
I found how to edit skill points, but its not done using cheat engine, if you go to AppData/LocalLow/ZAUM Studio/Disco elysium/SaveGames, you will see your saved games as compressed folders, open your latest save folder, and you can edit the second JSON file, I use visual code for that, there you can edit the amount of skill points you have, and your character sheet in general.
The line you want to edit is 942 for skillpoints, you can also edit money, xp, hp.
Skill amount can be modified directly, thus bypassing the cap limit. Searching for - "SkillModifierCauseMap": { - below that line skills are listed and you can edit the amount with:
"type": "ADVANCEMENT",
"amount": enter number here,
"explanation": "Learned skill",
"skillType": "NONE",
"modifierCause": null
created a table with some pointers for player/time and some health/morale stuff:
Can Always Heal:
you can heal your health/morale with 0 charges
Find Current Health/Morale:
Press Escape to update, and you get pointer to your current health/morale
if you are set isTimeLocked = 1 then the time will not increase
use cheat engine 7.0!
Added : Always Success At White/Red Check
Theres definitely something wrong with "Always Success", I tried pickpocketing the sleeping dockworker and even though it says success, it 100% fails (I have 97% success without enabling "Always Success")
So, it looks like it works, but it actually never works and prevents success from happening, the moment I disabled it, the pickpocket worked.
created a table with some pointers for player/time and some health/morale stuff:
Can Always Heal:
you can heal your health/morale with 0 charges
Find Current Health/Morale:
Press Escape to update, and you get pointer to your current health/morale
if you are set isTimeLocked = 1 then the time will not increase
use cheat engine 7.0!
Added : Always Success At White/Red Check
Theres definitely something wrong with "Always Success", I tried pickpocketing the sleeping dockworker and even though it says success, it 100% fails (I have 97% success without enabling "Always Success")
So, it looks like it works, but it actually never works and prevents success from happening, the moment I disabled it, the pickpocket worked.