This script will unlock all tools in Blacksmith shop and you'll also be able to craft them w/o material requirement. However, you'll still need enough money for some higher level tool but in my table I already have Inf Money script, so it does not bother me.
It may or not may work properly on other systems!!!
//unhide all tools/ore/makers
db 31 C0
//xor eax,eax
//no material Item requirement
db 90 90 90
//unhide all tools/ore/makers
db 39 F8
//cmp eax,edi
//no material Item requirement
db 41 39 C4
//cmp r12d,eax
Updated 4
This will be my last update probably if there're nothing break...
- Added IsPossessItem true (All Gadget Effect) (Thanks to fantomas) - this will unlock most effect of doraemon's gadget even though you don't have it eg: invention inventor which unlock super tool & maker for blacksmith, spare pocket which you can press v (default keybord) to access all your storage, etc.
- No Materials Requirement (Thanks to fantomas) - I update it so it consume tools,so you don't get redundant tools , work for all shop that require materials.
- GroundModel (Thanks to aanpsx) - I edit a few things if you don't mind. You can spawn hole & rope in the mine
- FarmFishingState - Contain most of your fishing needs, I think.
And I update my Item Spawner so it you can spawn item in any storage that you have eg: fridge, materialsStorage ,etc.
Sorry for my noobish questions, I want to get cookies for spring 14. Can you help with the tricks?
3300105:Cookie |Made with flour and butter. Who doesn't love a cookie?
You can choose either to spawn the cookie directly or make it by cooking using cotton swab?/rolling pin...
Thank you cake-san. I haven't upgrade the house yet. So no kitchen. I did buy the cotton swab, but can't use it yet. There are some scripts that cannot be checked yet, like double default run speed. I wonder why.
Thank you cake-san. I haven't upgrade the house yet. So no kitchen. I did buy the cotton swab, but can't use it yet. There are some scripts that cannot be checked yet, like double default run speed. I wonder why.
You can choose either to upgrade your house using cheats or grind your way through (Using stop time cheat if you want to save time while grinding).
There're cheats like Building Construction Only Takes 1 Day or Instant Construction if you don't like to wait, No Materials Requirement if you don't want to spawn or grind any items, NpcWorkCommand always valid if shop closed that day & ofcourse money pointer in Pointers section.
double default run speed script not activate because I break the script probably while merging the table , you have to activate Pointers first for it to function properly, you can also set your own run speed in Pointers section if you like customizing.
can u add all recipe for cooking? and cooking skill? and 1 more, record (inccome/outcome) + Bin product. i cannot spawn item on that. just manual move from my bag. and i think, u must add weather change. sorry my eng is bad