Poyzion wrote: ↑Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:12 am
That game drives me crazy atm^^ Tried for 5h now to create a script for infinite Ammo (not unlimited clip ammo, reloading should be needed with it active) but i only find 4 Adresses but non of them changes the value displayed ingame and if i try to lock them game tries every second to override it back to real value, tried different methods, datatypes etc. but can‘t get it to work
Are the values encrypted in any way so i can‘t find it via searching for the value thats displayed ingame?
Looked at the Infinite Clipammo script but that also dosn‘t help
Can you give me a hint or help me to create it @SunBeam? Because wanted to do it on my own, on a few other games i worked on i got it working but not for Breakpoint
Battleeye is disabled/bypassed for sure (otherwise debugging wouldn‘t work).
Would really appreciate if you would help me with that if you have some time
here is an example from my notes. No idea if the code is same addresses, probably not, but you can re-search using AOB.
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C08 - 66 01 F0 - add ax,si
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C0B - 0FB7 D0 - movzx edx,ax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C08 - BA E7030000 - mov edx,000003E7 { 999 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C0D - 90 - nop
66 01 F0 0F B7 D0 E8
if I remember the call here:
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BDC - E8 6FF99DE7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1ED1550
returns EAX which is unencrypted value. You can follow the addresses there to see how things are unencrypted.
one of the calls later re-encrypts and writes, maybe this one..
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C0E - E8 3DACA2E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F1C850
or one of the ones after it (you'll just have to play with it and see):
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B63 - E8 48A699E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1E8C1B0
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B68 - 31 D2 - xor edx,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B6A - 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B6F - E8 3CA699E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1E8C1B0
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B74 - 31 D2 - xor edx,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B76 - 89 6C 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],ebp
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B7A - 48 8D 4C 24 28 - lea rcx,[rsp+28]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B7F - E8 CCACA2E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F1C850
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B84 - 31 D2 - xor edx,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B86 - 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B8B - E8 C0ACA2E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F1C850
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B90 - 48 8B 8B 00040000 - mov rcx,[rbx+00000400]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B97 - 45 89 F0 - mov r8d,r14d
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B9A - 48 89 FA - mov rdx,rdi
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1B9D - 48 8B 01 - mov rax,[rcx]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BA0 - FF 50 30 - call qword ptr [rax+30]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BA3 - 48 89 C6 - mov rsi,rax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BA6 - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BA9 - 74 7F - je GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C2A
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BAB - 48 8D 48 08 - lea rcx,[rax+08]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BAF - E8 9CF99DE7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1ED1550
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BB4 - 0FB7 D0 - movzx edx,ax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BB7 - 48 8D 4C 24 28 - lea rcx,[rsp+28]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BBC - E8 8FACA2E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F1C850
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BC1 - 48 8D 4E 30 - lea rcx,[rsi+30]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BC5 - E8 86F99DE7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1ED1550
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BCA - 0FB7 D0 - movzx edx,ax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BCD - 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BD2 - E8 79ACA2E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F1C850
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BD7 - 48 8D 4C 24 28 - lea rcx,[rsp+28]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BDC - E8 6FF99DE7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1ED1550
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BE1 - 89 C6 - mov esi,eax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BE3 - 0FB7 EE - movzx ebp,si
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BE6 - 66 45 85 FF - test r15w,r15w
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BEA - 74 09 - je GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BF5
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BEC - 66 41 39 F7 - cmp r15w,si
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BF0 - 66 41 0F46 EF - cmovbe bp,r15w
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BF5 - 0FB7 D5 - movzx edx,bp
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BF8 - 48 89 F9 - mov rcx,rdi
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1BFB - E8 A0E1A1E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F0FDA0
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C00 - 66 29 EE - sub si,bp
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C03 - 48 8D 4C 24 28 - lea rcx,[rsp+28]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C08 - 66 01 F0 - add ax,si
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C0B - 0FB7 D0 - movzx edx,ax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C08 - BA E7030000 - mov edx,000003E7 { 999 } <-------------------
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C0D - 90 - nop
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C0E - E8 3DACA2E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F1C850
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C13 - 4C 8D 4C 24 20 - lea r9,[rsp+20]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C18 - 45 89 F0 - mov r8d,r14d
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C1B - 48 89 FA - mov rdx,rdi
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C1E - 48 8D 8B F8030000 - lea rcx,[rbx+000003F8]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C25 - E8 66FFA3E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1F31B90
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C2A - 48 8D 4C 24 50 - lea rcx,[rsp+50]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C2F - E8 DCBB99E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1E8D810
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C34 - 48 8D 4C 24 28 - lea rcx,[rsp+28]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C39 - E8 D2BB99E7 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1E8D810
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C3E - 45 31 C9 - xor r9d,r9d
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C41 - 48 8D 4B 48 - lea rcx,[rbx+48]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C45 - 45 31 C0 - xor r8d,r8d
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C48 - 41 8D 51 67 - lea edx,[r9+67]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C4C - E8 6F23CAE6 - call GRB_UPP.exe+1193FC0
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C51 - 4C 8B B4 24 B0000000 - mov r14,[rsp+000000B0]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C59 - 4C 8B AC 24 A8000000 - mov r13,[rsp+000000A8]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C61 - 48 8B B4 24 A0000000 - mov rsi,[rsp+000000A0]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C69 - 48 8B 9C 24 B8000000 - mov rbx,[rsp+000000B8]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C71 - 48 81 C4 80000000 - add rsp,00000080 { 128 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C78 - 41 5F - pop r15
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C7A - 5F - pop rdi
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C7B - 5D - pop rbp
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4F1C7C - C3 - ret
Here's one of the encryption functions for you to evaluate:
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6BC - 31 D0 - xor eax,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA640 - 48 89 5C 24 08 - mov [rsp+08],rbx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA645 - 48 8B 01 - mov rax,[rcx]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA648 - 31 D2 - xor edx,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA64A - 49 89 C8 - mov r8,rcx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA64D - 44 0FB6 08 - movzx r9d,byte ptr [rax]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA651 - 48 8B 41 08 - mov rax,[rcx+08]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA655 - 44 0FB6 10 - movzx r10d,byte ptr [rax]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA659 - 48 8B 41 10 - mov rax,[rcx+10]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA65D - 44 0FB6 18 - movzx r11d,byte ptr [rax]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA661 - 48 8B 41 18 - mov rax,[rcx+18]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA665 - 89 D1 - mov ecx,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA667 - 0FB6 18 - movzx ebx,byte ptr [rax]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA66A - 66 0F1F 44 00 00 - nop [rax+rax+00]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA670 - 41 0FB6 C1 - movzx eax,r9l
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA674 - 83 E0 01 - and eax,01 { 1 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA677 - 41 D0 E9 - shr r9l,1
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA67A - D3 E0 - shl eax,cl
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA67C - FF C1 - inc ecx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA67E - 09 C2 - or edx,eax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA680 - 41 0FB6 C2 - movzx eax,r10l
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA684 - 83 E0 01 - and eax,01 { 1 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA687 - 41 D0 EA - shr r10l,1
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA68A - D3 E0 - shl eax,cl
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA68C - FF C1 - inc ecx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA68E - 09 C2 - or edx,eax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA690 - 41 0FB6 C3 - movzx eax,r11l
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA694 - 83 E0 01 - and eax,01 { 1 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA697 - 41 D0 EB - shr r11l,1
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA69A - D3 E0 - shl eax,cl
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA69C - FF C1 - inc ecx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA69E - 09 C2 - or edx,eax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6A0 - 0FB6 C3 - movzx eax,bl
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6A3 - 83 E0 01 - and eax,01 { 1 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6A6 - D0 EB - shr bl,1
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6A8 - D3 E0 - shl eax,cl
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6AA - FF C1 - inc ecx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6AC - 09 C2 - or edx,eax
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6AE - 83 F9 20 - cmp ecx,20 { 32 }
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6B1 - 7C BD - jl GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA670
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6B3 - 41 8B 40 20 - mov eax,[r8+20] <----------- area you can read after function, as r8 does not get set at end of this function.
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6B7 - 48 8B 5C 24 08 - mov rbx,[rsp+08]
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6BC - 31 D0 - xor eax,edx
GRB_UPP.exe+1A4FA6BE - C3 - ret
Sunbeam is correct that deciphering this and making an option for it to directly 'edit' the ammo or what not isn't so easy. Same for XP, Credits, and most other things in the game.
This method simply modifies the value once it's already decrypted in the 'ReduceAmmo' function, and instead of reducing, just sets it to 500 before it's encrypted again.
Hope this helps.
I don't have time to go into a bunch of breakdown of how to address the encryption totally. Maybe me posting this here helps. I mean, here is an example of my code collecting the info:
cmp r8, 0x10000
jle code
mov rbx, CreditsVisualAddress
cmp rbx, 0x10000
jle code
mov [CreditsAddress], r8
mov [CreditsXOR], edx
push rbx
push rcx
mov ebx, [r8+20]
xor ebx, edx
mov [CreditsVisual], ebx
mov rbx, CreditsVisualAddress
mov rcx, CreditsVisual
mov [rbx], rcx
pop rcx
pop rbx
mov ecx,[rsp+28]
shr ecx,0F
and the code writing it LUA:
local hpAddi = getAddress("[CreditsAddress]+0x20")
writeInteger(hpAddi, readInteger("CreditsXOR")~readInteger("CreditsValue"))
So, there's a lot to address..