Reduce Difficulty More Than Once:
1. Enable script
2. Decrease difficulty through shining node next to save point.
3. Save and quit to title screen by interacting with mistle.
4. Load save and repeat from step 2 until desired difficulty.
Code: Select all
aobscanmodule(aob_difficulty,CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe,41 B0 01 48 8D 4D E0 48)
db 41 B0 00
db 41 B0 01
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651DA
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651A6: 48 89 75 E0 - mov [rbp-20],rsi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651AA: 48 8D 4D E0 - lea rcx,[rbp-20]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651AE: 48 C7 45 E8 14 00 00 00 - mov qword ptr [rbp-18],00000014
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651B6: E8 05 DB CA FA - call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+1612CC0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651BB: 48 8B 4D E0 - mov rcx,[rbp-20]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651BF: 4C 8D 05 BA 0C 3A FC - lea r8,[CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+2D05E80]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651C6: 41 B9 14 00 00 00 - mov r9d,00000014
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651CC: 66 44 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],r14w
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651D2: 44 89 CA - mov edx,r9d
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651D5: E8 E6 80 A5 F9 - call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+3BD2C0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651DA: 41 B0 01 - mov r8l,01
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651DD: 48 8D 4D E0 - lea rcx,[rbp-20]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651E1: 48 89 FA - mov rdx,rdi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651E4: E8 C7 36 E6 F9 - call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+7C88B0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651E9: 41 B0 01 - mov r8l,01
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651EC: 31 D2 - xor edx,edx
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651EE: 48 89 F9 - mov rcx,rdi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651F1: E8 DA 9E 17 FB - call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+1ADF0D0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651F6: 48 8B 5C 24 60 - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651FB: 48 8B 74 24 68 - mov rsi,[rsp+68]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6965200: 48 8B 7C 24 70 - mov rdi,[rsp+70]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6965205: 4C 8B 74 24 78 - mov r14,[rsp+78]
Note: Stars on save will remain at maximum obtained level.
Backup save before reducing difficulty! To increase stars again after reducing difficulty, player has to replay on enhanced difficulty the number of times it was reduced.
If by some unfortunate accident no backup save was made, the instruction below accesses the ClearCount and RawClearCount values when loading saves and decreasing difficulty.
You'll have to figure out which values it accessed is which variable, Clear Count is 20 bytes below RawClearCount if that helps.
ClearCount is the actual difficulty, RawClearCount should be the actual number of times completed irregardless of difficulty.
Difficulty comes into effect on changing the values and reloading save/teleporting between maps, but stars are not updated until game is completed again (i.e. after defeating final boss and watching credits to be exact).
Code: Select all
This instruction below accesses the star count on saves when entering title menu screen or title load menu. Stars and save descriptions are stored in CommonData_Slot0v008.sav while actual game saves are stored in the GameData_Slot0v***.sav file.
Code: Select all