Code Vein

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Re: Code Vein

Post by beerdevji2018 »

please add cheat unlock Horror Hunting Trials (all DLC) :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Code Vein

Post by jombokits »

Bigman397 wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2019 3:15 am
I updated the pox911 blood viel editor with item stats similar to weapons

Code: Select all

          <Description>"Current Highlighted Blood Veil"</Description>
          <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe
  Date   : 2019-09-30
  Author : Turk

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(CurVeilAOB,CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe,4C 8B 40 08 4D 85 C0 74 E1) // should be unique



  mov [VeilData],rax
  mov r8,[rax+08]
  test r8,r8
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 4C 8B 40 08 4D 85 C0


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3337

"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3319: 48 89 C2                                   -  mov rdx,rax
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B331C: 48 85 C0                                   -  test rax,rax
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B331F: 75 16                                      -  jne CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+64B3337
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3321: 48 89 D9                                   -  mov rcx,rbx
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3324: E8 A7 1C 6A FA                             -  call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+B54FD0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3329: 48 89 D8                                   -  mov rax,rbx
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B332C: 48 8B 5C 24 40                             -  mov rbx,[rsp+40]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3331: 48 83 C4 30                                -  add rsp,30
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3335: 5F                                         -  pop rdi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3336: C3                                         -  ret 
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3337: 4C 8B 40 08                                -  mov r8,[rax+08]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B333B: 4D 85 C0                                   -  test r8,r8
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B333E: 74 E1                                      -  je CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+64B3321
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3340: 0F B6 40 18                                -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+18]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3344: 48 89 F9                                   -  mov rcx,rdi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3347: 44 8B 4A 14                                -  mov r9d,[rdx+14]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B334B: 48 89 DA                                   -  mov rdx,rbx
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B334E: 4C 8B 17                                   -  mov r10,[rdi]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3351: 88 44 24 20                                -  mov [rsp+20],al
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B3355: 41 FF 92 A0 00 00 00                       -  call qword ptr [r10+000000A0]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B335C: 48 89 D8                                   -  mov rax,rbx
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+64B335F: 48 8B 5C 24 40                             -  mov rbx,[rsp+40]
              <Description>"Veil Pointer"</Description>
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>
              <DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">0:None
              <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
                  <Description>"Drain Attack"</Description>
                  <Description>"Drain Attack Blood"</Description>
                  <Description>"Drain Attack Fire"</Description>
                  <Description>"Drain Attack Ice"</Description>
                  <Description>"Drain Attack Lightning"</Description>
                  <Description>"Drain Rating"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Slash"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Crush"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Pierce"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Blood"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Fire"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Ice"</Description>
                  <Description>"Defense Lightning"</Description>
                  <Description>"GIft (Light)"</Description>
                  <Description>"GIft (Dark)"</Description>
                  <Description>"Balance (64+ N)"</Description>
                  <Description>"Resist Venom"</Description>
                  <Description>"Resist Leak"</Description>
                  <Description>"Resist Stun"</Description>
                  <Description>"Resist Inhibit"</Description>
                  <Description>"Resist Slow"</Description>
if you change the stats does it retain the stats if you close the game and reload?

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Re: Code Vein

Post by Reaper1222 »

hi changing weapon or blood veil stats doesn't save if you quit the game and reload

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Re: Code Vein

Post by Reaper1222 »

beerdevji2018 wrote:
Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:02 am
please add cheat unlock Horror Hunting Trials (all DLC) :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

hi yeah that would be awesome

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Re: Code Vein

Post by Hylician Legend »

Will there be an update/fix soon for the latest version of the game? Or has this one been given up on?

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Code Vein

Post by fengtimo »

Found a way to save modified weapons?

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Code Vein

Post by MurderInc »

Is there a way to edit player's name and codename?

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Re: Code Vein

Post by Hyotis »

Is there cheat anywhere to unlock all blood codes?

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Re: Code Vein

Post by predprey »

Reduce Difficulty More Than Once:
1. Enable script
2. Decrease difficulty through shining node next to save point.
3. Save and quit to title screen by interacting with mistle.
4. Load save and repeat from step 2 until desired difficulty.

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(aob_difficulty,CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe,41 B0 01 48 8D 4D E0 48)
  db 41 B0 00
  db 41 B0 01
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651DA

"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651A6: 48 89 75 E0                    -  mov [rbp-20],rsi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651AA: 48 8D 4D E0                    -  lea rcx,[rbp-20]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651AE: 48 C7 45 E8 14 00 00 00        -  mov qword ptr [rbp-18],00000014
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651B6: E8 05 DB CA FA                 -  call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+1612CC0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651BB: 48 8B 4D E0                    -  mov rcx,[rbp-20]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651BF: 4C 8D 05 BA 0C 3A FC           -  lea r8,[CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+2D05E80]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651C6: 41 B9 14 00 00 00              -  mov r9d,00000014
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651CC: 66 44 89 74 24 20              -  mov [rsp+20],r14w
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651D2: 44 89 CA                       -  mov edx,r9d
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651D5: E8 E6 80 A5 F9                 -  call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+3BD2C0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651DA: 41 B0 01                       -  mov r8l,01
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651DD: 48 8D 4D E0                    -  lea rcx,[rbp-20]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651E1: 48 89 FA                       -  mov rdx,rdi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651E4: E8 C7 36 E6 F9                 -  call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+7C88B0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651E9: 41 B0 01                       -  mov r8l,01
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651EC: 31 D2                          -  xor edx,edx
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651EE: 48 89 F9                       -  mov rcx,rdi
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651F1: E8 DA 9E 17 FB                 -  call CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe+1ADF0D0
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651F6: 48 8B 5C 24 60                 -  mov rbx,[rsp+60]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+69651FB: 48 8B 74 24 68                 -  mov rsi,[rsp+68]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6965200: 48 8B 7C 24 70                 -  mov rdi,[rsp+70]
"CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6965205: 4C 8B 74 24 78                 -  mov r14,[rsp+78]

Note: Stars on save will remain at maximum obtained level.
Important: Backup save before reducing difficulty! To increase stars again after reducing difficulty, player has to replay on enhanced difficulty the number of times it was reduced.

If by some unfortunate accident no backup save was made, the instruction below accesses the ClearCount and RawClearCount values when loading saves and decreasing difficulty.
You'll have to figure out which values it accessed is which variable, Clear Count is 20 bytes below RawClearCount if that helps.
ClearCount is the actual difficulty, RawClearCount should be the actual number of times completed irregardless of difficulty.
Difficulty comes into effect on changing the values and reloading save/teleporting between maps, but stars are not updated until game is completed again (i.e. after defeating final boss and watching credits to be exact).

Code: Select all

This instruction below accesses the star count on saves when entering title menu screen or title load menu. Stars and save descriptions are stored in CommonData_Slot0v008.sav while actual game saves are stored in the GameData_Slot0v***.sav file.

Code: Select all


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Re: Code Vein

Post by FZR »

How can I use the console command summon ? Seems like it doesn't work, or at least for me.. trying to spawn some weapons to test stuff. Is there a specific requirement for it to work ? I appreciate any help !

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Re: Code Vein

Post by alset85 »

I think you can't summon, but replace one item with another through the cheat table's "highlighted item" script. You can find out the ID with which to replace with the console dumper(the IDs change every time you start the game). More details are fuzzy, it's been a while.

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Re: Code Vein

Post by The Black X »

did anyone figured how to get the debug blood code?

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Re: Code Vein

Post by ll62518475 »

TemptingIcarus wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:08 pm
RaxeIe wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:19 pm
dallezh wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:03 am

If you don't mind downloading the cracked version for a little bit, then you can load your steam save in the cracked version, buy the pre order items, pick up the 2 blood codes in the cellar and then go to the mistle and rest.

Then you just move that save back to steam and voila, enjoy the preorder and deluxe items :)
Save location: C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\CodeVein\Saved\SaveGames\ACCOUNT NR\
For now there is only 1 folder which is your steam save, the cracked save is a folder with like 4 numbers where as the steam save is like 8 numbers.

Well I quess you can also ask someone with the crack or the actual pre order items on their steam to do it for you.
can you link me all the stuff i need to download the cracked version? ive never pirated stuff before and im currently using my friend's familyshare thing on steam.
No. FRF doesn't condone piracy in the slightest. If you put links in here to the pirated version, I'm afraid I'll have to report them. We don't care where you get your copy of Code Vein from, but any links to piracy sites I believe is strictly prohibited. Think before you post folks.

Anyone find a way to have 100% Parry?
You people dont care wheter someone uses pirated versions, yet you dont condone, report, and possibly block anyone who may provide some minor links? Talk about a lapse in logic... or is it a loop? A hole? In any case, its ridiculous. *laughs in pure logic* Off your high horse. Come on. Off you go. Youve had your fun, now let others ride the high horse.

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Re: Code Vein

Post by The Black X »

Well that could be as Easy as copyright issues for piracy. E.g. site goes down if found with them links. Just prevention that's all. Google Is your best friend for piracy.

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Re: Code Vein

Post by Yeahboi »

Hey, i cannot get some of the scripts to work, they just won't toggle. Namely the unlimited stamina, ichor, items, player pointer. Any ideas?

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