Ever since using the infinite ichor cheat, my ichor is stuck at 0/0 and now I can't use any abilities for the remainder of the game..
Any fix?
Man I love it when people download tables off the internet and dont read a single line of conversation about whats in the table or what issues can happen.
Ever since using the infinite ichor cheat, my ichor is stuck at 0/0 and now I can't use any abilities for the remainder of the game..
Any fix?
Man I love it when people download tables off the internet and dont read a single line of conversation about what's in the table or what issues can happen.
normally i would say that digging through a forum for info on something that's given to you on the front page when you dont see anything wrong is asking a lot of people... but then you realize that right next to the zero weight cheat it says your icors will drop to zero too so they didnt even read the trainer itself
Code Vein Halloween Update v. 1.04 in late October
They should also increase the max amount of accessories if they're gonna add more accessories
never understood why they even added a limit. i mean 6 slots should be the limit right? as simple as that. instead its 6 slots and points where some things consume more and less
I was thinking... What other people will see online if you switch your character with an NPC or NPC hair or anything else already in game and not added by a mod?
I don't think anyone has mentioned this but, We can't walk, Sneaking up on enemies is a pain when we can't walk.
Anyone found a way to walk(hopefully toggled), for example binding a key to let Pc players walk?
So how do you swap in Blood Codes? I want to get all of the bad ending stuff without playing through again. It said to only swap stuff in the same category..so I'd have to get rid of a Code to get a new one? Thats pretty much the opposite of what I want haha. I tried swapping an item since they're technically items..but then I have the item in my inventory, but I can't equip the code or learn skills from it.
^This will add the Core, but it won't function and unlock the Code.
Also, what unobtainable items have you guys found? I have..
A warning. using the weapon modify script, you can make your weapon have more than +10 upgrade. If you do, the weapon will disappear the next time you die.
A warning. using the weapon modify script, you can make your weapon have more than +10 upgrade. If you do, the weapon will disappear the next time you die.
A warning. using the weapon modify script, you can make your weapon have more than +10 upgrade. If you do, the weapon will disappear the next time you die.