[COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

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Re: [COMPLETED] [Request] Noita [Early Access]

Post by cfemen »


JAN. BUILD : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10353&p=116216#p116216

You can switch:

Full Health
-Health will be at max, but you can die on some special enemys
--------You cant die! :mrgreen:

One Hit Kill

Inf Ammo

Inf Mana

Instant Recharge

Inf. Levitate

Inf Potion

Gold Heals
Activate script and set amount
standard is 3
3 HP per gold pickup.

Gold Pointer

Remove Status Effects

Map Seed
Pointer to Map Seed, you can Copy & Paste it if you want to check the Alchemy stuff :)

Give Status Effect Fixed for 11 October
Activate and choose a ID.
you may have to gain 1 effect first before the ID change gets accepted.
Workaround right now : hurt yourself with a bomb or go in water/oil to get a status effect
this problem is only relevant if you start a new game and your character never had a status effect yet
transform into ??? will reset the "had a effect" status and you need to trigger it again.

Debug Flag -> New! :!:
you dont need to activate the script - you can toggle it with F1
it activates "edit wands everywhere"
and you have a big list of spells now in inventory
equip spells with doubleclick

Debug Keys :
Return : Free Cam - Return Again = Teleport (Use Shift to increase speed)
F3 = Toggle UI Size -> obsolete on Dec 20 build!

if you are dying while Debug Flag is activ, you can resurrect yourself with Return!

No Fog
-Thx to Lulu for the offset!

Free Perk Roll -> New! :!:
-Only on December 13+ Build!
you can roll as often you want the perks in the tempel.
November Build!
(154.03 KiB) Downloaded 270 times
Oct. 25 Build!
(157.86 KiB) Downloaded 91 times
Old! Oct. 11 Build
(269.49 KiB) Downloaded 85 times
Old! Oct. 11 Build
(259.34 KiB) Downloaded 72 times
Old! Oct. 11 Build
(254.94 KiB) Downloaded 71 times
Old! Oct. 11 Build
(254.58 KiB) Downloaded 68 times
Old! Oct. 1 Build
(256.96 KiB) Downloaded 73 times
Old! Oct. 1 Build
(239.03 KiB) Downloaded 70 times
Old! Sept. 26 Build
(236.06 KiB) Downloaded 74 times
Old! Sept. 26 Build
(1.23 MiB) Downloaded 88 times
Last edited by cfemen on Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:15 pm, edited 34 times in total.

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Re: [COMPLETED] [Request] Noita [Early Access]

Post by WhenTheyCry__ »

Question, is it at all possible to edit/add perks? I was trying to see if i could edit wands anywhere cause i only found the perk once :o I can't seem to even begin to figure it out. I'd pay for that hahaha

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Re: [COMPLETED] [Request] Noita [Early Access]

Post by cfemen »

WhenTheyCry__ wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2019 2:41 am
Question, is it at all possible to edit/add perks? I was trying to see if i could edit wands anywhere cause i only found the perk once :o I can't seem to even begin to figure it out. I'd pay for that hahaha
maybe :mrgreen:

my already dumped list of all perks ingame:
  • ability_actions

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by Logorrhea »

I'm enjoying this game, but It's a little too rogue-like. I feel like I'll get tired of it WAY before I beat it.

I'd love to be able to tweak the game a bit, without going full cheat...
like maybe... gold pickup multiplier.
picking up gold also heals you.
toggle slow-motion

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by vitaeexmorte »

And here I thought noone would look into this thread because it's changed to completed.
Let me share something with you, for old school exploit cheating and maybe help along perk editing.


For infinite perks and wands or spell components, do the following.

1. Visit a safe room, take whatever you want
2. Save & Quit (that is the only time the game actually saves apart from dying)
3. Goto following location, backup that file



4. Restart the game, now find yourself a monster or pool of lava to throw into (ehh let's face it, your wands are likely killing you faster anyway :D)
This will delete the world and write something somewhere (maybe magic_numbers.salakieli, didnt test)
5. Quit the game.
6. Copy player.salakieli back into save00 and restart

Now you stand back in the safe room, but not only did you retain all your wand and perks, but can choose again. The shop is randomized each time whether you get wands or spells.

Have Fun!

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by Xaymar »

The steps to get endless perks can be reduced to just the following:

1. Find a safe room, enter it, buy and select a perk, just hover in air.
2. Save & Quit
3. Delete world, world_state.salakieli, magic_numbers.salakieli from C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00
4. Start Noita

Some perks break when restarting the game, such as "Extra Perk" which might just give you Chests instead of an extra perk.

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by kissza »

So I'm trying to add a regeneration feature to the script using the examples here viewtopic.php?t=4838 but I realize I understand far too little, first of the 'coding convention' seems slightly different in the examples and it throws out errors for example on the 'if 64 bit' is there a good tutorial somewhere or an irc where someone could give me a little help?

also since there's a walk speed and gravity perk, what's the best way of finding such pointers? (no idea how the scripting parts work but I've used cheatengine and artmoney to make games easier for a long time with help from forums posts on harder to find values)

also is there any tool with which you could make a memory snapshot of everything and just reload it?

and I also do not seem to be able to use the levitation on build 26

so it seems you can just copy and paste levitation and oxygen from the first 24th september build and use it with the current ones

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by cfemen »

kissza wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:05 pm
So I'm trying to add a regeneration feature to the script using the examples here viewtopic.php?t=4838 but I realize I understand far too little, first of the 'coding convention' seems slightly different in the examples and it throws out errors for example on the 'if 64 bit' is there a good tutorial somewhere or an irc where someone could give me a little help?

also since there's a walk speed and gravity perk, what's the best way of finding such pointers? (no idea how the scripting parts work but I've used cheatengine and artmoney to make games easier for a long time with help from forums posts on harder to find values)

also is there any tool with which you could make a memory snapshot of everything and just reload it?

and I also do not seem to be able to use the levitation on build 26

so it seems you can just copy and paste levitation and oxygen from the first 24th september build and use it with the current ones

Code: Select all

{ Game   : noita.exe
  Date   : 2019-09-25
  Author : cfe

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(aobPoint,noita.exe,F3 0F 10 48 30 F3 0F 10 05) // should be unique



  mov [pBase],eax
  cmp dword ptr [infH],1
  jne @f
  push ebx
  mov ebx,[eax+34]
  movss xmm1,[eax+34]
  mov [eax+30],ebx
  pop ebx
  movss xmm1,[eax+30]
  push ebx
  mov ebx,[eax+34]
  cmp [eax+30],ebx
  jge @f
  addss xmm1,[dAddAm]
  movss [eax+30],xmm1
  pop ebx
  jmp return
dd 0
dd 0
dd (float)0.0004
  jmp newmem


  db F3 0F 10 48 30



"noita.exe"+B2EBCE: 33 C0                             -  xor eax,eax
"noita.exe"+B2EBD0: C7 84 24 C0 02 00 00 FF FF FF FF  -  mov [esp+000002C0],FFFFFFFF
"noita.exe"+B2EBDB: A3 C0 A6 76 01                    -  mov [noita.exe+136A6C0],eax
"noita.exe"+B2EBE0: FF 36                             -  push [esi]
"noita.exe"+B2EBE2: 8B C8                             -  mov ecx,eax
"noita.exe"+B2EBE4: E8 37 7C 52 FF                    -  call noita.exe+56820
"noita.exe"+B2EBE9: 8B C8                             -  mov ecx,eax
"noita.exe"+B2EBEB: E8 49 CE 50 FF                    -  call noita.exe+3BA39
"noita.exe"+B2EBF0: 85 C0                             -  test eax,eax
"noita.exe"+B2EBF2: 74 4D                             -  je noita.exe+B2EC41
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"noita.exe"+B2EBF4: F3 0F 10 48 30                    -  movss xmm1,[eax+30]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"noita.exe"+B2EBF9: F3 0F 10 05 68 64 71 01           -  movss xmm0,[noita.exe+1316468]
"noita.exe"+B2EC01: 0F 2F C1                          -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"noita.exe"+B2EC04: 0F 97 C0                          -  seta al
"noita.exe"+B2EC07: 84 C0                             -  test al,al
"noita.exe"+B2EC09: 74 36                             -  je noita.exe+B2EC41
"noita.exe"+B2EC0B: F3 0F 5E C8                       -  divss xmm1,xmm0
"noita.exe"+B2EC0F: 8D 44 24 38                       -  lea eax,[esp+38]
"noita.exe"+B2EC13: 8D 4C 24 4C                       -  lea ecx,[esp+4C]
"noita.exe"+B2EC17: F3 0F 10 05 E0 1B 49 01           -  movss xmm0,[noita.exe+1091BE0]
"noita.exe"+B2EC1F: F3 0F 5C C1                       -  subss xmm0,xmm1
Copy this and replace Main with it.
Health will now slowly regenerate.
and I also do not seem to be able to use the levitation on build 26
its working fine on my game with build 26, can you be more specific? can you activate the script? what is exactly the problem?
also is there any tool with which you could make a memory snapshot of everything and just reload it?
pointless coz changing addresses
also since there's a walk speed and gravity perk, what's the best way of finding such pointers
do you want pointers to the perk or to the gravity/speed values?

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by kissza »

cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:37 pm

and I also do not seem to be able to use the levitation on build 26
its working fine on my game with build 26, can you be more specific? can you activate the script? what is exactly the problem?
also is there any tool with which you could make a memory snapshot of everything and just reload it?
pointless coz changing addresses
also since there's a walk speed and gravity perk, what's the best way of finding such pointers
do you want pointers to the perk or to the gravity/speed values?
Oh thanks so much for this and I'm more interested in the pointers to the values in hope the perks just double or half a float.
The script itself works fine as well as infinite ammo and infinite health, so far I haven't tried godmode, when I try to enable levitation the check box just doesn't change, but I know that it worked on the 25th or 24th build and game.

The unnamed scripts are work in progress for perks and inventory editing?

A pity ammo isn't stored as float, would be nice to have a regeneration feature for ammo, tho i don't mind having infinite ammo, it's clearly better than the alternative with just shrines to refill ammo ^^ thanks so much for your table

-- after testing
wow the regeneration feature is great :D thanks sooo much

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by cfemen »

kissza wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:08 pm
cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:37 pm

and I also do not seem to be able to use the levitation on build 26
its working fine on my game with build 26, can you be more specific? can you activate the script? what is exactly the problem?
also is there any tool with which you could make a memory snapshot of everything and just reload it?
pointless coz changing addresses
also since there's a walk speed and gravity perk, what's the best way of finding such pointers
do you want pointers to the perk or to the gravity/speed values?
Oh thanks so much for this and I'm more interested in the pointers to the values in hope the perks just double or half a float.
The script itself works fine as well as infinite ammo and infinite health, so far I haven't tried godmode, when I try to enable levitation the check box just doesn't change, but I know that it worked on the 25th or 24th build and game.

The unnamed scripts are work in progress for perks and inventory editing?

A pity ammo isn't stored as float, would be nice to have a regeneration feature for ammo, tho i don't mind having infinite ammo, it's clearly better than the alternative with just shrines to refill ammo ^^ thanks so much for your table

-- after testing
wow the regeneration feature is great :D thanks sooo much
glad you like it :)

yeah ammo regenerate is possible even its not a float, but im to lazy to script it as a timer^^
The unnamed scripts are work in progress for perks and inventory editing?
yes its mixed between debug/wip/testing, all that kind of stuff

levitation -> can you try activate it, then right click and make a screenshot to show the error?

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by kissza »

cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:14 pm

glad you like it :)

yeah ammo regenerate is possible even its not a float, but im to lazy to script it as a timer^^
The unnamed scripts are work in progress for perks and inventory editing?
yes its mixed between debug/wip/testing, all that kind of stuff

levitation -> can you try activate it, then right click and make a screenshot to show the error?
Hmm, I don't see an option to view error logs or get anything thrown out, where exactly do i have to look for that?

Oh yeah and float would make it a lot more elegant, at least i think so because 60 or 2 charges it the charge time would be the same and if it's not it seems like more work, either ignore and just add 1 after a given time making low ammo op or checking every which case (which there's like a dozen of i think, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 60, 100?)

I would prefer the game without the ammo limitation and instead have any spell that needs it change the recharge drastically and allow for recharge to work while it's not equipped and then make it give a visual queue on screen when it's charged.


or did you mean the error when viewing the script and saving it?

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by cfemen »

kissza wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:28 pm
cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:14 pm

glad you like it :)

yeah ammo regenerate is possible even its not a float, but im to lazy to script it as a timer^^
The unnamed scripts are work in progress for perks and inventory editing?
yes its mixed between debug/wip/testing, all that kind of stuff

levitation -> can you try activate it, then right click and make a screenshot to show the error?
Hmm, I don't see an option to view error logs or get anything thrown out, where exactly do i have to look for that?

Oh yeah and float would make it a lot more elegant, at least i think so because 60 or 2 charges it the charge time would be the same and if it's not it seems like more work, either ignore and just add 1 after a given time making low ammo op or checking every which case (which there's like a dozen of i think, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 60, 100?)

I would prefer the game without the ammo limitation and instead have any spell that needs it change the recharge drastically and allow for recharge to work while it's not equipped and then make it give a visual queue on screen when it's charged.


or did you mean the error when viewing the script and saving it?
nop error = you are using Cheat Engine 6.8.x
update to 7.0 :D

yeah maybe the devs will work on the ammo system :) its still EA^^

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by kissza »

cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:51 pm

nop error = you are using Cheat Engine 6.8.x
update to 7.0 :D

yeah maybe the devs will work on the ammo system :) its still EA^^
Hah thanks will do, let's see how the manual installation is if there is even need for any and it doesn't work as portable (didn't want the core framework so i skipped update so far)

by the way did you mean about the snapshot and the pointers, do pointers end up just pointing anywhere and not orderly in a continuous form like let's say in an snes emulator? ^ pity that that isn't possible in general then, some vmware might offer it but seems like an awful lot of overhead and bad performance to cheat/savescum in random games.

Odd with 7.0 I get the error while scanning for AOB, not all results found but seems to be a bug that resolved itself after restarting noita.

also I can't express how happy the regeneration feature makes me and how much it affects how good i can play the game

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by cfemen »

kissza wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:09 pm
cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:51 pm

nop error = you are using Cheat Engine 6.8.x
update to 7.0 :D

yeah maybe the devs will work on the ammo system :) its still EA^^
Hah thanks will do, let's see how the manual installation is if there is even need for any and it doesn't work as portable (didn't want the core framework so i skipped update so far)

by the way did you mean about the snapshot and the pointers, do pointers end up just pointing anywhere and not orderly in a continuous form like let's say in an snes emulator? ^ pity that that isn't possible in general then, some vmware might offer it but seems like an awful lot of overhead and bad performance to cheat/savescum in random games.

Odd with 7.0 I get the error while scanning for AOB, not all results found but seems to be a bug that resolved itself after restarting noita.

also I can't express how happy the regeneration feature makes me and how much it affects how good i can play the game
this bug could be if you injected before with an older table from me, then the game needs to restart coz the bytes are changed.
but glad its working now :)
by the way did you mean about the snapshot
oh i did it understand what you want a complete snapshot of complete memory, not just the pointer^^

you know cheat engine has a pointer scan thats save to harddrive? :mrgreen:

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Re: [COMPLETED] Noita [Early Access]

Post by kissza »

cfemen wrote:
Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:09 pm

this bug could be if you injected before with an older table from me, then the game needs to restart coz the bytes are changed.
but glad its working now :)
by the way did you mean about the snapshot
oh i did it understand what you want a complete snapshot of complete memory, not just the pointer^^

you know cheat engine has a pointer scan thats save to harddrive? :mrgreen:

But that snapshot couldn't be used like memory snapshots in let's say zsnes? All pointers to hard disk means including any relevant data? For example I know I can suspend most games without issue and the whole process resuming from the image in ram, I wonder how do I use an image of the associated memory to 'save' and 'load' a game.
Like final fantasy 7 on a ps1 emulator on the last endboss or wherever you want instead of at save points.

Saving inbetween games of chance for a link's awakening to the past or some such, just this time for noita.

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