I am not able to enable script/table for Europa Universalis IV x64 v1.29.3.0 on Europa Universalis IV x64 v1.29.5.0.
Still works for me.
You are using Cheat Engine 7?
Yes, of course. I am using Cheat Engine 7. But from update on Steam when I start game, choose EU IV process and load table. I am not able to check/enable ABO script like it was works before (last on version 1.29.4).
When I tried manually find value for Gold, ADM/DIP/MIL points, etc... it's working without any problem (find value and freeze or change it). But I am not able to activate (check) ABO script for open option tree, like normal before.
Sometimes I have had to reinstall Cheat Engine and then "magically" it started working again.
The table works.
I thank you very much for your advice. Reinstall of Cheat Engine 7.0 helps. It's strange why it started did it after EU IV update to But you have right, now. It is working.
I was just playing a RNW game and I realised the infinite Custom Nation points modifier isn't there any more - does anyone know how I could reinstate that feature? I tried just searching for the current CN point limit (yes I tried x1, x10, x100, x1000) then changing it and re-searching just to use it as a one time thing but I couldn't find anything unfortunately.
I was just playing a RNW game and I realised the infinite Custom Nation points modifier isn't there any more - does anyone know how I could reinstate that feature? I tried just searching for the current CN point limit (yes I tried x1, x10, x100, x1000) then changing it and re-searching just to use it as a one time thing but I couldn't find anything unfortunately.
You are probably better off searching for "unknown" starting value and then search for increased/decreased - they have probably changed how the value is stored - some values are not stored as number x10/100/1000, but sometimes as number x32768 - and sometimes as part of a bit flag.
And then you simply add/remove points and search appropriately - and if you are lucky you will find a number you can change - if not, then they have done something even more clever.
I was just playing a RNW game and I realised the infinite Custom Nation points modifier isn't there any more - does anyone know how I could reinstate that feature? I tried just searching for the current CN point limit (yes I tried x1, x10, x100, x1000) then changing it and re-searching just to use it as a one time thing but I couldn't find anything unfortunately.
You are probably better off searching for "unknown" starting value and then search for increased/decreased - they have probably changed how the value is stored - some values are not stored as number x10/100/1000, but sometimes as number x32768 - and sometimes as part of a bit flag.
And then you simply add/remove points and search appropriately - and if you are lucky you will find a number you can change - if not, then they have done something even more clever.
Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately using unknown then increasing and decreasing didn't get me any useful values (I tried just changing the setting as well as changing the setting then actually starting CN creation but neither gave me anything). If anyone else has any better luck let me know!
function cycleFullCompact()
local state = not(compactmenuitem.Caption == 'Compact View Mode')
compactmenuitem.Caption = state and 'Compact View Mode' or 'Full View Mode'
getMainForm().Splitter1.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel4.Visible = state
getMainForm().Panel5.Visible = state
function addCompactMenu()
if compactmenualreadyexists then return end
local parent = getMainForm().Menu.Items
compactmenuitem = createMenuItem(parent); parent.add(compactmenuitem)
compactmenuitem.Caption = 'Compact View Mode'
compactmenuitem.OnClick = cycleFullCompact
compactmenualreadyexists = 'yes'
it seems that some update between 1.29.0 and 1.29.5 broke my table and I didn't even notice (thanks for letting me know, unlimit3d).
To keep it short: Here's an up-to-date table for enabling cheats in eu4 ironman mode on Linux.
Have fun!
PROCESS_NAME = 'eu4.exe'
-------- Auto Attach
local autoAttachTimer = nil ---- variable to hold timer object
local autoAttachTimerInterval = 1000 ---- Timer intervals are in milliseconds
local autoAttachTimerTicks = 0 ---- variable to count number of times the timer has run
local autoAttachTimerTickMax = 5000 ---- Set to zero to disable ticks max
local function autoAttachTimer_tick(timer) ---- Timer tick call back
---- Destroy timer if max ticks is reached
if autoAttachTimerTickMax > 0 and autoAttachTimerTicks >= autoAttachTimerTickMax then
---- Check if process is running
if getProcessIDFromProcessName(PROCESS_NAME) ~= nil then
timer.destroy() ---- Destroy timer
openProcess(PROCESS_NAME) ---- Open the process
autoAttachTimerTicks = autoAttachTimerTicks + 1 ---- Increase ticks
autoAttachTimer = createTimer(getMainForm()) ---- Create timer with the main form as it's parent
autoAttachTimer.Interval = autoAttachTimerInterval ---- Set timer interval
autoAttachTimer.OnTimer = autoAttachTimer_tick ---- Set timer tick call back