Installed this today when i discovered it, reminds me of Mirror's Edge a bit.
Anyway, here's modified
Assembly-CSharp.dll that enables
console args to be properly parsed at boot.
Tested on CODEX release. Original Assembly-CSharp.dll's
MD5 is: 000792564632B9072D38490894AB042B
Archive pass is:
Setup: Teleport + Checkpoint Always Available
1. Extract, drop it in
%installdir%\hotlava_Data\Managed and overwrite.
DON'T FORGET to backup original dll.
2. Make shortcut to
%installdir%\hotlava.exe, open it's properties and at the end of the
Target field add
(with space between
...lava.exe" and
-cv_c..) like this:
3. Run game, set it to
Offline mode(just to be safe), go to
Settings >> Controls, scroll down until you find
Debug Free Camera and bind it to whatever you want, let's say
From now on, you will be able to teleport anywhere on map. During gameplay just press
F1, move cam where you want and press again to teleport. freecam will have disabled collision, so you can move through objects. Also you should be able to set checkpoint at any time.
Setup: Unlock All (almost)
You can also add
-unlock_all argument at the end of the
Target field. It will
Unlock all:
- Levels (+3 unplayable/unfinished ones)
- Comics and
- Customization Items
during this instance only(which means it
won't save), so running game without -unlock_all param will reset everything unlocked this way.
Hovering over any of the last 3 unplayable/unfinished levels will eventually result in halt/crash when trying to exit the game (some registers got set that corrupted the stack and unity is unable to properly call Application.Quit()).
It's really just a heads up and nothing will be lost or damaged, you will just have to forcefully close it, so keep that in mind.
There are more console args, but i didn't really have time to test them all. They are mostly rendering-based so it's nothing important to me.