Hi! I'm new to Cheat Tables and Cheat Engine in general, and I must say that I am horrible with programming and hacking stuff
These are the issues that I have:
A) I had downloaded the latest version of the CT and enabled all Lua regardless of signature.
Yet, I am unable to activate:
1. Can Use Philmobile Before Endgame (Still Have To Give The Key Using Override Item)
2. Can Use Dragon Horn (Tengri) (Still Have To Give The Horn Using Override Item)
Is this because I don't have these items yet?
B) I am able to activate these, but they do not take effect:
1. Infinite HP (all Characters with each character ticks)
2. Infinite MP (all Characters with each character ticks)
3. All Spells Cost Zero MP
4. Override Get Familiar (via ticket) - For this, I was pretty sure my items could not be expended, but my tickets still disappear after use
For now, my priority is to get "Override Get Familiar (via ticket)" working. Has anyone worked this out?
A1) and A2) has been resolved by giving the said item first via Override Item. I didn't see them cos idk I could lengthen the column of the CT to view the headers.
B3) I realised that I mistook Spells for Tricks. B3) is ok.
B4) My current way is to not use the pointer and auto override. I use Override Shop ID and the manual setting of override familiar ID instead.
I am still unable to activate B1 and B2 though