Saints Row IV

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Saints Row IV

Post by STN »


Unlimited Health
Unlimited Stamina

Unlimited Money
Unlimited Clusters

Unlimited Ammo
No Reload
No Overheating

The scripts are using hard-coded addresses so it will only work for Steam version. Let me know if you need it for another version and i'll change it.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(17.61 KiB) Downloaded 4646 times

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Re: Saints Row IV - table v: 1.0.1 CT

Post by xICEMANx117 »

Thanks, Been thinking about replaying this

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Re: Saints Row IV - table v: 1.0.3 CT

Post by UltimatePoto42 »

Here's a fun script, but now I really have to find recoil.
P.S.: Works better with the laser guns, even the pistols have to much recoil.

Code: Select all

	Process			: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  (x32)
	Module			: SaintsRowIV.exe
	Game Title		: Saints Row IV
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.81
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 08/27/18
	Name			: WeaponFireRateHook

	Weapon Fire Rate Hook

	+7  : 83xxxx84xx75xx8DxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxx84xx74xx8DxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxx84xx74xx8D


define(address, SaintsRowIV.exe+758FEB)
define(bytes, 8D 8B 9C 01 00 00)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobWeaponFireRateHook, SaintsRowIV.exe, 83xxxx84xx75xx8DxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxx84xx74xx8DxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxx84xx74xx8D)
define(injWeaponFireRateHook, aobWeaponFireRateHook+7)
assert(injWeaponFireRateHook, bytes)

alloc(memWeaponFireRateHook, 0x400, injWeaponFireRateHook)



		dd 0
	align 10 CC
		lea ecx,[ebx+19C]
		cmp [ebp-24],0
		jne o_code
			mov [ptrWeaponFireRateHook],ebx
			mov dword ptr [ecx],-1
		// lea ecx,[ebx+0000019C]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: SaintsRowIV.exe+758FEB  -  00B58FEB
//// AOB address: 00B58FE4  -  SaintsRowIV.exe+758FE4
//// Process: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  00400000
//// Module: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  00400000
//// Module Size: 04016000
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FB2:  5D                          -  pop ebp                            
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FB3:  C3                          -  ret                                
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FB4:  8B 83 C0000000              -  mov eax,[ebx+000000C0]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FBA:  85 C0                       -  test eax,eax                       
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FBC:  74 12                       -  je 00B58FD0                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FBE:  57                          -  push edi                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FBF:  50                          -  push eax                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FC0:  8B CF                       -  mov ecx,edi                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FC2:  E8 A980F5FF                 -  call 00AB1070                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FC7:  50                          -  push eax                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FC8:  E8 633AF6FF                 -  call 00ABCA30                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FCD:  83 C4 0C                    -  add esp,0C                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FD0:  8B 8F D40D0000              -  mov ecx,[edi+00000DD4]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FD6:  8B 51 10                    -  mov edx,[ecx+10]                   
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FD9:  68 BA1D0000                 -  push 00001DBA                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FDE:  52                          -  push edx                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FDF:  E8 9C9C91FF                 -  call 00472C80                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FE4:  83 C4 08                    -  add esp,08                         <<<--- AOB Starts Here
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FE7:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FE9:  75 46                       -  jne 00B59031                       
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FEB:  8D 8B 9C010000              -  lea ecx,[ebx+0000019C]             
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FF1:  E8 CA465300                 -  call 0108D6C0                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FF6:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FF8:  74 0F                       -  je 00B59009                        [SaintsRowIV.exe+1608B8D]
SaintsRowIV.exe+758FFA:  8D 8B 9C010000              -  lea ecx,[ebx+0000019C]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+759000:  E8 FB455300                 -  call 0108D600                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+759005:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+759007:  74 28                       -  je 00B59031                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+759009:  8D 8B A0010000              -  lea ecx,[ebx+000001A0]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+75900F:  E8 AC465300                 -  call 0108D6C0                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+759014:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+759016:  74 0F                       -  je 00B59027                        [SaintsRowIV.exe+74A781]
SaintsRowIV.exe+759018:  8D 8B A0010000              -  lea ecx,[ebx+000001A0]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+75901E:  E8 DD455300                 -  call 0108D600                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+759023:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+759025:  74 0A                       -  je 00B59031                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+759027:  81 A7 B4000000 FFFFFF7F     -  and [edi+000000B4],7FFFFFFF        
SaintsRowIV.exe+759031:  80 BF 101D0000 00           -  cmp byte ptr [edi+00001D10],00     
SaintsRowIV.exe+759038:  0F84 C2000000               -  je 00B59100                        [SaintsRowIV.exe+354838B]
SaintsRowIV.exe+75903E:  F6 43 3A 80                 -  test byte ptr [ebx+3A],-80         
SaintsRowIV.exe+759042:  75 11                       -  jne 00B59055                       
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

I think this one works a little better.

Code: Select all

	Process			: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  (x32)
	Module			: SaintsRowIV.exe
	Game Title		: Saints Row IV
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.81
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 08/27/18
	Name			: WeaponFireRateFireHook

	Weapon Fire Rate Fire Hook

	+A  : EBxx8Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8BxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxx84xx0F84xxxxxxxx80xxxxxxxxxxxx74


define(address, SaintsRowIV.exe+756A10)
define(bytes, 8B 8D 2C FA FF FF)

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobWeaponFireRateFireHook, SaintsRowIV.exe, EBxx8Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8BxxxxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxx84xx0F84xxxxxxxx80xxxxxxxxxxxx74)
define(injWeaponFireRateFireHook, aobWeaponFireRateFireHook+A)
assert(injWeaponFireRateFireHook, bytes)

alloc(memWeaponFireRateFireHook, 0x400, injWeaponFireRateFireHook)



		dd 0
	align 10 CC
		mov ecx,[ebp-000005D4]
		mov [ptrWeaponFireRateFireHook],ecx
		mov dword ptr [ecx],1
		// mov ecx,[ebp-000005D4]
		jmp return

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	jmp n_code

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db bytes




//// Injection Point: SaintsRowIV.exe+756A10  -  00B56A10
//// AOB address: 00B56A06  -  SaintsRowIV.exe+756A06
//// Process: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  00400000
//// Module: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  00400000
//// Module Size: 04016000
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569BB:  C0 8B CF89851C FA           -  ror byte ptr [ebx+1C8589CF],-06    
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569C2:  FF                          -  db -01                             
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569C3:  FF 89 85ECF9FF              -  dec [ecx-0006137B]                 
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569C9:  FF E8                       -  jmp far eax                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569CB:  F1                          -  db F1                              
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569CC:  6C                          -  insb                               
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569CD:  53                          -  push ebx                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569CE:  00 84 C0 75096A00           -  add [eax+eax*8+006A0975],al        
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569D5:  8B CF                       -  mov ecx,edi                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569D7:  E8 946B5300                 -  call 0108D570                      [SaintsRowIV.exe+3E4448B]
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569DC:  80 BD 30FAFFFF 00           -  cmp byte ptr [ebp-000005D0],00     
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569E3:  0F85 B1070000               -  jne 00B5719A                       
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569E9:  8B 8D 48FAFFFF              -  mov ecx,[ebp-000005B8]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569EF:  C7 85 30FAFFFF 0A000000     -  mov [ebp-000005D0],0000000A        
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569F9:  E8 92C2F4FF                 -  call 00AA2C90                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+7569FE:  85 C0                       -  test eax,eax                       
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A00:  0F84 7A070000               -  je 00B57180                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A06:  EB 08                       -  jmp 00B56A10                       <<<--- AOB Starts Here
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A08:  8D A4 24 00000000           -  lea esp,[esp+00000000]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A0F:  90                          -  nop                                
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A10:  8B 8D 2CFAFFFF              -  mov ecx,[ebp-000005D4]             
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A16:  E8 E56B5300                 -  call 0108D600                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A1B:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A1D:  0F84 5D070000               -  je 00B57180                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A23:  80 BD 00FAFFFF 00           -  cmp byte ptr [ebp-00000600],00     
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A2A:  74 0F                       -  je 00B56A3B                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A2C:  8B 85 34FAFFFF              -  mov eax,[ebp-000005CC]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A32:  83 38 00                    -  cmp dword ptr [eax],00             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A35:  0F8E 45070000               -  jng 00B57180                       
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A3B:  8B 85 30FAFFFF              -  mov eax,[ebp-000005D0]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A41:  8B C8                       -  mov ecx,eax                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A43:  48                          -  dec eax                            
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A44:  89 85 30FAFFFF              -  mov [ebp-000005D0],eax             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A4A:  85 C9                       -  test ecx,ecx                       
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A4C:  0F84 2E070000               -  je 00B57180                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A52:  8B 8D 2CFAFFFF              -  mov ecx,[ebp-000005D4]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A58:  E8 136C5300                 -  call 0108D670                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A5D:  8B 95 48FAFFFF              -  mov edx,[ebp-000005B8]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A63:  56                          -  push esi                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A64:  52                          -  push edx                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+756A65:  8B F8                       -  mov edi,eax                        
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBFullInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Saints Row IV - table v: 1.0.3 CT

Post by UltimatePoto42 »

Finally got that "no recoil".

Code: Select all

	Process			: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  (x32)
	Module			: SaintsRowIV.exe
	Game Title		: Saints Row IV
	Game Version	:
	CE Version		: 6.81
	Script Version	: 0.0.1
	Date			: 08/31/18
	Name			: RecoilWrtHook

	Recoil Wrt Hook


define(address, SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BF1)
define(oldBytes, 66 0F 5A C0)
	// cvtpd2ps xmm0,xmm0
define(newBytes, 0F 57 C0 90)
	// xorps xmm0,xmm0
	// nop

//// ------------------------------ ENABLE ------------------------------
aobScanModule(aobRecoilWrtHook, SaintsRowIV.exe, D9xxxx0F5AxxF2xxxxxx66xxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxE8xxxxxxxxD9)
define(injRecoilWrtHook, aobRecoilWrtHook+A)
assert(injRecoilWrtHook, oldBytes)

//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db newBytes

//// ------------------------------ DISABLE ------------------------------
//// ---------- Injection Point ----------
	db oldBytes


//// Injection Point: SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BF1  -  005C8BF1
//// AOB address: 005C8BE7  -  SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BE7
//// Process: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  00400000
//// Module: SaintsRowIV.exe  -  00400000
//// Module Size: 04016000
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BA3:  83 EC 08                    -  sub esp,08                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BA6:  57                          -  push edi                           
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BA7:  8D 4E 3C                    -  lea ecx,[esi+3C]                   
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BAA:  E8 114BAC00                 -  call 0108D6C0                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BAF:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BB1:  0F84 89020000               -  je 005C8E40                        
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BB7:  F3 0F10 46 38               -  movss xmm0,[esi+38]                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BBC:  D9 05 2C4F6A01              -  fld dword ptr [016A4F2C]           [(float)-10.0000]
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BC2:  D8 4D 08                    -  fmul dword ptr [ebp+08]            
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BC5:  F3 0F10 4D 08               -  movss xmm1,[ebp+08]                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BCA:  F3 0F11 45 F8               -  movss [ebp-08],xmm0                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BCF:  0F5A C0                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm0,xmm0                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BD2:  0F5A C9                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm1,xmm1                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BD5:  D9 5D FC                    -  fstp dword ptr [ebp-04]            
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BD8:  DD 05 606B4D01              -  fld qword ptr [014D6B60]           [(double)2.7183]
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BDE:  F2 0F59 C1                  -  mulsd xmm0,xmm1                    
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BE2:  F3 0F10 4E 2C               -  movss xmm1,[esi+2C]                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BE7:  D9 45 FC                    -  fld dword ptr [ebp-04]             <<<--- AOB Starts Here
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BEA:  0F5A C9                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm1,xmm1                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BED:  F2 0F58 C1                  -  addsd xmm0,xmm1                    
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BF1:  66 0F5A C0                  -  cvtpd2ps xmm0,xmm0                 
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BF5:  F3 0F11 46 2C               -  movss [esi+2C],xmm0                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BFA:  E8 F1FCC500                 -  call 012288F0                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8BFF:  D9 5D FC                    -  fstp dword ptr [ebp-04]            
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C02:  D9 45 FC                    -  fld dword ptr [ebp-04]             
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C05:  8D 4E 3C                    -  lea ecx,[esi+3C]                   
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C08:  D8 4D F8                    -  fmul dword ptr [ebp-08]            
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C0B:  D9 5E 38                    -  fstp dword ptr [esi+38]            
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C0E:  E8 ED49AC00                 -  call 0108D600                      
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C13:  F2 0F10 2D E04E6301         -  movsd xmm5,[01634EE0]              [FFFFFFFF]
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C1B:  0F57 E4                     -  xorps xmm4,xmm4                    
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C1E:  F3 0F10 5D 08               -  movss xmm3,[ebp+08]                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C23:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C25:  0F84 B1000000               -  je 005C8CDC                        [PROPSYS.dll+AC0B9]
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C2B:  F3 0F10 4E 2C               -  movss xmm1,[esi+2C]                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C30:  F3 0F10 05 8CA47A01         -  movss xmm0,[017AA48C]              [(float)3.0000]
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C38:  0F5A C9                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm1,xmm1                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C3B:  0F5A C0                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm0,xmm0                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C3E:  F2 0F59 C1                  -  mulsd xmm0,xmm1                    
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C42:  0F5A D3                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm2,xmm3                
SaintsRowIV.exe+1C8C45:  0F5A CB                     -  vcvtps2pd xmm1,xmm3                
//// Template: I2CEA_AOBInjection
//// Generated with: I2 Cheat Engine Auto Assembler Script Template Generator
//// Code Happy, Code Freely, Be Awesome.

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Re: Saints Row IV

Post by krmit »

For GOG version, please.

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Re: Saints Row IV - table v: 1.0.4 CT

Post by plf »

i understand that hack a game is complicate but could you make everything run in a less complicate way ? it would be better to just have to check all the cheats that we need to use

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