What are the names in ObjectDump that correlate to Zane's skills in game(editing a class mod)? For example Teamwork in ObjectDump is Trick of the Light in game.
What are the names in ObjectDump that correlate to Zane's skills in game(editing a class mod)? For example Teamwork in ObjectDump is Trick of the Light in game.
one thing I tend to do when editing items is use the vending machine table to get a bunch of items to compare before I start, it really helps getting an idea of how items are structured.
Is there anyway we can "lock" Mayhem 3 modifiers so they don't change while we play or exit to main menu->continue? It's super hard to test gun vs gun etc. in Mayhem 3 mode where you can't get same modifiers rolled...
P.S i accidently left out a few items. but whats on my char atm is what i use for my moze
holy shit man. That Grenade, its fucking insane ^^ i have a 2080 RTX TI and my Game is lagging when i throw one. Its insane thank you so much for the upload.
Anyone here by chance has " Elemental Projector Deathless " Artifact? Please pm me! Thank you!
check my save its literally almost every artifact
i dont think yours have the elemental projector deathless, it has 183% elemental damage
Its got most of the artifacts put together. It probably doesn't say that it has it but if you were to pull it open and lookup the info in the dump file you'll probably find a part that is for the elemental projector. It doesnt' say Deathless on it either but it still has that too.