Quick question, If I got faisor with 18 slot, I'd it possible to convert it into class mod or grenade mod with 18 slot?
You can't convert items to other items with CE (yet)
So, if it a convert into same type of item such as gun to gun, it will work right?
You can only swap parts on the item, as long as those parts are of the same manufacturer and type. So if you have a Dahl Pistol then you can only swap the parts with other Dahl Pistol parts. You can't put a Dahl Sniper Barrel onto a Dahl Pistol.
I know how to change it from one another, but I have no idea where you guys put additional legendary components.
To me it seems like each items has limited slots to use. allowing me to just change into other legendary componts
If you follow the guides posted by Zanzer and infosir, you just go to the next 8 byte section (Count your existing components) and place the Barrel of the legendary weapon in question, then increase the component count on Zanzer/Resolve's table and quickly close the game.
1. If the game crashes, it failed and you need to try again.
2. f you load back in and the weapon in question is gone, the parts were incompatible.
3. If you load back in, and the weapon exists, then success! You can press F to inspect the weapon's parts and see what you added.
I know how to change it from one another, but I have no idea where you guys put additional legendary components.
To me it seems like each items has limited slots to use. allowing me to just change into other legendary componts
If you follow the guides posted by Zanzer and infosir, you just go to the next 8 byte section (Count your existing components) and place the Barrel of the legendary weapon in question, then increase the component count on Zanzer/Resolve's table and quickly close the game.
1. If the game crashes, it failed and you need to try again.
2. f you load back in and the weapon in question is gone, the parts were incompatible.
3. If you load back in, and the weapon exists, then success! You can press F to inspect the weapon's parts and see what you added.
How to swap an annointed skill for another annointed skill? I cant find the annointed skills after searching the memory addresses
Edit: Also having trouble finding the skills for shields on the objectdump.txt
Start by searching for the existing values on your item, then scrolling up/down from there, or looking for the part information like "SG_JAK_Barrel_" to find pieces to replace a barrel, or add more parts to a Jakobs Shotgun.
Also, this is interesting...
Last edited by Aceofgods on Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
So I think I found out how to turn one item into another, or at least have the item show the proper rarity, you need to also update the balance, I'm not that good at editing cheat engine tables but the balance info is just 4 bytes after the item score. The game doesn't seam too check if you have the right set of parts so I was able to make this emperor's condiment with 3 barrel and body accessories when according to the debug menu item builder it should only have 1 of each. Using this and starting with an item with a large number of parts like a sniper rife you should be able to get a bunch of extra items onto legendaries.
Hi its my first time using cheat engine and i enabled Unlimited ammo to try it out, and then i deselected it but now it seems my character is stuck with unlimited ammo is there anyway to disable this or do i need to unistall my game now ? please help !
Hi its my first time using cheat engine and i enabled Unlimited ammo to try it out, and then i deselected it but now it seems my character is stuck with unlimited ammo is there anyway to disable this or do i need to unistall my game now ? please help !
How to swap an annointed skill for another annointed skill? I cant find the annointed skills after searching the memory addresses
Edit: Also having trouble finding the skills for shields on the objectdump.txt
Start by searching for the existing values on your item, then scrolling up/down from there, or looking for the part information like "SG_JAK_Barrel_" to find pieces to replace a barrel, or add more parts to a Jakobs Shotgun.
So i tried Sunbeams Spawnawesomeitems. Pretty sure i spawned like 1000 Guns and i never got Kings or Queens Call. Not a single one. Im looking for an anoited one. How rare are they^^ But im not mad, got an Recurring Hex which im very happy about it. I dont know ive Kings / Queens Call is in the loot table from Spawnawesomeitems. Anyone got them with this command?
first attempt editing a weapon, funny thing is if you remove the mag and replace it with a barrel (currently running three, guns ugly but first time trying) it no longer uses ammo, appreciate this whole thread!
*EDIT* Not sure how to properly include an image, sorry
I dont know ive Kings / Queens Call is in the loot table from Spawnawesomeitems. Anyone got them with this command?
You could just use fearlessrevolution's trainer and boost the legendary chance through the roof for a better chance at getting one and then just edit it with CE.