New update did break the table, but it's likely we'll see the save editor soon anyway.
Many thanks for what you worked on so far SunBeam, I made sure to unlock everything I needed to enjoy the game.
For the others: I'm not sure you'll get an update this time, depends how good SunBeam is feeling!
Just Uploaded all 4 characters end of hunter mod 92% to 102% & 31 Mules with all types of items (lof of anointed ones).
No broken items like: 65 attachments and 300K dmg, only normal ones.
No idea if i can put the link here for people to download it as it's on Nexus Mod.
But it's just to let you know as you did a lot of work for BL3, if it can help you then great! =)
I've just discovered that x64dbg is capable of scripting stuff I will drop out of warp for a while and stop hacking games at the pace with which I've gotten y'allz used to and focus on coming up with generic scripts that will do the job for me/us (e.g.: when game updates, pop in the script, boom).
I thought I would write it in a currently popular forum thread.
For anyone which has "Intel Gemini Lake, family 6 model 122 stepping 1". You could have problems with some AA scripts.
Problem is that CPU is reading incorrect instruction bytes, e.g. mov with RIP relative addressing, when instruction is crossing a 16-byte boundary.
It happens mainly when such instruction is at address with ending: 1c, 23, 5c, 5d, 9c, 9d, a3, dc.
So, place this:
"align 10 90"
before any
"mov REG64,[somethinghere]"
in AA scripts which crash the game.
source: [Link]
Last edited by mgr.inz.Player on Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've just discovered that x64dbg is capable of scripting stuff I will drop out of warp for a while and stop hacking games at the pace with which I've gotten y'allz used to and focus on coming up with generic scripts that will do the job for me/us (e.g.: when game updates, pop in the script, boom).
I just registered here, to thank you for your work. I know that assembler and understanding memory content is a high specific knowledge, which you use to help here out, without getting payed for it. Is there any possibility to donate you something?
I just registered here, to thank you for your work. I know that assembler and understanding memory content is a high specific knowledge, which you use to help here out, without getting payed for it. Is there any possibility to donate you something?
I really appreciate your intention, but I myself decided I'd stay out of the whole "donation" process You can donate to FRF instead, if you feel like, as this is where you'll always find me. Please see: viewtopic.php?f=21&p=105697#p103733.