Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal 4.20] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by inforsir89 »

Zanzer wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:49 pm
My table still lets you modify your weapons stats. I haven't checked, but I'm fairly confident that both SunBeam's and my tables were pointing to the same address. Just copy the offsets from SunBeam into my Mouseover Inventory Pointer for the temporary weapon stats.
uh how do we do this? and sunbeam said he changed his
SunBeam wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:54 pm
I'm not using a CWeapon hook, I just found the correlation between what I needed and OakCharacter ;) The pointers to RecoilComponent and some others are at variable offsets for some weapons. So I need an iterator in the hook to get the proper offsets (usually +/-8) :) Can easily be fixed depending on the weapon. Jakobs ones seem to have Recoil and Sway off. That's about it :P

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SonyUSA »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:19 pm
Welp, nothing has changed apart from the binary being a different one (thus all my hard-coded addresses in the various scripts will point to wrong locations). But even if it does, now I have the means to spawn shit on my own, without the help of "SpawnAwesomeItems" (which still works, by the way; I had hoped they would remove it).
Sounds interesting! Specific items or just dropping random stuff based on the pointers for the item pools like SpawnAwesomeItems does? Also, will you release this knowledge to us peons? :D

Edit: Just saw your video a few pages back... looks awesome!

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by SunBeam »

Table updated for 1.0.1.

EDIT: Dunno about you guys, but on my end this new update has lag spikes. And I'm playing solo, offline. Feckin' Denuvo. They really can't release it without DRM? :( 600 MB .exe and memory hoggin' like a motherf'...

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by JustinTimber »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:47 pm
Table updated for 1.0.1.

EDIT: Dunno about you guys, but on my end this new update has lag spikes. And I'm playing solo, offline. Feckin' Denuvo. They really can't release it without DRM? :( 600 MB .exe and memory hoggin' like a motherf'...
You're a god.

But you're right about Denuvo. They don't give a damn about cheating in their game but god forbid someone try to pirate it.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by Aceofgods »

JustinTimber wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:06 pm
But you're right about Denuvo. They don't give a damn about cheating in their game but god forbid someone try to pirate it.
I'll be 100% honest: I don't have any income, so if the game wasn't Denuvo, I wouldn't have bought it. xD
Don't get me wrong, I love the game and love the developers, but I've got 5 friends in the same boat as me and can't play with them until the game gets cracked.

I'll probably still end up pirating the DLCs... Season passes are cool, but having no income means I'm lucky if I get to buy the base game.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by leonsithis »

Hi sorry for probably a dumb question. I followed your steps in the latest updated table but whenever I am trying to spawn legendary assault rifles, the game CTD. Please help. (It worked once but after 4 spawns it crashes again.)

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by CunnyLingus »

Hey does anyone no how to unlock all heads and skins?

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by CunnyLingus »

I figured it out. How about completing all challenges? Is that even possible?

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by uba46 »

SunBeam wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:17 pm
uba46 wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:36 am
I see some people have finished the game 3 times already. Might I ask - when the fuck did you physically have the time to? I am barely at chapter 12/23 and played a lot, uncovering everything and playing all side-stories. Seriously, now, people...
Well thanks for your answer, honnestly it's more curiosity, even red that a "save editor" might come out a the end of this week, probably saturday or sunday (without weapons for the first release), but yeah finished the game many times now, know it by hearth and the "end game" well there isn't much to do.
Just wish the dungeon were more interesting with better rewards when you do full objectives but it's not even the case sadly (pretty bad game design decision here cause they could have been really awesome). Still just playing with friends and trying to have 2 or 3 nice builds for each class and leave it there until new updates =)

To answer you, having a bit of time to play this month (well a lot since wow classic came out as i made a small brake with work).
Started borderlands 3 with friends, but i'm that kind of guy that understand pretty quickly those games (sadly have to admit). As i'm not a big borderlands fan (had to "re-discover" all the game mecanism), after an evening playing with friends that was a lot of fun! Just saw that you could skip a LOT and i really mean a LOT of mobs (litteraly running to the next objectiv mark without the mobs following you).
A friend got his saved corrupted so to give you and idea what we made "normally" during our first play threw together, i helped him rushing it:

- 1 st discovery play threw we took our time so it was something like 4 or 5 hours (part i had to rush him)
- 2 play threw (rushing one) it took 1 hour 30 or so (mainly cause of cinematics and dialogs that take more time than missions)

Few things i like / dislike that made me rush like that (problem of most of those type of games):

- items you drop a pretty useless once max level, so no need to spend hours farming without being max level.
- a lot of things are bind to your character (secondary missions, map discoveries and so on...), so basically no need to do any secondary missions or vehicle parts during "normal" you have to wait "hunter" mod. (that's a big issue with the game cause creating a 2nd character means a LOT of time doing the exact same crap, same secondary missions once in hunter mod and ofc having to do 1 - 50 in normal to reach hunter and start being able to drop things that are good for your 1st char too... that's why most of players stick to 1 character and devs then say "people only play their main")
- if you want to level up fast then go in "waves" mod, good money, good xp, some loot and fun (well when it doesn't bug like a mob glitching and breaking the thing)
- had the chance to loot a "farming" trinket, in hunter mod + chaos + trinket + guardian points + before their loot fix the drop rate was totally insane, like 1 leg on 10 - 20 mobs (max i had was 10 legs on 25 - 30 mobs, just totally insane thought the game was bugged when that happened).
- youtube vids are good to give some "build ideas", but it's mostly "kill everything in 1 hit" (in the first 1st week of release as usual) which is boring, so worked on other type of builds (probably came out now but working on a Fl4K tank unkillable build & a Fl4K "necromancer" build, dont want to check as i want it to be 100% mine)

So how did it start and doesn't it break the "fun of the game" to rush and so on?

Skip the history of the entire process, but did on my own 2,5 characters (Fl4K 102%, Amara going to 102% too and Moze Normal), as it became a bit boring just grabbed a 102% Moze (found on Nexus) and a Zane save that is allready in hunter mod (find Zane the least interesting character).
Have to clean and organise my "mules characters" too, as i have like 350 - 400 legendaries all arround, to keep only the good ones of each weapon.
Now just trying some builds, to have 4 characters with 1 to 3 builds on each of them (with all items on each of them) and mules with legendaries for my friends and for later updates. So i can keep playing with friends and have fun waiting new content =)
But it's pretty fun, to discover things before some YT / internet guide come out, could have wrote my own if i hadn't to go back on Classic WoW soon.

After your first playthrough, once you've done history + secondary mission, things go really quick honnestly. Depends on how your brain works (visual or reading memory) have a good visual memory so once i saw something i remember it (even easier when i did it), so rolling on the game a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time is pretty quick.

3 things are pretty bad in this game:

- Inventory space (shooter - looting game with only 40 slots on your char + 50 bank slot is just ridiculous), they could have made a better bank, with "layers" to store items instead of having to create some "mules characters".
- Forcing players to "re-do" everything, starting in normal for each new character is just "unfun". Better take some risks and give players the ability to switch characters when they want easily or at least start directly lvl 50 in hunter mod with basic items on the game finished on another character. It's just "artifical play time" at that point.
- Dungeons, thought it was a big thing, sadly it's just some more waves to kill as quickly as possible. Even if you do all "dungeon bonus" you don't even have 100% leg at the end or even 100% "anointed leg" in chaos 3. That's pretty bad, cause it's better to do boss runs in chaos 3 than those dungeons.... if you really want to loot things (like do a brother & sister rush)

Still game is cool and fun, hopefully the upcoming updates will be good with more late game content and i hope for an "unlimited" difficulty mod, like "hunter + mod" / "hunter ++ mod" and so on and/or more chaos mods (chaos 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.... 100). As right now people tend to stick to those "one shot builds" but there are a loot of "team builds" that are pretty interesting.

A question that might come, will i plan to put a nexus mod my saves, once all char are 100%+?

Still have a lot to do on 2 characters (especially freaking Zane) and do all builds for each of them. I'm at the point where they are all naked so can't even play with them until i've made their builds ^^"
But maybe i'll put it on nexus at some point, will it be all 100%+ characters & mules, only characters, only mules, don't know yet. Might depend on the builds i make and if they are allready on YT or not. If not might just release some vids about them.
What is sure, is that there won't be any "modded weapons" at all in those saves (as i find it pretty game breaker and unfun except for 5min), Moze 102% won't be mine for the most part (as i used someone save and only did Normal with her) and Zane not mine for the Normal mod. For items, right now only 100% legit dropped items, might play a bit with CE with all the things SunBeam released, but not sure if i'll keep them or not and also some "characters mules" on nexus that i might use to improve the items quality (if they are better than the ones i have).

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by uba46 »

Lots of discussion about "legit / not legit / "if we're here we obviously cheat"
Still everybody plays the game as they like =)
On some i'm using some cheats, on others not at all, just a "how i feel to play the game" question ^^
Well on my side, it's usually when i allready rolled on the game 1 or 2 times that i start to look at "what is available out there".
And ofc i follow a simple rule: "No cheat if it might hurt other players experience" (like going godmod / 1shotkill in Coop or anything in PvP)
After all Borderlands is a "solo / coop game" so people can play as they want, even saw some videos on YT and internet builds, that i'm 99% sure aren't 100% legit at all when i see all the items they have with the exact perk they need (at least not legit farm). But it hurts no one =)

About my borderlands 3 experience, i'm pretty proud of my legit 102% Fl4K and soon my 102% legit Amara (without using any guides). But my Moze & Zane definitely won't be 100% legit. And also proud of all the legit legendaries i found. Still that's me, my experience of the game and what i had fun doing.
If i'm here, it's more by curiosity and cause i allready rolled on the game multiple times and did max difficulty things. Farming 1000 more hours for "that perfect item" isn't that much fun for me and obviously you don't need it at all cause the game isn't that hard even in hunter chaos 3. Same story for the last vehicle part i couldn't find or the few cosmetics i didn't have, want to have them but wouldn't be worth the invested time (pretty much cause i won't even use them).
Now might use SunBeam release to accelerate the "drop process" as i think i made the "tour" of the game and farming the 2 same bosses 1000 more times won't bring me any fun at all and might use a trainer for "run speed" to accelerate the 102% on the last character "Zane", as it won't bring me any fun to do it legit, especially cause this character isn't "worth/fun" for me.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by jim2point0 »

In the latest version, I can't get UnlockCustomizations to work anymore. Did the usual:

Enable -> Rig "UPlayer::Exec'

Found OakGame.OakDeveloperPerks.UnlockCustomizations in the dump, added that address (+88) to my table. Show as hex, change value to 04020600.

Then I try to run the command, but I get "Command not recognized: UnlockCustomizations"


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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by asdff12345 »

Just wanted to make an account to say thanks for your hard work. Nice, clear instructions, very helpful tool. Thanks! :)

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by bossman »

so I was able to run the command and get the weapons to spawn but now when am trying to run it again my game just keeps crashing any idea?

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by sodalover »

jim2point0 wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:48 am
In the latest version, I can't get UnlockCustomizations to work anymore. Did the usual:

Enable -> Rig "UPlayer::Exec'

Found OakGame.OakDeveloperPerks.UnlockCustomizations in the dump, added that address (+88) to my table. Show as hex, change value to 04020600.

Then I try to run the command, but I get "Command not recognized: UnlockCustomizations"

I just tried it and it worked for me.

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Re: Borderlands 3 [Engine:Unreal Engine 4] - Console enabler, Dumper and more..

Post by uba46 »

bossman wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:07 am
so I was able to run the command and get the weapons to spawn but now when am trying to run it again my game just keeps crashing any idea?
Probably the small update that came out, didn't try it "pre-update", but had to DL the 1.0.1 and then once IG they asked me to go to main menu to update the game too. So i guess it's cause of that.
Tried multiple times allready and it just keeps crashing for me too when i press the numpad "suppr"

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