You done any work on decrypting save games? I dumped the protobins and wrote a UE4 save parser for it day one hoping that it wasn't encrypted but it is and I have no idea what the algorithm and key is.
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Managed to write my own item spawner. It lets you select whichever category you want and how many items to drop I've not yet tried with loot that'd drop from bosses, but will make sure to add in a check that won't let it spawn anything if the ItemPoolData was not loaded by the engine. At least now you'll have a much better chance to drop a specific item. In-bound in a while, need to think the thread function through
P.S.1: I don't think I'm going to go any further into the function, as it looks a little complex. What I could gather is that it uses current player level from BPChar_Operative_C_1.PlayerBalanceState ([[OakCharacter + 21A8[ + 1A4]) and for the rest it uses rand() function several times.
P.S.2: Not yet sure if I can spawn something else, like mobs. Given the above, it should be of the same level as myself
P.S.3: "Can you modify the parameters as well?" - NO. Study the function yourselves if you want to do that. You have it in the script.
Followed your post with interest, as i was searching specific things that in my opinion aren't well made IG, more specifically:
- switch character to another (as i made my 1st character 102%, doing all this again for the 3 others would just be losing time without any fun)
- finding all vehicules parts (as i was only missing 1 at that point)
- few cosmetics missing
- "anointed gear" spawner (since legendary loot became rare, after having done last boss between 75 - 100 times in hunter chaos 3, i can tell that looting the correct "anointed gear" is just ridiculous. As you can loot no legendary at all 1 time on 4 or 5 (approx) even with a specific looting build and nearly 15% rarity guardian points)
Still wanted to say a big thank you, as it was really interesting to follow the discoveries one after the other (have to admit i stop during the last past 2 or 3 days).
If i understood correctly:
- switch character isn't possible except with "ServerSwitchCharacter" (or a cmd like that) but it just put an Operator and fucked up a majority of things in your save (like bank upgrade reseting to 0) so basically not great, even more cause you can't choose the class.
Still without repairing the "dev menu" i guess it's not possible without a ton of work involved.
- vehicules parts & cosmetics are pretty strait forward and working perfectly, even if you have to reload the game or in reality reset "Object file" to make it work.
- items progressing well, but without gear builder it's kind of complicated / impossible to spawn a specific item (well not impossible but too much work to be worth it)
I guess i'm still hoping for a "change character class" that is working, but finding a save (nexus mod allready have few good saves) also do a big part of the job allready.
Still about the items i think that would more interesting and usefull than just "spawning legendaries" or "specific legendaries" would be "spawning anointed items" (weapons, shields...) as to be honnest legendaries even specific ones aren't that hard to loot if you just play the game with a decent build.
Still had few questions about those spawning items, more by interest than a request (even if it would be cool as it's a pain to drop the right ones):
- Would it be possible to spawn only "anointed items"?
- if yes, would it be possible to spawn specific class of items (like only guns, smg, ar... or only shields) & only "anointed"?
I also saw that some people tried to find "King's Call", "Queen's Call" but they had no chance to directly find them as "King's", "Queen's", "Rowan" (and so on) are only affix of a weapon changing cause of weapon parts. So basically "King's", "Queen's", "Rowan" are the same weapon only with different parts. (Well that's what i understood while doing all my mules and throwing a ton of bad legendaries i had).
So my last question would be:
- Would it be possible to spawn only "Call" weapons instead of "only guns" for example and doing this with all different weapon base name?
Those questions are more curiosity than wishes, still those things (especially "anointed items") are what really matters IG than legendaries that can be find easily.
Once again thanks for your work, have no big knowledge in CE, still learned few things only by reading borderlands 3 CE posts and more specifically your post and the "item edit" posts here & there. Pretty interesting and was able to unlock my last vehicule missing part and the few last cosmetic <3
Used once the legendary drop only to see if i could make it work, but not that usefull, as i can simply just farm a boss that will most likely drop the legendary weapon i want directly (more effective than spawning items, for example never had a "Queen's Call" to spawn, with the boss took me 2 tries to have a new one). So even if i thought it would be awesome, i just realised i had more than 300 - 350 legendaries allready spread between 10 characters without using an item spawner.
I won't "fix" anything the developers did not compile in. Don't care for class switching, I just want to play the base story, 1 time and be done with it. Also don't care for weapon parts, components and other crap the other topic is filled in with. It's enough for me that I am able to spawn items, in a controlled way, up to the point where an item from a pool is dropped. Don't care which, I can spam that key to death. Also don't care what the cumulus of properties for said weapon are. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want a more in-depth dive into the function, I've shown it to you in the video. Go debug it and have at it. Or wait for Zanzer, maybe he'll continue from here.
"- Would it be possible to spawn only "Call" weapons instead of "only guns" for example and doing this with all different weapon base name?" - Yes.
"[...] anointed [...]" - As I said, I'm not controlling the item properties, just which ItemPool the item will drop from; use Zanzer's tutorial if you want to create custom items that, to me, make no sense other than "having fun"
I see some people have finished the game 3 times already. Might I ask - when the fuck did you physically have the time to? I am barely at chapter 12/23 and played a lot, uncovering everything and playing all side-stories. Seriously, now, people...
I see some people have finished the game 3 times already. Might I ask - when the fuck did you physically have the time to? I am barely at chapter 12/23 and played a lot, uncovering everything and playing all side-stories. Seriously, now, people...
It gets wayyy faster after you beat it once and stop caring what the NPCs have to say and what-not. My 3rd character finished campaign in under 8 hours.
As for time... I'm unable to work, so I spend all of my time playing games. If it wasn't for this thread and your hard work, as well as the other thread and the wonderful people there, I would have likely lost interest in Borderlands 3 and played something else by now.
Making my own custom-tailored build and items is alot of fun for me.
I see some people have finished the game 3 times already. Might I ask - when the fuck did you physically have the time to? I am barely at chapter 12/23 and played a lot, uncovering everything and playing all side-stories. Seriously, now, people...
The key is to not do the side quests as they become available. If you do everything as soon as it is available, you will become very over-levelled for all of the content and the game won't be much fun since you'll one-shot everything.
Once you finish the story, you get the ability to turn on a new setting that makes everything match your level. This way you can go back and do all the side quests and they will all be your level and the appropriate amount of challenge. There are also a lot of new things you can do that aren't available until the story is complete.
The game is much more fun once you complete the story, so racing to the end is actually the best way to play the game.
Honestly, with the amount of weapon mods in the table, console, god, unlimited clip, fly, ghost, etc. - the game is MUCH more fun to be played that way. I'm not doing a semi-legit run. I want to ENJOY the story as is, don't care for weapon level (especially when you can fucking boost the damage to 3x or 4x with the table, [ Debug ] section). Fight.. what for? We're all cheating. The mere fact that you're conversing with me in this topic tells me you know what Cheat Engine and tables are Trying to fool our minds into thinking "yeah, I'm cool with these mods and will play legit in co-op and show off with the custom gear I have" won't really last as much as you think
Honestly, with the amount of weapon mods in the table, console, god, unlimited clip, fly, ghost, etc. - the game is MUCH more fun to be played that way. I'm not doing a semi-legit run. I want to ENJOY the story as is, don't care for weapon level (especially when you can fucking boost the damage to 3x or 4x with the table, [ Debug ] section). Fight.. what for? We're all cheating. The mere fact that you're conversing with me in this topic tells me you know what Cheat Engine and tables are Trying to fool our minds into thinking "yeah, I'm cool with these mods and will play legit in co-op and show off with the custom gear I have" won't really last as much as you think
Hey SunBeam, just a quick question regarding classes.
If I wanted to add a class, how would I do that?
For example:
Class OakGame.OakDebugWeaponBuilderMenu
The class would be 'OakGame', right?
If you can find it in the ObjectsDump.txt, then it already exists. Add it where?..
Oh so if it's in the ObjectsDump.txt it's already added then? So therefore the commands with the class OakGame should work, right?
Sorry I know I'm stupid with this shit. I just want to work at getting OakDebugWeaponBuilderMenu working.
Honestly, with the amount of weapon mods in the table, console, god, unlimited clip, fly, ghost, etc. - the game is MUCH more fun to be played that way. I'm not doing a semi-legit run. I want to ENJOY the story as is, don't care for weapon level (especially when you can fucking boost the damage to 3x or 4x with the table, [ Debug ] section). Fight.. what for? We're all cheating. The mere fact that you're conversing with me in this topic tells me you know what Cheat Engine and tables are Trying to fool our minds into thinking "yeah, I'm cool with these mods and will play legit in co-op and show off with the custom gear I have" won't really last as much as you think
I don't think anyone here cares about being legit. My co-op friends use CE too, but we're not using god mode or creating super overpowered weapons. The game literally isn't any fun at all if you can just one-shot everything all the way through. Doing that just turns the game into a mindless point-and-click between cutscenes. Using those kinds of cheats, you could boot up any first-person shooter and have exactly the same watered-down experience. You could finish the game in an hour this way. Might as well just save time and watch the cutscenes on YouTube instead.
Anyone that finds playing that way to be fun, all the power to them. But they're missing out on 90% of what the game has to offer with weapon variety, grenade and artifact combinations, class skills, team play in co-op, etc. Using CE to make the game a little easier and prevent some grinding, sure, I'm all about that. But using CE to eliminate 90% of what the game has to offer? Personally, I wouldn't drop $60 on a game if I were just going to ignore 90% of its gameplay. But people can spend their money whatever way they like...
I can definitely see the appeal of the aspect of reverse-engineering the code and seeing how the game works internally and figuring out stuff you can change in there. I've been doing that stuff for decades. I got my start as a kid by hacking my own Game Genie codes on the NES back in the 80s. But as far as actually playing through Borderlands 3, I don't see any fun (or point) in playing when everything dies from a single shot. I've tried it, it gets super boring after a few minutes. I guess I'm just harder to please than the people who find that to be fun.