Hollow Knight request

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Hollow Knight request

Post by HorouNaito »

I was wondering if someone could help me with either a new table or an addition to the tables already created for Hollow Knight version

What I need is:

Limit your soul container to 33%
Heal two masks with regular healing at regular speed instead of 1 mask.

I would like this to simulate pantheos with all bindings in order to practice in Hall of Gods, the reason why I want to heal 2 instead of 1, is because Ascended enemies do double damage instead of the regular they do in the 5th pantheon, so I will have 8 health instead of 4 health to compensate that inconvenience.

I would truly appreciate it.

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Re: Hollow Knight request

Post by cfemen »

Health Two Masks:
you may have to heal one time before you can activate it

Limit Soul 33%:
you may have to damage an enemy one time before activate

and something for fun : Fly
just hold jump and you can fly

and something i did just for me, maybe someone like it:
modified assembly.dll
pw : FRF
replace with original one and you can ingame activate with F2 the Debug Menu
use z/y to activate the options:

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Re: Hollow Knight request

Post by sodalover »

Oh this is quite nice. Well done!

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