Gears 5 Trainer's + Cheat's for PC
Gears 5 Trainer +18 v1.1.15.0 Steam/Microsoft Store
FREE + PREMIUM Trainers : [Link]
Author: DDS
Options: +18 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Code: Select all
Key F999 = BubbleYUM IceCream
Numpad 1 = Infinite Health
Numpad 2 = Infinite Buddy Health
Numpad 3 = Easy Kills
Numpad 4 = No Reload
Numpad 5 = Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 6 = Quick Ability Cooldown
Numpad 7 = Super Speed x2
Numpad 8 = Super Speed x3
Numpad 9 = Normal Speed
Numpad 0 = Matrix Mode On/Off
Numpad / = Freeze Enemies
Key F2 = Unfreeze Enemies
Key F3 = Save Position
Key F4 = Teleport
Key F5 = Undo Teleport
Key F6 = Mini Character
Key F7 = Normal Character
Key F8 = Unlimited Components
CTRL + H == Disable all Hotkeys.
Press the key INSERT at the main menu or anywhere in the game
and listen for, "Trainer Activated".
This trainer will not work if you have an active
internet connection. To be able to use this trainer,
you need to set you games client "Steam/MicrosoftStore"
to OFFLINE mode. Then unplug from them Internetzzz.
Then, RUN the trainer first as an ADMIN. Wait for it to do
its thing, and then run the game from Steam or from the
microsoft launcher.
Let the game load and then Activate the trainer before you
press PLAY on the games menu.
That is all folks, if you need any more help, dont forget
to stop by my discord server; [Link]
All the options are self-explanatory. If you need
help with any of the options, please post all your
questions on the trainer's support page on our blog.
For quicker support, please join us @ [Link]