Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by jonasbeckman »

Haven't tested if the current tables can still hook to the game since after the 1.0.4 patch but I'm just waiting on seeing what Bethesda and Machine Games will do with the game while it's still getting active support though outside of using the console commands (Bind and then a key and then the savegame command and quicksaving is back.) it's nice to see them fixing and improving several of the reported flaws (Pausing now being a thing for example.) and criticism such as the bullet sponge enemy design, lack of checkpoints and other issues though the AI companion still tends to ruin stealth and respawning is sometimes incredibly quick though the CE options and commands do help with that too heh.

Upcoming Patch Highlights
Update 1.0.4
The team at Machine Games has been working on adding a pause function for Offline mode, as well as fixing several issues that players have encountered with achieving 100% game completion. We are targeting this update for LATER THIS WEEK on PC.

You can read the full patch notes for 1.0.4 below.

Update 1.0.5
In our 1.0.5 update, we are working to address a host of game difficulty and progression issues based on your feedback. This includes:

Additional checkpoints
Difficulty adjustments across the board, especially in boss fights
Addressing the feeling some players have expressed that some enemies feel like “bullet sponges”
Adding additional ammo throughout the game
An option to toggle enemy health bars on/off
Making it easier to get 100% game completion

Please stay tuned for more specifics and timing of this update soon! Be sure to follow us @ Wolfenstein on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest news.

Update 1.0.4 Patch Notes (Scheduled for later this week)

Added ability to pause the game in OFFLINE mode only. Although we have tested this feature extensively, if you encounter any issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket to [Link].
Removed the ability to open padlocked doors from the wrong side, as this was causing some issues with mission progression
Client players will once again take normal damage from environmental explosions (fire extinguishers, fuel tanks, etc.)
Players will now correctly be able to catch friendly and enemy grenades after taking the Grenade God upgrade
Client players were having health and ammo fully restored in some circumstances after picking up a heavy weapon
Uberhammer projectiles will now explode properly under all conditions
Fixed an issue where one player could end up rotated in the wrong direction while interacting with elevator levers

Art and Graphics

Improved the animation when viewing your sister opening Shared Life crates (eliminates teleporting)

User Interface

The Protohund marker for “Destroy the Protohund” and “Collect the Box” missions will no longer appear on the minimap when the mission is not set to active
Opening the Journal while activating fast travel now interrupts fast travel. This corrects a variety of issues with loading and UI
Fixed a reticle issue that could cause your weapon crosshair in Wolfenstein: Youngblood to appear when playing the “classic” Wolfstone 3D arcade game in the Paris Catacombs
Corrected an issue that could cause “Call for Help” to not be available after using a Shared Life. “Call for Help” should now be available if the player is down but their sister is alive
Fixed an issue when performing certain actions while opening the in-game options menu that could cause the camera to become permanently tilted


Fixed a variety of audio issues, including resolving audio dropouts after equipping the flashlight weapon upgrade on the Kugelgewehr

Online Co-op

Fixed a network packet issue that could cause session disconnects when too many explosions occurred in co-op, resulting in players getting dropped from their co-op game
Resolved crash that could happen with the Client in a co-op game used Crush, then immediately performed a melee attack on the enemy
Fixed the error message players would receive if their Steam Privacy settings were set to Friends Only. Note that your Steam profile must be set to Public in order to view Steam friends through the in-game invite menu

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Enemies will no longer float in midair next to the walkways in Lab X
The last used weapon was not being properly equipped when the player dropped a heavy weapon
Resolved issue where enemies could become stuck floating during the “Lothar and Juju’s trap” mission
Changed “Could Not Write Crash Dump” error message to be more descriptive. Crash Dumps are files that contain information relating to a crash; this message would appear any time a crash occurred—which could occur for different reasons—and may have led to confusion that “Could Not Write Crash Dump” was a specific error. As these files tend to be large (~58mb) Crash Dump writing remains off by default. The new message gives explicit instructions on how to turn on Crash Dump writing should you choose to assist in diagnosing the cause of your crash
1.0.4 being the current patch and 1.0.5 coming later.

And if there are compatibility issues and users didn't back up the game exe reverting is possible via the above little command line tinkering.

download_depot 1056960 1056962 6557929629623585413 8184350777991895004

Should be the diff between 1.0.3's binaries and 1.0.4 here just as one workaround, trade-off between the table from the other topic working with 1.0.3 or using the 1.0.4 patch which I haven't tested but if it still hooks it's all good and if not well that's just how it is.

Oh and nice to see the console command unlocks and the CE tables other functions for the prior games too, preferred New World Order and Old Blood personally when compared to New Colossus and Youngblood here and it's unlikely those will be updated so for a eventual replay it's good to have more options for tweaking or just having fun. :)

Work is already started on Wolfenstein 3 too so I wouldn't expect too much more for Youngblood support but who knows, gaming as a service being in full swing and all. Hmm wonder if that means a sort of commission or Patreon system would be seeing a increase with games now actively maintained over a year or two coupled with changing who knows what and breaking existing tables and trainers and then the thing about file size creeping upwards of 100 GB or larger as content is added over time. Just thinking out loud more than anything but it is going to have some effect.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by TheParabola »


Thank you for all the info :) I've tested idles table for 1.0.3, and it does not hook/work on 1.0.4, the table that just gives you access to restricted console commands works just fine

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

I've just updated mine, noclip's back again. Also did the unrestrict a bit differently now (patching 1 byte!!). Planning to add the disabling of "maxed out" message (don't remember if this game has it), as well as a generic hook in the encoding/decoding function so I don't hear anymore whining regarding coins and other shit :D Stay tuned.

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by TheParabola »

SunBeam wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:29 pm
I've just updated mine, noclip's back again. Also did the unrestrict a bit differently now (patching 1 byte!!). Planning to add the disabling of "maxed out" message (don't remember if this game has it), as well as a generic hook in the encoding/decoding function so I don't hear anymore whining regarding coins and other shit :D Stay tuned.
Hey Sunbeam, thank you for updating! but looking at the post I'm not seeing the updated one? could be missing it, there's a _lot_ in there, that isn't a link to the table.


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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

Not posted; just updated on my end :P

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by ramitoedits »

SunBeam wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:42 pm
Try pm_thirdPerson 1.

Oh, and if you want to skip the intro, add this in Steam, to the "Set Launch Options": +com_skipBootSequence 1. That basically tells the engine to skip any intro sequence and head straight to main menu (you don't need to rename the .bik file anymore).

EDIT: Meh, that is an idTech 5 CVar. I'll see if I find its equivalent in idTech 6 (or at least identify the piece of code using it).
Thanks for the reply anyway, I understand its a bit of a weird request. I've gone through the list of cvars but unfortunately, I dont think there is one. great work tho :D table works perfectly

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

ramitoedits wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:34 am
Thanks for the reply anyway, I understand its a bit of a weird request. I've gone through the list of cvars but unfortunately, I dont think there is one. great work tho :D table works perfectly
Couldn't get it working, as the various spots where the CVar is used in idTech 5 don't show up in 6. I also checked out Colossus, not there as well. I'll let you know if I find anything in DOOM 2016 worth porting over.

EDIT #1: Welp, DOOM 2016 has it :) Time to see how this shit works:


Something tells me they didn't build up/render properly the 3rd person version in Youngblood.

EDIT #2: It seems "g_freezeTime 1" works, but camera doesn't move around for some reason. Will see if I can resolve that. So far got the game to un-pause while in g_freezeTime :P The 3rd person model is nicely rendered :)


EDIT #3: So this game has the annoying "maxed out" message as well. It's just under the form of "X Full" (where X = Ammo, Throwables, etc.). Time to kill this shit.



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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

Gonna drop this here :P

Code: Select all


Address          Disassembly                                                            Label                                          
0000000140EED5F0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14D8F5560                                         idPresentablePlayer::DrawGuis
0000000140D67E30 mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+8],rcx                                           idEditEntities::DisplayEntities
0000000141144D00 mov rax,rsp                                                            idMemLocal::AllocWithLocation
0000000143068598 test al,85                                                             g_debugPlayer
0000000141D3BD90 sub rsp,10                                                             ___chkstk
00000001410D46B0 push rsi                                                               idGameLocal::GetLocalPlayer
00000001411368D0 mov dword ptr ds:[rcx+48],edx                                          idMenuManager::SetMenuTransition
0000000141133420 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E18CF60                                         idStr::idStr
000000014115CD40 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27DE00                                         idGameSystemLocal::GetActiveSaveSlot
00000001410D4BE0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14DFEDCC0                                         idGameLocal::GetDebugPlayer
0000000140EED3B0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14D8F46C0                                         idPresentablePlayer::DrawSubtitles
00000001407987E0 push rbp                                                               idRenderSystemLocal::Init
000000014115B130 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E270190                                         idLib::FatalError
0000000143E6EFA0 push rax                                                               idRenderSystemLocal
00000001411872A0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E3C5690                                         idCmdSystemLocal::GetCommandDescription
0000000141187510 push r14                                                               idCmdSystemLocal::ExecuteTokenizedString
00000001411877E0 push rbp                                                               idCmdSystemLocal::InsertCommandText
0000000140A796F0 mov rax,rsp                                                            idCommonLocal::ClearWarnings
0000000141136900 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1AE7C0                                         idCmdSystemLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
0000000140A61D30 mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+8],rcx                                           idCommonLocal::Init
0000000141187BB0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E3C9850                                         idCmdSystemLocal::ExecuteCommandBuffer
0000000140A5EA40 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14AC8E360                                         idCommonLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
000000014278B178 ???                                                                    const idCommonLocal::`vftable'
0000000140A5ED00 push rdi                                                               idCommonLocal::~idCommonLocal
0000000143FAD3F0 js youngblood_x64vk.143FAD3A3                                          idCommonLocal
0000000140A66460 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14AC927D0                                         idCommonLocal::Quit
00000001433828D0 add byte ptr ds:[rax],al                                               __locale_changed
0000000140A66470 mov rax,rsp                                                            idCommonLocal::Shutdown
0000000142F5EE78 ???                                                                    idHashIndex::INTERNAL_INVALID_INDEX
00000001411482F0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1EDB80                                         idMemLocal::ResetMapHeap
0000000141187370 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E3C5DB0                                         idCmdSystemLocal::CommandExists
0000000140A61080 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14AC91690                                         idCommonLocal::IsInitialized
0000000140A798A0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14ACAE580                                         idCommonLocal::SetRefreshOnPrint
0000000140A60000 mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+8],rbx                                           idCommonLocal::WriteConfigToFile
000000014115C340 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E2747D0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::Find
0000000140A79630 push rdi                                                               idCommonLocal::PrintWarnings
0000000141D41260 mov r11,rcx                                                            _memset
0000000141D57830 jmp youngblood_x64vk.154C36250                                         __toupper_l
000000014034DC50 push r14                                                               idListArrayDelete<cuttableStateInfo_t>
0000000141D41420 mov r11,rcx                                                            _memcpy
000000014112F630 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E175AB0                                         idStr::operator=
0000000141148340 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1EF210                                         idMemLocal::FreeHeaps
0000000141144AD0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1E40A0                                         idMemLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
00000001411480E0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1EB610                                         idMemLocal::PushHeap
0000000141159850 mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+8],ecx                                           idLib::VPrintf
0000000141148140 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1EBF70                                         idMemLocal::PopHeap
000000014115B2D0 mov rax,rsp                                                            idCVar::UpdateValue
000000014421E670 nop                                                                    idMemLocal
0000000141186DC0 mov rax,rsp                                                            idCmdSystemLocal::AddCommand
0000000141151CA0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E2281C0                                         idMemLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
000000014115AC40 push rbp                                                               idLib::PrintStackToConsole
000000014034FA60 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14837FFD0                                         idDecl::GetText
0000000143069680 cmp cl,9F                                                              cmdSystemLocal
0000000141186C40 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E3C4E50                                         idCmdSystemLocal::Init
0000000141133670 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E18F860                                         idStr::idStr1
00000001429FFBF0 mov al,byte ptr ds:[DC0000000141151C]                                  const idMem::`vftable'
0000000141187790 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E3C6890                                         idCmdSystemLocal::ExecuteCommandText
00000001411828D0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E3B3D50                                         Sys_Alloc
000000014115CD60 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27EDB0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::ResetFlaggedVariables
0000000141144F10 test rdx,rdx                                                           Sys_Free
00000001429FFCC0 ror byte ptr ds:[rdx+14],1                                             const idMemLocal::`vftable'
00000001442EDA90 sar ah,9F                                                              memLocal
00000001429FF980 add byte ptr ds:[rcx+13],ch                                            const idCmdSystemLocal::`vftable'
0000000140A5CC90 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14AC7B8A0                                         idCommonLocal::Game
00000001410F46D0 mov rax,rsp                                                            idGameLocal::RequestSaveGame
000000014111DD20 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E15DF40                                         idCmdArgs::TokenizeString
000000014115AFE0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E26C7C0                                         idLib::Printf
0000000141134910 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E19CE40                                         idStr::Append
0000000141187E80 mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+20],r9                                           idCmdSystemLocal::ArgCompletion_FolderExtension
0000000141D5799C sub rsp,28                                                             __toupper
0000000141184AA0 mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+18],r8                                           idCmdSystemLocal::FindCommands
0000000141184620 mov rax,rsp                                                            idAutoComplete::Append
0000000141187150 mov rax,rsp                                                            idCmdSystemLocal::CommandCompletion
0000000140587DC0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.148ED1360                                         idCmdArgs::Argv
00000001410D2120 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14DFEBA90                                         idGameLocal::IsGameActive
00000001410C9040 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14DFE4B00                                         idGameLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
00000001410C9BE0 mov rax,rsp                                                            idGameLocal::~idGameLocal
00000001410D6400 mov rax,rsp                                                            idGameLocal::RunFrame
00000001402F6600 jmp youngblood_x64vk.148233A70                                         idGameLocal::GetMapName
00000001410F40A0 push rbp                                                               idGameLocal::LoadGame
00000001410CBA10 mov rax,qword ptr ds:[<cmdSystemLocal>]                                idGameLocal::LoadMostRecentGame
0000000143089750 cmp dl,bh                                                              cvarSystemLocal
00000001429FFA38 ???                                                                    const idCVarSystemLocal::`vftable'
000000014115C9D0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27C640                                         idCVarSystemLocal::Command
000000014E1B1850 mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+8],rbx                                           idCVarSystemLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
000000014115F1B0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E283520                                         idCVarSystemLocal::ClearModifiedCVars
0000000141136A00 push rdi                                                               idCVarSystemLocal::~idCVarSystemLocal
00000001411B8670 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E453200                                         idHashIndex::InternalFree
00000001429FF878 push rax                                                               const idCVarSystem::`vftable'
000000014115C990 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27BC90                                         idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarFloat
0000000141143750 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E1DB3C0                                         idCVarSystem::`scalar deleting destructor'
0000000141136BF0 jmp <youngblood_x64vk.idCVarSystemLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'> idCVarSystemLocal::`scalar deleting destructor'
0000000141D3B4B4 jmp youngblood_x64vk.141136F30                                         idMemLocal::Singleton
000000014115C4A0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E277440                                         idCVarSystemLocal::CvarExists
000000014115BC40 push rdi                                                               idCVar::Set
000000014115C720 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E277BC0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarString
000000014115CBF0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27CD30                                         idCVarSystemLocal::FindCvarsByPrefix
0000000141136B50 push rdi                                                               idCVarSystemLocal::ResetCVarByIndex
000000014115C750 push rdi                                                               idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarBool
000000014115C7E0 push rdi                                                               idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarInteger
000000014115C870 push rdi                                                               idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarFloat
000000014115C900 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E2785D0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarString
000000014115C930 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E278D90                                         idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarBool
000000014115C960 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E2794F0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarInteger
000000014115CA90 mov rax,rsp                                                            idCVarSystemLocal::CommandCompletion
000000014115CD30 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27D5C0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::SetModifiedFlags
000000014115CD50 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27E4D0                                         idCVarSystemLocal::ClearModifiedFlags
000000014115CDC0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E27F950                                         idCVarSystemLocal::WriteFlaggedVariables
000000014115F0D0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E282B60                                         idCVarSystemLocal::ReportModifiedCVars
000000014115AFB0 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E26BDF0                                         idLib::Debugf
000000014115F220 jmp youngblood_x64vk.14E283770                                         idCVarSystemLocal::RegisterStaticVars
000000014115DB00 push rbp                                                               idCVarSystemLocal::ListCVars
Working for current .exe (so back it up before the update!).


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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

Updated table for the latest version. I believe there's going to be another game update this week.

EDIT: Quick update of the table. Throwables are resolved as well now for pick-up/auto-pickup when Full.

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by ramitoedits »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:29 am
ramitoedits wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:34 am
Thanks for the reply anyway, I understand its a bit of a weird request. I've gone through the list of cvars but unfortunately, I dont think there is one. great work tho :D table works perfectly
Couldn't get it working, as the various spots where the CVar is used in idTech 5 don't show up in 6. I also checked out Colossus, not there as well. I'll let you know if I find anything in DOOM 2016 worth porting over.

EDIT #1: Welp, DOOM 2016 has it :) Time to see how this shit works:


Something tells me they didn't build up/render properly the 3rd person version in Youngblood.

EDIT #2: It seems "g_freezeTime 1" works, but camera doesn't move around for some reason. Will see if I can resolve that. So far got the game to un-pause while in g_freezeTime :P The 3rd person model is nicely rendered :)


EDIT #3: So this game has the annoying "maxed out" message as well. It's just under the form of "X Full" (where X = Ammo, Throwables, etc.). Time to kill this shit.


holy crap! looks like im gonna have to reinstall Doom 2016 again :D

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by ramitoedits »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:29 am
ramitoedits wrote:
Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:34 am
Thanks for the reply anyway, I understand its a bit of a weird request. I've gone through the list of cvars but unfortunately, I dont think there is one. great work tho :D table works perfectly
Couldn't get it working, as the various spots where the CVar is used in idTech 5 don't show up in 6. I also checked out Colossus, not there as well. I'll let you know if I find anything in DOOM 2016 worth porting over.

I know this is unrelated but how did you get it to work in Doom? For some reason, the command is unrecognized for me :cry:

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

I had to unrestrict commands/CVars like in this one. I might buy and do DOOM 2016 as well :) Just for the "Completionist" achievement of hacking all the idTech 5/6 games in the Wiki list :D

P.S.: Are XP Points also encoded?

EDIT: Apparently not. The offset changed a bit though. Add this to your CE (pointer list):

Code: Select all

// Youngblood_x64vk.exe+3FAD3F0 == idCommonLocal

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by ramitoedits »

SunBeam wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:24 pm
I had to unrestrict commands/CVars like in this one. I might buy and do DOOM 2016 as well :) Just for the "Completionist" achievement of hacking all the idTech 5/6 games in the Wiki list :D

P.S.: Are XP Points also encoded?

EDIT: Apparently not. The offset changed a bit though. Add this to your CE (pointer list):

Code: Select all

// Youngblood_x64vk.exe+3FAD3F0 == idCommonLocal
Ahhh, I had a guess that was the reason. It's super surprising to see that no one has released a table that does that! If you do ever release keep me updated :D , would love to try it out in DOOM 2016

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by CostaBr33ze »

Sorry I'm brand new to the site and to using cheat engine, but how to I edit the table so it works with the CODEX release of Youngblood? Do I edit this line:

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(INJECT_SkillPts,Youngblood_x64vk.exe,8B 50 18 39 97 00 02 00 00) // should be unique
I'm not sure what I should debug to find that hex address.

When I try to F5 with either the windows or the VEH debugger the game just crashes

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Re: Wolfenstein: Youngblood [Engine:idTech 6]

Post by SunBeam »

Guys, try this out sometime ;) -> viewtopic.php?p=99883#p99883
If you want to check out a map with no AI spawned, well, do this:
  • enter a map and don't move
  • enable notarget
  • you can now move around with no AI spawned
Due to notarget being active, the game think there is no player spawned in the map :) Therefore no AIs are spawned as well. If you want them spawned after you've cleaned up, just move outside to a 'trigger' point, disable notarget, then return to the area. You'll see spawnage :P

Makes it easier to avoid fights and head for the collectibles ;)


P.S.: Will not work when AIs are close to spawn point, thus spawned by default as you enter map.

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