Where can i actually download cheat engine?

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Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by Duckers »

The original site had been overflown with malware and browser hijackers, and i nearly installed that malicious segurazo shite that last time installed several unwated bullshit that i wasn't able to remove at all last time i got it by accident.


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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by STN »

Duckers wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:16 pm
The original site had been overflown with malware and browser hijackers, and i nearly installed that malicious segurazo shite that last time installed several unwated bullshit that i wasn't able to remove at all last time i got it by accident.

Uncheck those checkboxes and they won't install.

Alternatively, you can unplug your internet and then run the setup and those offers wouldn't show up. You can also download the no-setup version from cheat engine site (go to downloads page).

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by SunBeam »

People's obtuse belief is pretty much influenced by anything they see or read in the social-media. How about you fucking install all of that and then simply uninstall each? How's that? :| Always over-bitching about stupid shit.

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by Duckers »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:30 pm
People's obtuse belief is pretty much influenced by anything they see or read in the social-media. How about you fucking install all of that and then simply uninstall each? How's that? :| Always over-bitching about stupid shit.

Simply uninstall each? last time i accidentally had that "antivirus", it installed 10 more programs, ran my cpu at 100% and i was not allowed to quit the program, kill the thing in task manager or even uninstalled it. It even installed around 10 bloats into each browser.

Also, i want to apologize for my bitching too.

But i have to ask, why is that "antivirus" malware even added as an "ad"?

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by SunBeam »

I think what is suggested to be installed is randomized in the installer itself. That's why.

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by STN »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:30 pm
People's obtuse belief is pretty much influenced by anything they see or read in the social-media. How about you fucking install all of that and then simply uninstall each? How's that? :| Always over-bitching about stupid shit.
Some of the software that comes included is pretty nasty and doesn't uninstall easily. So it's far better to not have it install in the first place. DB does a good job of rejecting bad ones, Chromium and yahoo as homepage, not that bad!

Not sure about the antivirus but aren't all antiviruses malwareish in their behavior overtaking the OS.

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by Csimbi »

If any of you dumb-dumbs allow any installer access the internet, you deserve suck junk to be installed.
(You got that it's not just CE, but anything you download, right?)
In this world, your default firewall rule should be 'block', for just about anything.
Allow only SW that actually requires internet access and forbid everything else.

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by The Mogician »


The installer has a really sneaky "other install" thing going on so make sure you watch what you install.

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by SunBeam »

..that's how some stuff, like hosting, is paid in today's world. By exposing the installer to another tool or tools; it's enough that the user sees it. That's what you people need to understand. It's not there cuz someone wanted to hook it in..

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by Lord Blade »


Install that and it will automatically uncheck all the extra boxes for you. Good for catching stuff you might miss. :p

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by Epicmarkvan »

SunBeam wrote:
Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:34 pm
..that's how some stuff, like hosting, is paid in today's world. By exposing the installer to another tool or tools; it's enough that the user sees it. That's what you people need to understand. It's not there cuz someone wanted to hook it in..
You're being pretty hostile, my dude. Honestly, we all get why it's there, he needs money to help host the site. I just went to install the new version and got a similar thing where it opened a pop-up to try and get me to DL a Chrome extension, and only after denying it did it even give me the option to DL CheatEngine. It's fine when it's weird shit like side ads, but this is pretty intrusive. Not like I'm not going to use CE because of it, I'm smart enough to know how to get around it, but some kiddo who might not be so familiar could screw themselves over. Hell, I'd even take a dumb video ad like Youtube does, and be forced to sit through a minute of cringe ads before dealing with stuff like this.

Also, on a more personal note, not sure why you're getting all mad about this but the guy legitimately came here asking a simple, pretty straightforward question.

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Re: Where can i actually download cheat engine?

Post by SunBeam »

What you fuckwads don't get is I've seen quite a big ass share of "guys who legitimately do this and that" in my time, since 2003 onward. My glass is full. That's what you need to understand before calling me "hostile" or "rude". Am sure you have your share of people, who, for some reason, irk you to the point where you'd act just like me. Think about it before going "good Samaritan" (I hate even those, really; mind your business; no one needs heroes here; if it makes you feel good, do it in real life - see if what you're pulling here works) :)

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