Control - AWE patch (DX12) +? (table Update6)

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Re: Control +3 (table Update.1)

Post by cfemen »

Cielos wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:16 pm
still in win7, if you know a way for me to use DX12 on win7, let me know~
in the mean time, you can try this:
- open the table in a text editor, should use notepad++ or better/equivalent, don't just use window's notepad.
- search and replace all "Control_DX11.exe" with "Control_DX12.exe".
- save the table, then open the table with CE, hook game as usual.
hope this work~

i can confirm this works
i tested my dx11 table on dx 12 with just changing DX11 to DX12 on the AOBs and 1 Jmp

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Control +4 (table Update.2)

Post by TemptingIcarus »

cfemen wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:17 pm
TemptingIcarus wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:08 pm
Could we get a way to bypass Security Clearance doors?
im working on it :)
Sweet! :mrgreen:

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by m01s33nk0 »

{ Game : Control_DX11.exe
Date : 2019-08-28
Author : amoiseenko

This script does blah blah blah

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(INJECT,Control_DX11.exe,8B 49 48 3B 4F 04) // should be unique


mov [rcx+48],ffff
mov ecx,[rcx+48]
cmp ecx,[rdi+04]
jmp return

jmp newmem

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
db 8B 49 48 3B 4F 04



"Control_DX11.exe"+58F47A: 4C 8B 44 24 30 - mov r8,[rsp+30]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F47F: 4C 8B CF - mov r9,rdi
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F482: 48 8B 8E B0 01 00 00 - mov rcx,[rsi+000001B0]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F489: 49 8B D4 - mov rdx,r12
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F48C: E8 6F 32 01 00 - call Control_DX11.exe+5A2700
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F491: 48 8B BE 90 01 00 00 - mov rdi,[rsi+00000190]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F498: 48 8B 4F 10 - mov rcx,[rdi+10]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F49C: 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F49F: 74 3A - je Control_DX11.exe+58F4DB
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4A1: 8B 41 40 - mov eax,[rcx+40]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4A4: 8B 49 48 - mov ecx,[rcx+48]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4A7: 3B 4F 04 - cmp ecx,[rdi+04]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4AA: 75 04 - jne Control_DX11.exe+58F4B0
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4AC: 3B 07 - cmp eax,[rdi]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4AE: 74 2B - je Control_DX11.exe+58F4DB
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4B0: 4C 8B 77 08 - mov r14,[rdi+08]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4B4: 89 4F 04 - mov [rdi+04],ecx
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4B7: 89 07 - mov [rdi],eax
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4B9: 4D 85 F6 - test r14,r14
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4BC: 74 1D - je Control_DX11.exe+58F4DB
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4BE: 49 8B 1E - mov rbx,[r14]
"Control_DX11.exe"+58F4C1: 48 8B D7 - mov rdx,rdi
something like upgrade points

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by TemptingIcarus »

How do you add codes again?

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by cfemen »

TemptingIcarus wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:10 pm
How do you add codes again?

memory view -> ctrl+a -> paste code -> File->Assign to current table

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by pigeon »

table updated to the game version "<Development Version>" (version with Photo Mode, after DRM removed).

- Since "T" hotkey in free cam conflicted with "T" key in Photo Mode, hotkeys for movements was changed to "YGHJIK" keys;
- Side effect of free cam is that if you enable in-game Photo Mode and free cam, you can fly around without of distance limits (but with free cam movements hotkeys instead of original WASD).

Control_DX11 Free Cam, Visual Tweaks (DevVer).CT
(120.47 KiB) Downloaded 106 times
Control_DX12 Free Cam, Visual Tweaks (DevVer).CT
(120.83 KiB) Downloaded 138 times
previous tables:
table updated to the game version

- deleted "No_onScreen_Blood" script because it's useless now and also it can broke progression during some boss fights;
- changed "Wipe Enemies" script so it's wipe all npc's and enemies now. This script can not to be used during normal gameplay because it could broke story progression. So this script could be used if you wish to make screenshot without of enemies and/or NPC's;
- added "Visual Tweaks" group where you can adjust such things as exposure, bloom, fog, some of post process effects, LOD's.
Control_DX11 Free Cam, Visual Tweaks (
(120.21 KiB) Downloaded 112 times
Control_DX12 Free Cam, Visual Tweaks (
(120.67 KiB) Downloaded 105 times

Free Camera and FOV (both DX11 and DX12 versions) (Update2)
Fixed most of the issues related to free camera. There is still some flaws though. Added few other script.

(if you are new here, check before table from Otis_Inf since it's also have free camera, hud disabling, pause world scripts and few more, so it could be enough for having fun)

- added "no_Launch_Highlights" that disable highlighting of object that you can pick up;
- "hide_Slam_Target" disable white circle when you levitate. Use this script with table from Otis_Inf (want to use this in your table, Otis_Inf?) if you want to totally disable hud;
- "no_Levitation_Dust" and "no_Levitation/Evade_Objects", when you levitate or evade, objects around will not react to that. Both scripts also useful with free camera, since when freecam enabled, for some reason game start to produce this effects on camera position;
- with "Calm Enemies" and other scripts from this group enemies still could see you, watch at you from covers... This is so cute that I decided to stop here and do not search how to disable Enemies aiming at all :D
- "Wipe_Enemies" actually kill all enemies around;
- Fixed cmp inside "camera_detach" script so it should always start from player (before sometimes it could start from some random place). Teleport by default use "Ctrl+Q" hotkey but it's not "coded" in the script, so if you wish to change it just press on value and press "Ctrl+H";
- "Safe-Combat Zones Switchers" group was made for having possibility to walk around in Oldest House without gun, like everything is fine here :)

Knowing issue:
- If you enable "Render" script of freecam group and fly too far away, Jesse will fall down. You could use "Teleport" script for moving her back, but in this case WASD keys will not work until level reload from main menu. For avoiding this, just enable levitation (you need inf.levitation script that was posted here around) and in such case you could fly around with free camera without problems with Jesse. But still there is not all objects loading with free camera. You can see in video below when free camera going to "Central Executive" point and there is only few objects and basic lightning loaded. I can't find how to deal with that. It seems like there is plane triggers around the doors but I can't find what exact XYZ value(s) should go through this triggers.
- If some script doesn't work instantly (it's being activated but you do not see expected effect), then it required to do some activities in the game. no_Levitation scripts will not work when you already levitate, slam target will hide only after it will be hided normally, No_onScreen_Blood should be enabled when you don't see blood on your screen and etc.

video demonstration of how table works: [Link]

"inf.Health" and "Freeze_Player/Enemies" scripts basically need for avoiding issue when you are flying too far away from Jesse and she fall down and take damage. Also "No_onScreen_Blood" script disable on-screen blood. I saw here around another scripts for Infinite Health, you could use them instead since my script doesn't do a lot of things.

Free Camera here in first place meant to be used for taking screenshots. Side effect, you can fly around and collect things, open doors (see on video below), shoot enemies... But it's all was not in the plans though, just funny side effect :) Also because of main idea of freecam it's used another keys for movements than originally in-game. Some of them are the same as some keys for various places in the inventory. I have no idea than just rebind keys in the game.
If you wish to change free camera hotkeys, than just open "Free_Camera (Alt+R, TFGHUJ BN)" script, look for "-- Assign Hotkeys Here --" block and use codes from [Link].

Activate script with "Alt+R" key. I don't get how to avoid glitches that happen if script being enabled with checking it's box.

Video with example of work: [Link]

table required [Link]
Control_DX11-DX12 Free Cam, FOV (
(14.87 KiB) Downloaded 82 times

previous test:
note: enable it while you in the game by pressing Altr+R key. For movements use TFGHUJ and BN keys for adjusting camera speed. Cheat for FOV was made just couple of minutes ago and could produce crashes. So there is still a lot of work to do.
Control_DX12 Free Cam (
(26.5 KiB) Downloaded 100 times
Last edited by pigeon on Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:01 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by cfemen »

pigeon wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:54 pm
Free Camera (pretty in WIP state, but basics seems to be ready)

note: enable it while you in the game by pressing Altr+R key. For movements use TFGHUJ and BN keys for adjusting camera speed. Cheat for FOV was made just couple of minutes ago and could produce crashes. So there is still a lot of work to do.

Control_DX12 Free Cam (

mhh i execute Free_Camera or Alt+R

Code: Select all

Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 
Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 
Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 
Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 
Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 
Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 
Error in native thread called Unnamed::[string "local syntaxcheck,memrec=...
..."]:62: bad argument #2 to 'pack' (number expected, got nil) 

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by pigeon »

cfemen wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:01 pm
mhh i execute Free_Camera or Alt+R
Maybe it depends on DX version. Seems like not all scripts were activated in your case. Will check it later.

Yeah, after quick check i can say that in Control_DX11.exe there is some differences that doesn't allow scripts that was made for *DX12.exe to do injection.
Last edited by pigeon on Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by cfemen »

yeah probably , i see in the scripts you are making AOBs scans with DX12

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by cfemen »

Last edited by cfemen on Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by revdirty »

cfemen wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:29 pm
updated table dx11 / dx12 with upgrade points pointer with code from @m01s33nk0
hope its ok for you that i made it into my table.

Pointer to health
if pointer is ??? thats normal until u get some damage

-inf Ammo
Ammo will not decrease

Pointer to the currency

-999 Materials
open inventory, activate script, open inventory again -> 999 for each

-Inf Power
power is always 100%

-Upgrade Points Pointer(thx to m01s33nk0)
pointer to current value

This does nothing when using dx12. i click the box for any of the options and nothing happens. Im running dx12 and using CE 7.0

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by revdirty »

cfemen wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:29 pm
updated table dx11 / dx12 with upgrade points pointer with code from @m01s33nk0
hope its ok for you that i made it into my table.

Pointer to health
if pointer is ??? thats normal until u get some damage

-inf Ammo
Ammo will not decrease

Pointer to the currency

-999 Materials
open inventory, activate script, open inventory again -> 999 for each

-Inf Power
power is always 100%

-Upgrade Points Pointer(thx to m01s33nk0)
pointer to current value

This does nothing when using dx12. i click the box for any of the options and nothing happens. Im running dx12 and using CE 7.0

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by pigeon »

Woah, i didn't even thought about such luck with this game (internal graphic settings :shock:)
Not much of options at particular instruction and most of them are "dead" or activating something very specific, but maybe there is something more around of it... If someone want to check it by itself:
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E58: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E59: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E5A: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E5B: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E5C: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E5D: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E5E: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E5F: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E60: 48 8B 11 - mov rdx,[rcx]
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E63: 8B 41 08 - mov eax,[rcx+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E66: 89 82 B0 00 00 00 - mov [rdx+000000B0],eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E6C: C3 - ret
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E6D: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E6E: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E6F: CC - int 3
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E70: 40 57 - push rdi
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E72: 48 83 EC 30 - sub rsp,30
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E76: 48 C7 44 24 20 FE FF FF FF - mov qword ptr [rsp+20],FFFFFFFE
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E7F: 48 89 5C 24 40 - mov [rsp+40],rbx
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E84: 48 8B DA - mov rbx,rdx
"renderer_rmdwin10_f.dll"+12E87: 48 8B F9 - mov rdi,rcx
cfemen I'll try to "convert" free cam to DX11 version when it will be done, but just to say, i don't mind if you or someone else will decide to modify anything from me in any way.

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by headbob09 »

Hi, was wondering is there any chance that the pre-order costumes will be able to be activated through cheat engine, sorry if it comes of a little rude just requesting stuff XD. Just hoping the pre-order costumes are in the game files and able to unlock through cheat engine sometime in the future. It's one thing I'm not a fan of (pre-order only items) since they probably won't release the outfits to buy and they can't be unlocked in-game. The tactical outfit is basically what I want since it looks so good. :D

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Re: Control +6 (table Update.3)

Post by cfemen »

revdirty wrote:
Wed Aug 28, 2019 1:07 am
cfemen wrote:
Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:29 pm
updated table dx11 / dx12 with upgrade points pointer with code from @m01s33nk0
hope its ok for you that i made it into my table.

Pointer to health
if pointer is ??? thats normal until u get some damage

-inf Ammo
Ammo will not decrease

Pointer to the currency

-999 Materials
open inventory, activate script, open inventory again -> 999 for each

-Inf Power
power is always 100%

-Upgrade Points Pointer(thx to m01s33nk0)
pointer to current value

This does nothing when using dx12. i click the box for any of the options and nothing happens. Im running dx12 and using CE 7.0
Oh okay i will look for that (but i need some sleep now ^^)

I Fixed a Bug in dx12 table about ~20 mins after my Updated Table.
Maybe its Fixed if u redownload the table.

If its still not working i will ofc look why.

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