You can find new ones for now, example using minerals at '146':
Set scan type to "values between" and search between 146000 and 147000, then pass a month
Lets say it now shows 147 in game, continue search but between 147000 and 148000
keep doing this until you only have like 3 or 4 hits then change one at a time and see if it changes in game (CE value/1000)
Thanks, I found the influence pointer..
What about allowing console in ironman? I like to switch tag to my allies sometimes and manipulate them a bit..
Sorry, I wont be looking for that one, working on a lot of other stuff
UPDATE: Got 2 important addresses (add address not pointer) that people might want now SAVE GAME before using, not sure if they modify other factions:
I have feeling like that instant research is provided to AI also. Cant say for shure cause I am in Ironman, but they are still equivallent in research with me.
I have feeling like that instant research is provided to AI also. Cant say for shure cause I am in Ironman, but they are still equivallent in research with me.
I looked deeper into it and yeah it does for all :/
tried to figure out how to make it just for current country but no clue
this is the address for tech research function if anyone wants a crack at it, receives the country and item id
Anyone have an idea of how to find the values for civic / ethic / trait points? I've searched for unknown changing values but can't seem to find anything.
Need to take a break from cheat making to actually play the game.
Im releasing what I got so far. NOTE: A lot of values ALSO affect other empires, and I can't figure out how to make it just for you own empire, maybe someone here knows how Description (to prevent wall of text quoting replies)
NOTE: these are all x1000, ex: 914 = 914xxx, individual digits not exactly 914000 but could be 914342 or 914553
Energy Credits
Consumer Goods
Complete Tech Research (next month)
Naval Capacity - 1 ship (no penalties for giant army)
Research Options (cards when you select research)
A lot of addresses found also modify other empires and I can't figure out how to make it just for your current colony
use in your own tables if you wish
Ich weiß nicht ob das schon jemand weiß. Aber wenn man die Menge der Sternenbasen ändert nutzt das auch der Computergegner.
Vielen dank für die Arbeit.
Dieser Text wurde mit Google übersetzt, ich hoffe man kann es verstehen.
I do not know if anyone already knows that. But if you change the amount of starbases that also uses the computer opponent.
Thank you for the work.
This text was translated with Google, I hope you can understand it.
Here's a console hack for v2.3.0, it might take a while to load (64 bit aob searches take a while).
It should be compatible with the next patch as well, but don't hold me to that.
Here's a console hack for v2.3.0, it might take a while to load (64 bit aob searches take a while).
It should be compatible with the next patch as well, but don't hold me to that.
Thanks for that!
Back already so soon? I hope that it was your health that got better and you didn't push yourself to do this while still recovering!
Here's a console hack for v2.3.0, it might take a while to load (64 bit aob searches take a while).
It should be compatible with the next patch as well, but don't hold me to that.
Thanks for that!
Back already so soon? I hope that it was your health that got better and you didn't push yourself to do this while still recovering!
The only reason I did it was because I could do it in a short amount of time without too much effort.
I still lack the time to do this regularly or I'd have done it the day of release. But I still want to contribute when I can