Stellaris v1.0.2-2.2.6 Steam/Paradox/GOG (GM and More) 2019-Mar-07

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Stellaris v1.0.2-2.2.6 Steam/Paradox/GOG (GM and More) 2019-Mar-07

Post by Recifense »

Hi guys,

Here is my contribution for "Stellaris" version 2.2.6. The table contains a script with the following features:

Code: Select all

 Game Title    : Stellaris - Megacorp
 Game Version  : 2.2.6 (1018)
 Game Sponsor  : Ubykh + WalletGifts + darkedone02 + hbpateiv + PF
 Process Name  : stellaris.exe
 Relevant Info : 32bits/Space RTS with Pause
 Script Version: 10.6 (AOB)
 CE Version    : 6.7
 Release date  : 07-Mar-2019
 Author        : Recifense
 14-Mar-16: First Release
 15-Mar-16: Add one more feature and Fixed GM (s2.0)
 18-Mar-16: Release for version 1.0.3.
 20-Mar-16: Added more features (Warp Wind-down/Troop Morale/GM/Research).
 23-Mar-16: Added more features (Planet Tile Info/Produced Resource Changing).
 02-Jun-16: Release for version 1.1.0. (+improvement) (s4.1)
 04-Jun-16: Added a new feature (max leaders) (s5.0)
 27-Jun-16: Release for version 1.2.0.
 01-Jul-16: Release for version 1.2.1.
 05-Aug-16: Release for version 1.2.3. (+Renamed Fleets by TranscendPerfection)
 12-Aug-16: Release for version 1.2.4. (+Wormhole+Terraforming)
 16-Aug-16: Release for version 1.2.5. (+Hyperlane) (v6.5)
 30-Oct-16: Release for version 1.3.1. (v6.6)
 31-Oct-16: Finished the troop related scripts(v6.7)
 10-Nov-16: Release for version 1.3.2. (v6.8)
 13-Nov-16: Finished implementation of "Pretty Quick Move" (by TranscendPerfection) (v6.9)
 05-Dec-16: Release for version 1.4.0. (v6.92)
 09-Dec-16: Release for version 1.4.1.
 09-Apr-17: Release for version 1.5.0. (+Unity)(v6.95)
 10-Apr-17: Added quick mega construc and some adjustment (s7.0)
 11-Apr-17: Change HP for player identification (v7.1)
 11-Apr-17: Fixes for crashing. Added Anomaly Cheat (by TranscendPerfection). (v7.2)
 11-Apr-17: Release for version 1.5.1. (BETA)
 12-Apr-17: Release for version 1.5.1. (official Release)(+new feature)(v7.3)
 13-Apr-17: Added one more option (Anomaly related)
 10-May-17: Release for version 1.6.0 + Quick Level Up. (v7.5)
 12-May-17: Release for version 1.6.1 (beta)
 13-May-17: Fix for minimum Resources (v7.6)
 17-Jun-17: Release for version 1.6.2.
 22-Jul-17: Release for version 1.7.4 (beta)
 22-Sep-17: Release for version 1.8.0 (s7.7)
 23-Sep-17: Fixed  Anomaly Risk (s7.8)
 04-Oct-17: Added Machine in Quick Population (s7.9)
 04-Oct-17: Release for version 1.8.1 (Beta)
 11-Oct-17: Release for version 1.8.2.
 25-Oct-17: Release for version 1.8.3.
 01-Nov-17: Fix for construction of Megastructures (s7.a)
 07-Dec-17: Release for version 1.9.0.
 14-Dec-17: Release for version 1.9.1.
 24-Feb-18: Release for version 2.0.0. (S8.0) Preliminary
 25-Feb-18: Release for version 2.0.0. (S8.0) Final
 27-Feb-18: Release for version 2.0.1. + Colossus Quick Action (S8.1)
 03-Mar-18: Release for version 2.0.2. (Beta)
 06-Mar-18: Release for version 2.0.2. (5781) (Beta)
 11-Mar-18: Release for version 2.0.2. (5b9d) (Beta)
 15-Mar-18: Release for version 2.0.2. (9b47) (Beta)
 26-Mar-18: Release for version 2.0.2. (d07e) (Beta)
 29-Mar-18: Release for version 2.0.2. (5e21) (Final)
 18-Apr-18: Release for version 2.0.3. (6da2)
 20-Apr-18: Release for version 2.0.4. (1368) (beta) (0040)
 25-Apr-18: Release for version 2.0.4. (1368) (beta) (20180425) (0040)
 15-May-18: Release for version 2.0.5. (6d3e)
 23-May-18: Release for version 2.1.0. (01a9) (s8.2)
 15-Jun-18: Release for version 2.1.1. (d173) (s8.3)(CE68)
 07-Aug-18: Release for version 2.1.2. (170f) (s8.3)(back to CE67)
 16-Aug-18: Release for version 2.1.2. (5bcb) (s8.3)(back to CE67)
 06-Sep-18: Release for version 2.1.3. (42f6)
 04-Oct-18: Splitting "Minimum Resources" for Paul Davis (s8.4)
 21-Oct-18: Release for version 2.1.4. (Beta)
 28-Nov-18: Release for version 2.1.4. (GOG) (s8.5)
 28-Nov-18: Release for version 2.1.4. (AOB) (s9.0)
 09-Dec-18: Release for version 2.2.1. (AOB) (s10.0)
 10-Dec-18: Added Machine prodution in Quick Pop Growth (s10.1)
 20-Dec-18: Release for version 2.2.2. (AOB) (s10.2)
 21-Dec-18: Fix in selecting megastructure (s10.3)
 19-Jan-19: Release for version 2.2.4. (AOB) (s10.4)
 07-Feb-19: Release for version 2.2.5. (AOB) (s10.5)
 07-Mar-19: Release for version 2.2.6. (AOB) (s10.6)
 - Minimum Resources:                   [1]
   - Energy
   - Minerals
   - Food
   - Goods                                  (new)(v10.0)
   - Alloys                                 (new)(v10.0)
   - Influence
   - Unity (can be included or not)
 - Minimum Special Resources:           [2] (new)(v10.0)
   - Volatile Motes
   - Exotic Gases
   - Rare Crystals
   - Living Metals
   - Zro
   - Dark Matter
   - Nanites
 - Quick Research                       [3]
   - Special Projects Only              [31] (by TranscendPerfection)
 - Quick Task (for some ships):         [4]
   - Survey
   - Investigation
 - Quick Production                     [5]
   - Ship Construction
   - Troop Recruitment
 - Quick Colonization                   [6]
   - Phase 1 by ship
   - Phase 2 by the Player him/her/self
 - Quick Population Growth              [6] (new)(v10.0)
   - Beings    (a day)
   - Machines  (a month)                    (new)(s10.1)
 - Quick Buiding                        [7]
   - By Planet
     - All kind of Districts                (new)(v10.0)
     - Buildings
     - Clearing Blockers
   - By Constructor Ship:
     - Stations
 - Quick Contruction of Megastructures  [7]
    - Phase  1   by ship
    - Phases 2/3 by the player him/her/self
 - God Mode:                            [8]
   - ships (Hull/Shield/Armor)
   - Stations (Hull/Shield/Armor)
   - Troops                                
 - Minimum Production per tile (new)    [9]
 - Troop Morale                         [B] 
 - Pretty Quick Fleet Move (original by transcendperfection)  [C]
 - Player's Characters quick level-up to max (v7.5)           [D]
 - Colossus Quick Actions (2 days)  new (v8.1)                [E]
 - Minimum Stability                    [F](  new)(v10.0)
 - Some Pointers                        [G]
[1] It will not go under MAximum/2;
[2] It will not go under 68;
[3] It may take a few days or months (but always faster than normal);
[31] Only Special Projects will be affected;
[4] It may take a few days (but always faster than normal);
[5] It may take a few days (but always faster than normal);
[6] It may take a few days or months (but always faster than normal);
[7] It may take a few days (but always faster than normal);
[8] That's it;
[9] Minimum Resource = 20; (looking at the planet surface)
[B] Morale will not decrease during battle;
[C] Human Play's fleets will travel pretty quickly;
[D] Human Play's characters will level to max pretty quickly;
[E] Human Play's Colossus will act quickly (~2 days);
[G] Colony statibility will not go under 90;
[F] Used at the table;
1) Run CE68 or greater;
2) Run Game;
3) Load the game process "stellaris.exe" in CE;
4) Load this table and activate the main script;
5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;
6) Game On;
 - None defined
Save your game before unsing the cheats.
Tested on Win 10 64bits
BIG THANKS to Ubykh for providing the game.
Have fun!
The features are DISABLED by default. For enabling any of them, just activate its script;

Note: There are HOTKEYS. Have a look at the Table Extras for more information.
Note: The scripts use the CE command ASSERT and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.

After downloading the table, copy it to the "My Cheat Table" folder.

It is for CE 6.7


Big thanks to hbpateiv for providing the DLC Utopia


I'd like to thank BladeChampion for the savegame and for making some tests for me

I'd like to thank TranscendPerfection for his contribution as well


Big thanks to my PATRONS for providing the expansion

Cheers to All!

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
2019-Mar-07: Release for version 2.2.6
(66.99 KiB) Downloaded 1107 times
2019-Feb-07: Release for version 2.2.5
(66.8 KiB) Downloaded 533 times
2019-Jan-20: Release for version 2.2.4 Beta
(65.73 KiB) Downloaded 547 times
2018-Dec-21: Fix in selecting megastructure (s10.3)
2018-Dec-20: Release for version 2.2.2
(66.2 KiB) Downloaded 569 times
2018-Nov-28: Release of AOB script for version 2.1.4. It should work with the same version from bought at Paradox or at GOG.
2018-Oct-21: Release for version 2.1.4 Beta (2203)
(98.05 KiB) Downloaded 785 times
29-mar-2018: Release for 2.0.2 - 5e21 (final)
26-Mar-2018: Release for 2.0.2 - d07e BETA (467)
15-Mar-2018: Release for 2.0.2 - 9b47 BETA (1201)
11-Mar-2018: Release for 2.0.2 - 5b9d BETA (687)
06-Mar-2018: Release for 2.0.2 - 5781 BETA update (1168)
03-Mar-2018: Release for 2.0.2 BETA (974)
(90.27 KiB) Downloaded 578 times
07-Dec-2017: Release for 1.9.0
(94.66 KiB) Downloaded 588 times
25-Oct-2017: Release for 1.8.3. (1205)
01-Nov-2017: Fix for construction of Mega-structures (s7.a)
(94.57 KiB) Downloaded 550 times
10-may-2017: Release for version 1.6.0. Added one more feature.
(93.72 KiB) Downloaded 791 times
First Release
(36.83 KiB) Downloaded 620 times
Last edited by Recifense on Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:26 am, edited 51 times in total.

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by CompactDisc »

Table Extension for Stellaris v2.2.2!
== By CompactDisc ==

This extension contains an amount of extra pointers and functions for the game. It will allow you to alter more than Recifense's script alone.

- Activate console in ironman (Achievement compatible)
- Pointers to Empire research and resources
- Pointers to amount of tile resources on a planet
- Species creation pointers (Shared with AI, so pause the game while editing in a running game.)

Download the original table from Recifense and open it in cheat engine. Then open my extension in the same Cheat Engine instance. It may ask you if you want to merge or keep the current list, say yes.

Once you activate Recifense's script, the pointers should work. You can then save the merged table as a whole if you want to use it again.

If something doesn't work, please post it in this thread so I can fix it.

Discord server
Please join the Paradox Engine discord to discuss Paradox game tables and extensions:

Change log
2016-12-06: Updated for Stellaris v1.4.1 (1759) - Extension v2.12
2017-04-10: Updated for Stellaris v1.5.0 (d050) - Extension v2.13
- Added new resources (food/unity/civics)
2017-04-13: Updated for Stellaris v1.5.1 (8818) - Extension v2.14
- Added Reci's megastructure pointers for ease of use (you rock man!)
2017-05-15: Updated for Stellaris v1.6.1 beta (b38e) ) Extension v2.16
- Added instructions for updating the extension (first version, will rewrite later, feedback is welcome)
2017-06-19: Updated for Stellaris v1.6.2 (d7ec)) Extension v2.17
- Removed update instructions (security reasons)
- Removed influence capacity due to Paradox being silly.
2017-10-02: Updated for Stellaris v1.8.0 (3943) Extension v2.18
2017-10-05: Updated for Stellaris v1.8.1 (8a3f) Extension v2.19
2017-10-11: Updated for Stellaris v1.8.2 (135b) Extension v2.20
2017-12-10: Updated for Stellaris v1.9.0 (a2c2) Extension v2.21
2017-12-17: Updated for Stellaris v1.9.1 (83d2) Extension v2.22
2018-01-11: Fix for resource pointers
2018-02-22: Updated for Stellaris v2.0.0 (daf0) Extension v2.23 <- Temporary version without Recifenses table.
2018-02-26: Updated for Recifenses new table - Extension v2.23b
2018-02-26: Updated for Stellaris v2.0.1 (fb8b) Extension v2.24
- Fixed resource pointers, were broken in previous release
2018-03-05: Updated for (beta) Stellaris v2.0.2 (3fbb) Extension v2.25b
- Fixed the disabling of species code, I broke it 2 releases ago :P Sorry bout that.
2018-03-15: Updated for (beta) Stellaris v2.0.2 (5b9d) Extension v2.26
- Added naval capacity cheat
2018-03-15: Updated for Stellaris v2.0.2 (5e2f) Extension v2.28
2018-04-19: Updated for Stellaris v2.0.3 (6da2) Extension v2.29
2018-12-13: Updated for Stellaris v2.2.1 (bbf4)
2018-12-14: Fixed resources/fleets being auto-frozen in the previous version when looking at the pointers.
2018-12-13: Updated for Stellaris v2.2.2 (5b48)

- Modded Ironman support - Current work in progress
- All repeatable techs at specified level
- Allow building of multiple megastructures (at once)
- Make AIs accept all demands (a yesman script that works only for the player)

BringChaos - Provided the original console script.
0FRStellaris v2.2.2 (5b48) Extension.CT
(53.02 KiB) Downloaded 591 times
0FRStellaris v2.2.1 (bbf4) Extension b.CT
(52.35 KiB) Downloaded 532 times
0FRStellaris v2.0.2 (5e2f) Table Extension v2.28.CT
(73.99 KiB) Downloaded 532 times
0FRStellaris v2.0.1 (fb8b) Table Extension v2.24.CT
Fixed resources
(70.79 KiB) Downloaded 541 times
0FRStellaris v2.0.0 (daf0) Table Extension v2.23b.CT
Fixed for newest Recifense's table.
(67.58 KiB) Downloaded 530 times
0FRStellaris v1.9.1 (83d2) Table Extension v2.22b.CT
Fix for resources
(67.09 KiB) Downloaded 1353 times
0FRStellaris v1.8.2 (135b) Table Extension v2.20.CT
Works for 1.8.3
(66.29 KiB) Downloaded 541 times
0FRStellaris v1.6.2 (d7ec) Table Extension v2.17.CT
(62.41 KiB) Downloaded 559 times
0FRStellaris v1.5.1 (8818) Table Extension v2.14.CT
(67.38 KiB) Downloaded 545 times
Last edited by CompactDisc on Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:02 am, edited 47 times in total.

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by Darkedone02 »

FYI, April 7th is when the expansion comes out.

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by Darrenb209 »

Is it possible to use Cheat Engine to mod the odds of a population dying or a building being wrecked by orbital bombardment?

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by CoffeeKitty »

it might be, but it also might be much much easier to edit(mod) the actual light/limited/full bombardment stances, not entirely sure though

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by UraiFen4444 »

this is by far the greatest table out there for Stellaris!!!! :)

Will you update the table for Utopia? (pls yes)

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by no-ip.set »

1.5 and utopia is now out. i would kindly request an update of the table here. thank you for your hard work op.
for using ce myself, i could find single resources alright, but something like godmod script is way out of my league.

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by Shoggot »

I'm joining in the request for 1.5 and utopia table, please!

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by gorgutzer »

Need console in ironman for 1.5 please. Can u update the script?

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by gorgutzer »

// Actual script

cmp eax,eax

cmp eax,eax

cmp eax,eax

cmp eax,eax


//cmp byte ptr [edi+0C],00
db 80 7F 0C 00

//cmp byte ptr [edi+0D],00
db 80 7F 0D 00

//cmp byte ptr [edi+0C],00
db 80 7F 0C 00

//cmp byte ptr [edi+0D],00
db 80 7F 0D 00


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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by CompactDisc »

I hereby upload a temporary version of the extension with only the non-recifense required parts:
- Console enable
- Edit trait points, amount of traits, ethic points and civic points
0FRStellaris v1.5.0 (d050) Table Extension v2.13 DEMO.CT
(23.85 KiB) Downloaded 554 times

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by Trebs »

Super great work CD! Thanks a lot!

If you ever got an afternoon off where you don't know what to do, then a guide to how you update a script(just to make it activate again(find the right memory for the exe etc)), could be a great help ... "teach a man to fish" and all that. ;)

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by CoffeeKitty »

CompactDisc wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:38 pm
I hereby upload a temporary version of the extension with only the non-recifense required parts:
- Console enable
- Edit trait points, amount of traits, ethic points and civic points
Thank you :)

i've always wanted to know, how exactly do you go about editing the traits in a way that the AI wont have it? the description says "pause the game" but i dont know exactly what type of pausing you mean, and when, and where. could you give me a step by step (or is this something that is done ingame, not at race creation?

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by Trebs »

CoffeeKitty wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:26 pm
i've always wanted to know, how exactly do you go about editing the traits in a way that the AI wont have it? the description says "pause the game" but i dont know exactly what type of pausing you mean, and when, and where. could you give me a step by step (or is this something that is done ingame, not at race creation?
I think he mean when you Reform Government in the game(not race creation). If you don't pause the game, but let it run, then other races can Reform Government too, because the settings from the table will effect their race too if you race the amount of Civic trait points.
But if you pause, raise the values in the table, reform your government, and lower the values in the table back(in the table) to what they was original, and first then unpause, then the AI will have no time to Reform their government when the values was high. ;)

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Re: Stellaris v1.0.2-1.4.1 Steam (GM and More)

Post by CompactDisc »

Trebs wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:23 am
CoffeeKitty wrote:
Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:26 pm
i've always wanted to know, how exactly do you go about editing the traits in a way that the AI wont have it? the description says "pause the game" but i dont know exactly what type of pausing you mean, and when, and where. could you give me a step by step (or is this something that is done ingame, not at race creation?
I think he mean when you Reform Government in the game(not race creation). If you don't pause the game, but let it run, then other races can Reform Government too, because the settings from the table will effect their race too if you race the amount of Civic trait points.
But if you pause, raise the values in the table, reform your government, and lower the values in the table back(in the table) to what they was original, and first then unpause, then the AI will have no time to Reform their government when the values was high. ;)
Exactly this, pause the game before editing ingame and revert the values to their original state before unpausing. The AI makes decisions once a day so if the day doesn't switch they can't act. Another possible solution is to disable the AI for a while.

I'll try clarifying the hints in the table starting from next release.
Last edited by CompactDisc on Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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