ODimm: Just FYI, Couldn't get the Free Shopping/Crafting one to work. When I tried it I could upgrade, but it used up money and resources. So my iron supply would decrease, and my scrap would decrease though it said I had 32k, once I turned it off my actual money did decrease. For buying, I couldn't buy anything. The item to buy would turn red and price would say MAX.
Here is my little contribution. It basically lets you set the amount of the item you pick up. So if you pick up scrap you will get the pointer to scrap and can change it. If you pick up iron it will give you a pointer to iron and can change it. Just one little thing, you have to have at least 1 of them in your inventory before the pointer will be valid. So if you have 0 iron the first time you pick up the pointer won't show up. I might need to find a better spot to aobscan, but it works for my purposes. Only for the epic version, you can copy then paste it to ODimm's table.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"Item Picked up pointer"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe
Date : 2020-08-18
Author : beguiler
Gets the item pointer to what you just picked up in game. So if you pick up scrap alt - tab to CE and you will see the pointer is
showing how much scrap you have and you can change it to whatever you want. Pick up iron and similarly alt tab to CE and
the pointer is the iron amount in your inventory.
Note: It might not work if you don't have at least 1 of the item you picked up in inventory. When I had 0 iron it didn't change the
pointer to the iron amount in inventory. It wasn't till I picked up iron the second time that it changed.
aobscanmodule(INJECT_pickupPtr,Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe,89 42 2C 33 D2) // should be unique
mov [ItemPickedUpPtr],rdx
mov [rdx+2C],eax
// mov [rdx+2C],#100
xor edx,edx
jmp return
dq 0
jmp newmem
db 89 42 2C 33 D2
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFE5
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFC9: 44 8B 45 47 - mov r8d,[rbp+47]
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFCD: 8B 4A 2C - mov ecx,[rdx+2C]
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFD0: 41 3B C8 - cmp ecx,r8d
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFD3: 7D 54 - jnl Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe+76D029
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFD5: 8B 7D 67 - mov edi,[rbp+67]
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFD8: 41 8B C0 - mov eax,r8d
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFDB: 2B C1 - sub eax,ecx
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFDD: 3B C7 - cmp eax,edi
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFDF: 0F 4E F8 - cmovle edi,eax
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFE2: 8D 04 39 - lea eax,[rcx+rdi]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFE5: 89 42 2C - mov [rdx+2C],eax
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFE8: 33 D2 - xor edx,edx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFEA: 48 8B 4E 18 - mov rcx,[rsi+18]
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFEE: 48 83 C1 30 - add rcx,30
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFF2: E8 99 2D B6 FF - call Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe+2CFD90
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFF7: 29 7D 67 - sub [rbp+67],edi
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFFA: 49 63 FC - movsxd rdi,r12d
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76CFFD: 44 8D 67 01 - lea r12d,[rdi+01]
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76D001: 44 89 65 9F - mov [rbp-61],r12d
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76D005: 44 3B 65 A3 - cmp r12d,[rbp-5D]
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76D009: 7E 0F - jle Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe+76D01A
"Remnant-Win64-Shipping.exe"+76D00B: 8B D7 - mov edx,edi
<Description>"Item Picked up Pointer"</Description>
<VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType>