z Baldur's Gate 3

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by xoultimaox »

how should i spawn an npc? i found who i want to spawn in the character_dict.json but im not sure what to do after

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by PeDaGaNG »

SillyPyro wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:09 pm

Can you share where you found that database.txt? Trying to find the Hag hair flag since it looks like Base_N figured out a removal script

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by bearyPanda »

SillyPyro wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:09 pm
Can you share where you found that database.txt? Trying to find the Hag hair flag since it looks like Base_N figured out a removal script
Download [Link], open it, go to the last tab (I think it's called savegame debugger) and there put in your safefile.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by SillyPyro »

bearyPanda wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:26 pm
SillyPyro wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:09 pm
Can you share where you found that database.txt? Trying to find the Hag hair flag since it looks like Base_N figured out a removal script
Download [Link], open it, go to the last tab (I think it's called savegame debugger) and there put in your safefile.
Thanks, was using the wrong tab

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by httds »

Does anyone know what the ID for the passive feature is for Dual Wield?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by EvenLess »

Cheat Table Lua Script.
So I've been playing with various Cheat Engine functions, mostly to automate as much as possible.

Below is what I've got so far. Cheat Table builders can use it in their tables as they see fit. I've tried to include sources to everything in the comments. It's still a work in progress, and me learning some Lua (and Cheat Engine), so there are things that are not fully implemented yet.

There are several things going on. I've tried to avoid making changes in the individual AAScripts, and instead handling them using global functions.
  1. All (default) settings used throughout the Cheat Table are defined at the beginning, and will be read from a settings file (if exist) and overwritten.
    Especially the *ControlIDs are important here, as they are used for automatically loading the console commands, when the game is ready, and then registering the commands, again when they are ready to do that. I've manually edited the XML and changed the <ID>#</ID> to a VERY high number, so it hopefully would never conflict with the autogenerated ones. The ID is an int64 (int32 on 32-bit systems?), so it can't be any high number :)
  2. Logging to file. This was to avoid having the Lua Engine output window stealing focus every time a print() was executed, but is also useful for debugging. Change the VerboseLevel setting to specify how much should be output to the logfile.
  3. Added Compact Menu, so the menu entry will be added on load.
  4. onMemRecPostExecute and MainForm.OnProcessOpened CE global functions that are triggered when Memory Record have been enabled/disabled, and when a process have been opened/attached (i.e. attached to bg3).
    There take care of automatically enabling console commands and register commands, as the game is in a state to do so. And it updates the Description text so they are nice and descriptive :)
  5. bg3Timer that is heavily inspired by the [Link].
    This basically does anything that isn't handled by the on* event functions, such as opening/attaching to the game process.

Code: Select all

local bg3Executable                = { 'bg3_dx11.exe', 'bg3.exe' } -- Fallback if ExecutablePath+File doesn't exist.
bg3setting = {}
bg3setting['SettingsFile']              = 'bg3_cheatTable.settings.txt'
bg3setting['EnableLogging']             = true
bg3setting['LogFile']                   = 'bg3_cheatTable.log'
bg3setting['ColorReady']                = '00FF00'
bg3setting['ColorPending']              = 'FF8000'
bg3setting['ColorNotReady']             = '0000FF'
bg3setting['Attach']                    = true
bg3setting['AttachTimeout']             = 600 -- Set to zero to disable timeout. 600 = 10 minutes.
bg3setting['Reattach']                  = true -- Otherwise will only attach once.
bg3setting['ReattachControlID']         = 200000001
bg3setting['LoadCommandsControlID']     = 100000001
bg3setting['RegisterCommandsControlID'] = 100000002
bg3setting['ExecutableAutoStart']       = false
bg3setting['ExecutablePath']            = ''
bg3setting['ExecutableFile']            = ''
bg3setting['executableParameters']      = '--skip-launcher'
bg3setting['VerboseLevel']              = 1 -- 0 = Never. 1 = OnFailure. 2 = OnSuccess. 4 = Debug
bg3setting['TimerInterval']             = 5000 -- Milliseconds between ticks.
--[[ READ SETTINGS from file

Parses settings from a file.
for line in io.lines(bg3setting['SettingsFile']) do
  --[[ Validate syntax of the read line.
  Valid line CAN begin with zero or more spaces.
    The property value can only consist of alphanumeric characters and under-
    scores. All spaces before and after the property name will be stripped.
  The property name and property value is separated with one "equal" (=)
    character. Anything after the first "equal" (=) character, will be part of
    the property value. This is on purpose to allow for more or less any
    possible value. Can just trim() that as well, if wanted.
  if string.match(line, '^ *[a-zA-Z0-9_]') and string.find(line, '=') then
    local position = string.find(line, '=')
    local property = string.sub(line, 1, position-1):trim()
    local value = string.sub(line, position+1)
    bg3setting[property] = value

--[[ Write to logfile.

If EnableLogging is true, the supplied string will be written to the LogFile
  specified in the settings.
function writeLog(s)
  if bg3setting['EnableLogging'] ~= true then return end
  local logMessage = tostring(s)
  local logFile = io.open(bg3setting['LogFile'], 'a')
  local logTime = tostring(os.date('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
  io.output(logFile):write(string.format("%s %s\n", logTime, logMessage))
writeLog('Cheat Table opened.')

--[[ Convert string to boolean.

Lazy method. Any string is true, unless one of the specified ones.
function toboolean(s)
  local s2b = {}
  s2b['0']     = false
  s2b['no']    = false
  s2b['off']   = false
  s2b['false'] = false
  if s2b[string.lower(tostring(s):trim())] ~= nil then return false end
  return true

--[[ Add Compact View menu to Cheat Engine.
-- Text for menu item, so easier to change in one place, instead of 3.
compactMenuText = {}
compactMenuText['enable']  = 'Enable Compact View'
compactMenuText['disable'] = 'Disable Compact View'
-- Switches between Compact View being enabled/disabled.
function cycleFullCompact(sender, force)
  local state = not(compactMenuItem.Caption == compactMenuText['enable'])
  if force ~= nil then
    state = not force
  compactMenuItem.Caption = state and compactMenuText['enable'] or compactMenuText['disable']
  getMainForm().Splitter1.Visible = state
  getMainForm().Panel4.Visible = state
  getMainForm().Panel5.Visible = state
-- Add the compact menu item to the Cheat Engine menu.
function addCompactMenu()
  if compactMenuAlreadyExists then return end
  local parent = getMainForm().Menu.Items
  compactMenuItem = createMenuItem(parent)
  compactMenuItem.Caption = compactMenuText['enable']
  compactMenuItem.OnClick = cycleFullCompact
  compactMenuAlreadyExists = 'yes'

--[[ onMemRecPreExecute

Do something before enable/disable of CheatEntry.
function onMemRecPreExecute(memoryRecord, newState)
  -- placeholder

--[[ onMemRecPostExecute
https://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?p=5712091#5712091 (ParkourPenguin)


Do something after enable/disable of CheatEntry.
function onMemRecPostExecute(memoryRecord, newState, succeeded)
  --print(string.format('DEBUG: "%s" [ID: %s] state changed.', memoryRecord.Description, memoryRecord.ID))
  if succeeded == true and memoryRecord.Type == vtAutoAssembler and memoryRecord.Active == true then
    -- A AutoAssembler script was successfully enabled.

    --[[ Find Console Commands was enabled.

    Things to do if "Find ConsoleCommands" were enabled.
    if memoryRecord.ID == bg3setting['LoadCommandsControlID'] then
      -- Update Register Commands to reflect it's state.
      local mRec = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(bg3setting['RegisterCommandsControlID'])
      mRec.Description = 'Register Commands not ready.'
      mRec.Color  = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorNotReady'], 16)
      -- Check if cmdList was populated and get number of commands (max. 3000).
      local numberOfCommands = nil
      local commandList = readPointer("cmdList")
      if commandList ~= nil and commandList ~= 0 then
        numberOfCommands = readInteger(commandList + 0x2C)
        if numberOfCommands > 0 then
          if numberOfCommands > 3000 then
            numberOfCommands = 3000 -- just in case
      commandList = readPointer(commandList + 0x20)
      if commandList ~= nil and commandList ~= 0 then
        -- cmdList was populated and more than 0 commands was found.
        mRec.Description = string.format('Register >>%s<< Commands',
        mRec.Color  = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorPending'], 16)
        mRec.Active = true

    if memoryRecord.ID == bg3setting['RegisterCommandsControlID'] then
      if verbose >= 4 then
        writeLog(string.format('Record "%s" [ID: %s] was activated.',
      local numberOfCommands = string.match(memoryRecord.Description, '>>(%d+)<<')
      memoryRecord.Description = string.format('Registered >>%s<< Commands',
      memoryRecard.Color = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorReady'], 16)


  if succeeded == true and memoryRecord.Type == vtAutoAssembler and memoryRecord.Active == false then
    -- Do something when disabled.

--[[ MainForm.OnProcessOpened

MainForm.OnProcessOpened = function (openedPID, processHandle, caption)
  --local openedPath = enumModules(openedPID)[1].PathToFile
  --local openedFilePath = extractFilePath(openedPath)
  --local openedFileName = extractFileName(openedPath)
  --local openedProcess  = process
  local verbose = tonumber(bg3setting['VerboseLevel'])
  if verbose >= 4 then
    writeLog(string.format('Opened process "%s" [PID: %s].',

  local memoryRecord = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(bg3setting['LoadCommandsControlID'])
  memoryRecord.Color = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorNotReady'], 16) -- Convert from hexadecimal to number.
  if verbose >= 4 then
    writeLog(string.format('getMemoryRecordByID(%s): %s',

  -- Verify that it was the bg3 executable that was opened/attached.
  local actualPID = nil
  for i = 1, #bg3Executable do
    actualPID = getProcessIDFromProcessName(bg3Executable[i])
    if verbose >= 4 then
      writeLog(string.format("getProcessIDFromProcessName(%s): %s",
    if actualPID ~= nil then break end
  if openedPID == actualPID then
    if verbose >= 4 then
      writeLog(string.format("openedPID(%s) == actualPID(%s)",
    memoryRecord.Color = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorReady'], 16) -- Convert from hexadecimal to number.
    memoryRecord.Active = true
    memoryRecord.Description = "Console Commands loaded."


--[[ Timer. Check/execute things ad-hoc.

Continously checks/executes various tasks.
local tickCounter = 0 -- Used to calculate runtime.
local attachCount = 0 -- Used to count number of times attached to game process.
local function bg3Timer_callback(timer) -- Tick callback function.
  local runtime   = bg3setting['TimerInterval'] * tickCounter
  local attach    = toboolean(bg3setting['Attach'])
  local reattach  = toboolean(bg3setting['Reattach'])
  local timeout   = bg3setting['AttachTimeout'] * 1000
  local verbose   = tonumber(bg3setting['VerboseLevel'])

  --[[ Find the active game process, if any.

  Attempt to find process ID for both bg3 executables (in their specified order).
  If Game process is found, store the process ID and update settings with actual
    ExecutablePath and ExecutableFile.
  local actualPID = nil
  for i = 1, #bg3Executable do
    -- Loop through the bg3Executables to get its PID, if the game is running.
    actualPID = getProcessIDFromProcessName(bg3Executable[i])
    if actualPID ~= nil then
      if verbose >= 4 then
        writeLog(string.format('Found game process "%s" [PID: %s].',
      -- Get path for the found process and update settings, if they do not match.
      local executablePath = enumModules(actualPID)[1].PathToFile
      local executableFilePath = extractFilePath(executablePath)
      local executableFileName = extractFileName(executablePath)
      if bg3setting['ExecutablePath'] ~= executableFilePath then
        bg3setting['ExecutablePath'] = executableFilePath
      if bg3setting['ExecutableFile'] ~= executableFileName then
        bg3setting['ExecutableFile'] = executableFileName

  --[[ If the game process is NOT running.
  if actualPID == nil then
    if verbose >= 4 then
      writeLog("The game process isn't found. Waiting for the game to be started ...")
    --[[ If ExecutableAutoStart is set to true.
    if toboolean(bg3setting['ExecutableAutoStart']) == true then
      -- AutoStart is enabled.
      if fileExists(bg3setting['ExecutablePath'] .. bg3setting['ExecutableFile']) then
        if verbose >= 2 then
          writeLog(string.format('Attempting to run "%s".', tostring(bg3setting['ExecutablePath') .. tostring(bg3setting['ExecutableFile'])))
      -- Start the game.
      createProcess(bg3setting['ExecutablePath'] .. bg3setting['ExecutableFile'], bg3setting['ExecutableParameters'])
      actualPID = getProcessIDFromProcessName(bg3setting['ExecutableFile'])

  --[[ If the game process IS running.
  if actualPID ~= nil then
    -- Placeholder

  --[[ If if the (actual) game process isn't opened/attached.
  local openedPID = getOpenedProcessID()
  if actualPID ~= openedPID then
    if verbose >= 4 then
      writeLog(string.format("The game process [PID: %s] isn't opened/attached [PID: %s].",

    --[[ Update memoryRecords to reflect state.
    -- Update Register Commands to indicate "Not Ready".
    local memoryRecord = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(bg3setting['RegisterCommandsControlID'])
    --memoryRecord.Active = false
    memoryRecord.Color = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorNotReady'], 16) -- Convert from hexadecimal to number.
    memoryRecord.Description = 'Console Commands not loaded'
    -- Update Console Commands to indicate "Not Ready".
    local memoryRecord = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(bg3setting['LoadCommandsControlID'])
    --memoryRecord.Active = false
    memoryRecord.Color = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorNotReady'], 16) -- Convert from hexadecimal to number.
    memoryRecord.Description = 'Console Commands not ready'

    --[[ If the game process IS running.
    if actualPID ~= nil then
      if attach == true then
        if reattach == true or attachCount <= 0 then
          attachCount = attachCount + 1
          if verbose >= 2 then
            writeLog(string.format('Attached to "%s" [PID: %s].',

  -- If "Find Console Commands" is enabled.
  local memoryRecord = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(bg3setting['LoadCommandsControlID'])
  if memoryRecord.Active == true then
    if verbose >= 4 then
      writeLog(string.format("getMemoryRecordByID(%s).Active == true",
    local numberOfCommands = nil
    local commandList = readPointer("cmdList")
    if commandList ~= nil and commandList ~= 0 then
      if verbose >= 4 then
        writeLog("commandList ~= nil and commandList ~= 0")
      numberOfCommands = readInteger(commandList + 0x2C)
      if numberOfCommands > 0 then
        if verbose >= 4 then
          writeLog(string.format("numberOfCommands(%s) > 0", tostring(numberOfCommands)))
        if numberOfCommands > 3000 then
          numberOfCommands = 3000 -- just in case
      commandList = readPointer(commandList + 0x20)
      if commandList ~= nil and commandList ~= 0 then
        local memoryRecord = AddressList.getMemoryRecordByID(bg3setting['RegisterCommandsControlID'])
        memoryRecord.Description = string.format('Register >>%s<< Commands',
        memoryRecord.Color  = tonumber(bg3setting['ColorReady'], 16)
        memoryRecord.Active = true

  tickCounter = tickCounter + 1
-- Create the timer and attach the callback function.
local bg3Timer          = createTimer(getMainForm()) -- Create timer with the main form as its parent.
bg3Timer.Interval       = bg3setting['TimerInterval']    -- Set timer interval.
bg3Timer.OnTimer        = bg3Timer_callback   -- Set timer tick callback function.

--[[ Initialize the speech engine.

For som reason speak() or speakEnglish() must be run at least once from the
  Cheat Table LUA Script, otherwise calls in the AssemblerScripts doesn't work.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Geo963 »

Been having an issue with the Ability Stat Points option where it doesnt identify my characters at all but instead gives a random string of characters, example 7FF492D6D2C0, this has been happening for the last few days. think its been due to the recent update??? idk. anyone have an idea as to whats causing it?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by SillyPyro »

Oxiras wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:08 pm
oilnarak01 wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:54 am
Oxiras wrote:
Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:48 am
Does anyone know how to remove "Auntie Ethel's Boon"?
new entry "HAG_Hair_STR_Passive"

new entry "HAG_Hair_CON_Passive"

new entry "HAG_Hair_DEX_Passive"

new entry "HAG_Hair_INT_Passive"

new entry "HAG_Hair_WIS_Passive"

use command removepassive should do
Tried this, it doesn’t work. You can only remove the passive added through AddPassive this way. The boon seems like a separate feature.
For anyone else looking to do this remove the status, not the passive and it will work. Very similar names.

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end

status = "HAG_HAIR_DEX"


Replace DEX with your 3 character attribute abbreviation

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by bearyPanda »

Base_N wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:46 pm
Actually it did heh. So it is tied to a flag as I suspected after all. So here's the BrainDamage cleaner :)

Code: Select all

if syntaxcheck then return end
passive = {
flag = {
My initial hypothesis seems to also be correct (as in that we're probably not adding some passives properly). It's possible that a lot of other passives are like that and when we just add them without their flags, there could be consequences if checks in the engine depend on the flag. Some reports of added passives appearing on the char sheet but not working properly could be exactly this. We should probably build a db of dependencies but it sounds no easy task as we would probably have to pull these from savegame files.

PS. Also repacking with LSLib as you found out triggers the anti-tampering check. There's a checksum hash involved somewhere that needs to be adjusted.
Awesome, it works, thank you so much.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by raxele123 »

Hello is anyone willing to share their Saved Game file? I want to mess around.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by bearyPanda »

Are you still able to unlock achievements during regular gameplay, if you have used console commands via Cheat Engine?
Last edited by bearyPanda on Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by rhoen »

Could anyone show me the script needed to Remove a passive?

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by Tiffany »

Since I probably won't do anything else until there's some major updates for the game since I've now done 11 full playthroughs I'll share my highly edited table I used with Zanzer's as the base and a lot of stuff from EvenLess and others.

It's for v4.1.1.3624901 WHICH IS HIGHLY OUTDATED as I never really bothered updating my game since I didn't want to have to redo all my custom edits.

The table is way too big to attach without compression so I 7zipped it up. Password is 123

I also included a folder with some stuff cut out to more easily transfer stuff to a new table so even people on the latest versions may get some use out of it.
bg3 release+items.7z
(208.7 KiB) Downloaded 306 times

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by yeet_goddess »

raxele123 wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:36 pm
Hello is anyone willing to share their Saved Game file? I want to mess around.
here you go: [Link]

And if you end up fixing Jaheira or at least removing her from the party, let me know.

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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Post by kidicarus »

httds wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:35 pm
Does anyone know what the ID for the passive feature is for Dual Wield?
this worked for me

passive = "DualWielder_BonusAC"
passive = "DualWielder_PassiveBonuses"

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