[COMPLETED] [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by fearless123456 »

Max material.
Click select all and then copy and paste into Cheat Engine.
Enable script then visit Iridia's Shop.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Max Material"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ For game version 1.4.
1. Enable script
2. Visit Iridia's Shop


aobscanmodule(Items,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 10 02 00 00 03 82) // should be unique



  mov [rcx+00000210],#999
  mov [rcx+0000021C],#999
  mov [rcx+00000220],#999
  mov [rdx+0000052C],#999

  mov eax,[rcx+00000210]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 10 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B77

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B4B: 48 87 3C 24                             -  xchg [rsp],rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B4F: C3                                      -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B50: 8D 66 66                                -  lea esp,[rsi+66]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B53: 66 66 66 66 2E 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop cs:[rax+rax+00000000]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B60: 53                                      -  push rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B61: 48 83 EC 20                             -  sub rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B65: 48 89 CB                                -  mov rbx,rcx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B68: E8 43 48 1A FB                          -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+3C53B0
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B6D: 48 8B 8B A8 03 00 00                    -  mov rcx,[rbx+000003A8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B74: 48 89 C2                                -  mov rdx,rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B77: 8B 81 10 02 00 00                       -  mov eax,[rcx+00000210]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B7D: 03 82 68 04 00 00                       -  add eax,[rdx+00000468]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B83: 48 83 C4 20                             -  add rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B87: 5B                                      -  pop rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B88: C3                                      -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B89: CC                                      -  int 3 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B8A: 4C 8B 0C 24                             -  mov r9,[rsp]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B8E: 48 83 EC F8                             -  sub rsp,-08
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B92: E9 A7 71 EE 06                          -  jmp ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+C107D3E
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B97: 68 3B 37 2B 5E                          -  push 5E2B373B
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B9C: F7 D7                                   -  not edi

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by fearless123456 »

Max skill (mutation) points.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Skill Points"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ For 1.4.

1. Enable script.
2. Go to squad's mutation upgrade screen.
3. Click on each squadmate to update their individual available skill point


aobscanmodule(SkillPoints,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 88 10 02 00 00 89 8F) // should be unique



mov [rax+00000210],#999

  mov ecx,[rax+00000210]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 88 10 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96D0

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96AA: EB 1D                    -  jmp ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+4DE96C9
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96AC: 44 89 F2                 -  mov edx,r14d
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96AF: 48 89 D9                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96B2: E8 F9 B6 51 FB           -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+304DB0
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96B7: 48 8B 0B                 -  mov rcx,[rbx]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96BA: 4D 89 F0                 -  mov r8,r14
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96BD: 49 C1 E0 05              -  shl r8,05
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96C1: 4C 89 FA                 -  mov rdx,r15
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96C4: E8 91 BF B7 FD           -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+296565A
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96C9: 48 8B 86 F8 08 00 00     -  mov rax,[rsi+000008F8]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96D0: 8B 88 10 02 00 00        -  mov ecx,[rax+00000210]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96D6: 89 8F B0 04 00 00        -  mov [rdi+000004B0],ecx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96DC: 48 8B 86 F0 08 00 00     -  mov rax,[rsi+000008F0]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96E3: 4C 8B B8 A8 05 00 00     -  mov r15,[rax+000005A8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96EA: 41 83 BF F0 01 00 00 01  -  cmp dword ptr [r15+000001F0],01
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96F2: 0F 8E 27 03 00 00        -  jng ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+4DE9A1F
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE96F8: 41 0F 10 87 D8 01 00 00  -  movups xmm0,[r15+000001D8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE9700: 4C 8D AF A8 00 00 00     -  lea r13,[rdi+000000A8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE9707: 49 8D 5D 10              -  lea rbx,[r13+10]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE970B: 49 8D 87 E8 01 00 00     -  lea rax,[r15+000001E8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DE9712: 41 0F 11 45 00           -  movups [r13+00],xmm0

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by fearless123456 »

Stock up Iridia's Shop. Be extra careful - this might break your savegame (or at least Iridia's shop) down the track.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Stock up Iridia's Shop"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ 1. Enable script.
  2. Visit Iridia's Shop.
  3. Does not unlock items that are not available for your current level.

define(bytes,41 8B 86 90 00 00 00)





cmp [rbx+34],100
jne code
mov [r14+90],63

  mov eax,[r14+00000090]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db bytes
  // mov eax,[r14+00000090]


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E62

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E34: E8 B7 B3 9B FA           -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+1C51F0
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E39: 48 83 C7 28              -  add rdi,28
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E3D: 48 39 EF                 -  cmp rdi,rbp
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E40: 75 B3                    -  jne ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+5809DF5
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E42: 48 8B B4 24 D0 00 00 00  -  mov rsi,[rsp+000000D0]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E4A: 49 8D 57 08              -  lea rdx,[r15+08]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E4E: 48 8D 4C 24 20           -  lea rcx,[rsp+20]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E53: E8 B8 B1 9B FA           -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+1C5010
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E58: 48 8D 4C 24 20           -  lea rcx,[rsp+20]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E5D: E8 DE C5 9B FA           -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+1C6440
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E62: 41 8B 86 90 00 00 00     -  mov eax,[r14+00000090]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E69: 4C 8D 9C 24 B0 00 00 00  -  lea r11,[rsp+000000B0]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E71: 49 8B 5B 28              -  mov rbx,[r11+28]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E75: 49 8B 6B 30              -  mov rbp,[r11+30]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E79: 49 8B 7B 38              -  mov rdi,[r11+38]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E7D: 41 89 87 90 00 00 00     -  mov [r15+00000090],eax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E84: 41 0F B6 86 94 00 00 00  -  movzx eax,byte ptr [r14+00000094]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E8C: 41 88 87 94 00 00 00     -  mov [r15+00000094],al
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E93: 4C 89 F8                 -  mov rax,r15
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E96: 4C 89 DC                 -  mov rsp,r11
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5809E99: 41 5F                    -  pop r15

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by apollyn »

fearless123456 wrote:
Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:39 am
Max material.
Click select all and then copy and paste into Cheat Engine.
Enable script then visit Iridia's Shop.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Max Material"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ For game version 1.4.
1. Enable script
2. Visit Iridia's Shop


aobscanmodule(Items,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 10 02 00 00 03 82) // should be unique



  mov [rcx+00000210],#999
  mov [rcx+0000021C],#999
  mov [rcx+00000220],#999
  mov [rdx+0000052C],#999

  mov eax,[rcx+00000210]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 10 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B77

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B4B: 48 87 3C 24                             -  xchg [rsp],rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B4F: C3                                      -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B50: 8D 66 66                                -  lea esp,[rsi+66]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B53: 66 66 66 66 2E 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop cs:[rax+rax+00000000]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B60: 53                                      -  push rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B61: 48 83 EC 20                             -  sub rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B65: 48 89 CB                                -  mov rbx,rcx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B68: E8 43 48 1A FB                          -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+3C53B0
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B6D: 48 8B 8B A8 03 00 00                    -  mov rcx,[rbx+000003A8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B74: 48 89 C2                                -  mov rdx,rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B77: 8B 81 10 02 00 00                       -  mov eax,[rcx+00000210]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B7D: 03 82 68 04 00 00                       -  add eax,[rdx+00000468]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B83: 48 83 C4 20                             -  add rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B87: 5B                                      -  pop rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B88: C3                                      -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B89: CC                                      -  int 3 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B8A: 4C 8B 0C 24                             -  mov r9,[rsp]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B8E: 48 83 EC F8                             -  sub rsp,-08
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B92: E9 A7 71 EE 06                          -  jmp ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+C107D3E
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B97: 68 3B 37 2B 5E                          -  push 5E2B373B
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B9C: F7 D7                                   -  not edi
WHOAAA!!! That worked!! Instantly. That is Awesome!! Thank you so much for your work & time!

I was able to modify your "999" values to something lower (except for Scrap) as I like some help but not Infinite help! Especially the Artifacts. But I'll be reusing the script when needed. This is amazing.

I wasn't able to figure out how to save your code as a Cheat Table (.CT). Right now I just have the modified values version copied as a text file to reload when needed.

Thank you again so much.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by totalabyss »

Has a table been made yet? I havnt been able to find anything on google or this set. just pay to use trainers.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by fearless123456 »

Additional scripts.
1. Unlimited Ammo

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Unlimited Ammo"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(ammo,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 78 02 00 00 48 83 C4 20 5F C3 48 8B 5C) // should be unique



cmp [rcx+204],0
jne code
mov [rcx+278],5

  mov eax,[rcx+00000278]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 78 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2585

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2560: 5F                    -  pop rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2561: C3                    -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2562: 48 8B 42 08           -  mov rax,[rdx+08]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2566: 4C 39 80 60 02 00 00  -  cmp [rax+00000260],r8
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF256D: 75 22                 -  jne ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+4DF2591
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF256F: BB 01 00 00 00        -  mov ebx,00000001
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2574: 48 8B 74 24 38        -  mov rsi,[rsp+38]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2579: 48 63 C3              -  movsxd  rax,ebx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF257C: 48 8B 5C 24 30        -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2581: 48 8B 0C C2           -  mov rcx,[rdx+rax*8]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2585: 8B 81 78 02 00 00     -  mov eax,[rcx+00000278]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF258B: 48 83 C4 20           -  add rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF258F: 5F                    -  pop rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2590: C3                    -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2591: 48 8B 5C 24 30        -  mov rbx,[rsp+30]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2596: 31 C0                 -  xor eax,eax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF2598: 48 8B 74 24 38        -  mov rsi,[rsp+38]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF259D: 48 83 C4 20           -  add rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF25A1: 5F                    -  pop rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF25A2: C3                    -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4DF25A3: CC                    -  int 3 

4. Unlimited action points
Due to the lack of a distinct end-turn option: you will need to set a hot-key to enable and disable this script - otherwise you won't be able to end your turn until the conclusion of combat.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Unlimited Turns"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(Turns,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 94 0C 00 00) // should be unique



mov [rcx+00000C94],2


  mov eax,[rcx+00000C94]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 94 0C 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB25

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BAFF: 4C 8D 2D 52 03 D7 FE     -  lea r13,[ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+480BE58]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB06: 4C 87 2C 24              -  xchg [rsp],r13
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB0A: C3                       -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB0B: 3D 0F 1F 40 00           -  cmp eax,00401F0F
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB10: 48 8B 42 20              -  mov rax,[rdx+20]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB14: 45 31 C9                 -  xor r9d,r9d
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB17: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB1A: 41 0F 95 D1              -  setne r9l
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB1E: 49 01 C1                 -  add r9,rax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB21: 4C 89 4A 20              -  mov [rdx+20],r9
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB25: 8B 81 94 0C 00 00        -  mov eax,[rcx+00000C94]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB2B: 41 89 00                 -  mov [r8],eax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB2E: C3                       -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB2F: 48 DC 92 00 48 8B 04     -  fcom qword ptr [rdx+048B4800]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB36: 24 48                    -  and al,48
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB38: 89 3C 24                 -  mov [rsp],edi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB3B: 31 F8                    -  xor eax,edi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB3D: 33 7C 24 08              -  xor edi,[rsp+08]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB41: 31 F8                    -  xor eax,edi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB43: 5F                       -  pop rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB44: 83 34 24 FF              -  xor dword ptr [rsp],-01
4B. Unlimited action points alternative
This script allows you to repeatedly use moves that only costs one action point. Moves that cost you two action points will end your turn.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Unlimited one turns"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>


aobscanmodule(Turns,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 94 0C 00 00) // should be unique



cmp [rcx+00000C94],1
jne code
mov [rcx+00000C94],2


  mov eax,[rcx+00000C94]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 94 0C 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB25

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BAFF: 4C 8D 2D 52 03 D7 FE     -  lea r13,[ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+480BE58]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB06: 4C 87 2C 24              -  xchg [rsp],r13
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB0A: C3                       -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB0B: 3D 0F 1F 40 00           -  cmp eax,00401F0F
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB10: 48 8B 42 20              -  mov rax,[rdx+20]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB14: 45 31 C9                 -  xor r9d,r9d
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB17: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB1A: 41 0F 95 D1              -  setne r9l
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB1E: 49 01 C1                 -  add r9,rax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB21: 4C 89 4A 20              -  mov [rdx+20],r9
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB25: 8B 81 94 0C 00 00        -  mov eax,[rcx+00000C94]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB2B: 41 89 00                 -  mov [r8],eax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB2E: C3                       -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB2F: 48 DC 92 00 48 8B 04     -  fcom qword ptr [rdx+048B4800]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB36: 24 48                    -  and al,48
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB38: 89 3C 24                 -  mov [rsp],edi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB3B: 31 F8                    -  xor eax,edi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB3D: 33 7C 24 08              -  xor edi,[rsp+08]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB41: 31 F8                    -  xor eax,edi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB43: 5F                       -  pop rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5A9BB44: 83 34 24 FF              -  xor dword ptr [rsp],-01
Last edited by fearless123456 on Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by fearless123456 »

2. God Mode

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(health1,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,83 B8 08 02 00 00 00 0F 9F D0 84 C0 0F 84 8B 00) // should be unique



cmp [rax+210],00
je code
cmp [rax+290],00
je code
mov [rax+208],63

  cmp dword ptr [rax+00000208],00
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 83 B8 08 02 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B791

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B76D: C3                    -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B76E: A9 90 53 48 83        -  test eax,83485390
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B773: EC                    -  in al,dx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B774: 20 48 89              -  and [rax-77],cl
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B777: CB                    -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B778: 48 8D 0D D1 8B 7D FE  -  lea rcx,[ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+36F4350]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B77F: E8 7C 03 AC FB        -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+9DBB00
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B784: 80 78 28 05           -  cmp byte ptr [rax+28],05
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B788: 75 19                 -  jne ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+4F1B7A3
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B78A: 48 8B 83 F8 08 00 00  -  mov rax,[rbx+000008F8]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B791: 83 B8 08 02 00 00 00  -  cmp dword ptr [rax+00000208],00
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B798: 0F 9F D0              -  setg al
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B79B: 84 C0                 -  test al,al
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B79D: 0F 84 8B 00 00 00     -  je ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+4F1B82E
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7A3: 48 89 7C 24 30        -  mov [rsp+30],rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7A8: 48 8B BB 70 09 00 00  -  mov rdi,[rbx+00000970]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7AF: 48 85 FF              -  test rdi,rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7B2: 75 1A                 -  jne ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+4F1B7CE
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7B4: 48 89 D9              -  mov rcx,rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7B7: E8 04 9B 35 FB        -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+2752C0
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4F1B7BC: 40 88 B8 B9 04 00 00  -  mov [rax+000004B9],dil
3. One Hit Kill

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>


aobscanmodule(OneHitKill,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 08 02 00 00 29) // should be unique


cmp [rcx+210],00
je code
cmp [rcx+290],00
je code
mov edx,[rcx+208]

  mov eax,[rcx+00000208]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 08 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62690

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62665: 49 F7 D6                          -  not r14
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62668: 4C 21 34 24                       -  and [rsp],r14
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C6266C: 41 5E                             -  pop r14
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C6266E: 4C 33 34 24                       -  xor r14,[rsp]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62672: 4C 89 F3                          -  mov rbx,r14
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62675: 4C 89 04 24                       -  mov [rsp],r8
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62679: 4C 8D 05 AB C0 92 01              -  lea r8,[ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+658E72B]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62680: 4C 87 04 24                       -  xchg [rsp],r8
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62684: C3                                -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62685: 66 66 2E 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop cs:[rax+rax+00000000]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62690: 8B 81 08 02 00 00                 -  mov eax,[rcx+00000208]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62696: 29 D0                             -  sub eax,edx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C62698: 31 D2                             -  xor edx,edx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C6269A: 85 C0                             -  test eax,eax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C6269C: 0F 4E C2                          -  cmovle eax,edx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C6269F: 89 81 08 02 00 00                 -  mov [rcx+00000208],eax
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C626A5: C3                                -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C626A6: 9D                                -  popfq 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C626A7: 41 52                             -  push r10
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C626A9: 4C 8D 15 95 1F 7E 00              -  lea r10,[ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+5444645]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+4C626B0: 4C 87 14 24                       -  xchg [rsp],r10
I have now finished the campaign, so I will not be testing the above scripts exhaustively.
Last edited by fearless123456 on Sat Feb 02, 2019 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by totalabyss »

I don't know why but god mode and one hit kill do not seem to work. my guys got killed instantly and couldn't one shot enemys.

unless these scrips don't work for the current steam version of the game.

Still waiting for someone to make a table for this game.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by namlas87 »

Tried to put in the scripts with zero hacking knowledge. At the auto assemble window after copy/paste the script above, it prompt >>> Error in line 1 (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>):This instruction can't be compiled<<<what does it even mean or am I doing it wrong?

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by namlas87 »

apollyn wrote:
Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:47 pm
fearless123456 wrote:
Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:39 am
Max material.
Click select all and then copy and paste into Cheat Engine.
Enable script then visit Iridia's Shop.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Max Material"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ For game version 1.4.
1. Enable script
2. Visit Iridia's Shop


aobscanmodule(Items,ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe,8B 81 10 02 00 00 03 82) // should be unique



  mov [rcx+00000210],#999
  mov [rcx+0000021C],#999
  mov [rcx+00000220],#999
  mov [rdx+0000052C],#999

  mov eax,[rcx+00000210]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 8B 81 10 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B77

"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B4B: 48 87 3C 24                             -  xchg [rsp],rdi
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B4F: C3                                      -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B50: 8D 66 66                                -  lea esp,[rsi+66]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B53: 66 66 66 66 2E 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop cs:[rax+rax+00000000]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B60: 53                                      -  push rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B61: 48 83 EC 20                             -  sub rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B65: 48 89 CB                                -  mov rbx,rcx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B68: E8 43 48 1A FB                          -  call ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+3C53B0
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B6D: 48 8B 8B A8 03 00 00                    -  mov rcx,[rbx+000003A8]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B74: 48 89 C2                                -  mov rdx,rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B77: 8B 81 10 02 00 00                       -  mov eax,[rcx+00000210]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B7D: 03 82 68 04 00 00                       -  add eax,[rdx+00000468]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B83: 48 83 C4 20                             -  add rsp,20
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B87: 5B                                      -  pop rbx
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B88: C3                                      -  ret 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B89: CC                                      -  int 3 
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B8A: 4C 8B 0C 24                             -  mov r9,[rsp]
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B8E: 48 83 EC F8                             -  sub rsp,-08
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B92: E9 A7 71 EE 06                          -  jmp ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe+C107D3E
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B97: 68 3B 37 2B 5E                          -  push 5E2B373B
"ZoneUE4-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5220B9C: F7 D7                                   -  not edi
WHOAAA!!! That worked!! Instantly. That is Awesome!! Thank you so much for your work & time!

I was able to modify your "999" values to something lower (except for Scrap) as I like some help but not Infinite help! Especially the Artifacts. But I'll be reusing the script when needed. This is amazing.

I wasn't able to figure out how to save your code as a Cheat Table (.CT). Right now I just have the modified values version copied as a text file to reload when needed.

Thank you again so much.
Can you teach me how to activate the script? Can't seem to do it on my auto-assemble window and i keep getting error. Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by fearless123456 »

No need to paste it into an auto-assemble window. Just paste it when you are on the main window - either using ctrl+v or right clicking a blank area of that window and then clicking paste.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by desalator »

I have compiled what has been added so far.

Thanks fearless123456.
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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by Daravel »

It seems that the attached auto-compiled trainer and at least some (possibly all) of the previously posted scripts are not working.

Unless there's a very specific way/point in the game you have to activate them, then unlimited turns and godmode are very definitely not working, as undertaking actions is definitely ending the turn and the characters are taking damage.

Had anyone put together any tables elsewhere on the forums that I've missed?

Steam version, v1.06 I believe.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by PantherX82 »

has anyone worked on this and gotten this fixed? I have worked on it, but nothing I do is working...than again, I don't know what I'm doing anyway.

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Re: [REQ] Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Post by Rysefox »

I fixed something for v1.06 hf
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