I need help with health (Toy Soldiers HD)

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I need help with health (Toy Soldiers HD)

Post by xXLordEagleXx »

I would need help to find how to, at least, freeze the health bar in Toy Soldiers HD.
I have tried a new scan with "unknown initial value" set to "all" value type. Then, I would alternate by searching by "decreased value" and "unchanged value", but I could not find a specific address.
May I have some help?
(I would also like to mention the health is in percentage)

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Re: I need help with health (Toy Soldiers HD)

Post by SunBeam »

Search for Unknown on Type: 2 Bytes. As bar decreases, search for Has Decreased. When bar increases, search for Has Increased. Alternate this with Unchanged or Changed, so you get as fewer addresses as possible. Once you have a bunch, start freezing them one by one and test. Usually, when it comes to bars, I use 2 bytes searching. Note that the value won't be in the end on 2 bytes (4 bytes or float would probably be the correct type), but it's faster when searching for bars :P So at the end of the process, subtract 0x2 from your found address and change it to the correct type (inspect the memory of the address to figure out the type).

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