I can't find the bytes 7DxxxxB8 in my system.
Please help me find out the code, OK?
Code: Select all
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient - 55 - push rbp
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+1- 48 8B EC - mov rbp,rsp
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+4- 48 83 EC 50 - sub rsp,50 { 80 }
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+8- 48 89 75 D0 - mov [rbp-30],rsi
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+c- 48 89 7D D8 - mov [rbp-28],rdi
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+10- 4C 89 65 E0 - mov [rbp-20],r12
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+14- 4C 89 6D E8 - mov [rbp-18],r13
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+18- 4C 89 75 F0 - mov [rbp-10],r14
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+1c- 4C 89 7D F8 - mov [rbp-08],r15
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+20- 48 8B F9 - mov rdi,rcx
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+23- 48 8B F2 - mov rsi,rdx
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+26- 48 8B 47 10 - mov rax,[rdi+10]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+2a- 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+2d- 74 1A - je SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+49
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+2f- 48 8B 47 10 - mov rax,[rdi+10]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+33- 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+36- 83 39 00 - cmp dword ptr [rcx],00 { 0 }
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+39- 48 63 40 18 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [rax+18]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+3d- 3B C6 - cmp eax,esi
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+3f- 41 0F9F C5 - setg r13l
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+43- 4D 0FB6 ED - movzx r13,r13l
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+47- EB 03 - jmp SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+4c
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+49- 45 33 ED - xor r13d,r13d
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+4c- 4D 0FB6 FD - movzx r15,r13l
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+50- 49 8B C7 - mov rax,r15
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+53- 85 C0 - test eax,eax
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+55- 74 27 - je SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+7e
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+57- 48 8B 47 10 - mov rax,[rdi+10]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+5b- 4C 8B F8 - mov r15,rax
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+5e- 4C 8B E6 - mov r12,rsi
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+61- 83 38 00 - cmp dword ptr [rax],00 { 0 }
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+64- 49 63 47 18 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r15+18]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+68- 44 3B E0 - cmp r12d,eax
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+6b- 73 35 - jae SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+a2
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+6d- 49 8B 47 10 - mov rax,[r15+10]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+71- 49 63 CC - movsxd rcx,r12d
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+74- 48 8D 44 C8 20 - lea rax,[rax+rcx*8+20]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+79- 4C 8B 30 - mov r14,[rax]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+7c- EB 03 - jmp SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+81
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+7e- 45 33 F6 - xor r14d,r14d
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+81- 49 8B C6 - mov rax,r14
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+84- 48 8B 75 D0 - mov rsi,[rbp-30]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+88- 48 8B 7D D8 - mov rdi,[rbp-28]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+8c- 4C 8B 65 E0 - mov r12,[rbp-20]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+90- 4C 8B 6D E8 - mov r13,[rbp-18]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+94- 4C 8B 75 F0 - mov r14,[rbp-10]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+98- 4C 8B 7D F8 - mov r15,[rbp-08]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+9c- 48 8D 65 00 - lea rsp,[rbp+00]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+a0- 5D - pop rbp
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+a1- C3 - ret
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+a2- 48 8D 6D 00 - lea rbp,[rbp+00]
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+a6- 49 BB E8E0D5CA81020000 - mov r11,00000281CAD5E0E8 { (-769575960) }
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+b0- 41 FF D3 - call r11
SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+b3- EB B8 - jmp SMLHelper.V2.Crafting:TechData:GetIngredient+6d