Update on the savegame stuff for anyone interested:
idProfile 0.34 - tool to (de)serialize profile.bin to/from human-readable JSON (allows modifying your profile.bin!)
This can deserialize all the data from a profile to an easy to modify <inputPath>.json file, or convert a .json back to the profile.bin format.
Either drag-drop a decrypted profile.bin (via DOOMSaveManager export function) or a modified profile.bin.json, or run it like "idProfile.exe <path/to/profile.bin/or/profile.json>"
If idProfile fails to create a new profile from your modified .json you might have accidentally broken the JSON formatting, maybe try checking it with [Link].
If that doesn't show any problems, you might have exceeded the range of a certain data type (eg. UInt8 values can only go from 0 - 255, Int8 values are -128 to 127, etc...)
Note that some variables could contain multiple values, or might contain child variables, these are reflected as "Values" / "KeyValues" fields.
I think all data types should be getting decoded properly, but if you encounter a "unhandled value type" message with your profile please let me know!
(EDIT: updated to 0.34, now uses JSON instead of XML, much more compact output, and helps idProfile work closer to how game itself works
Download: see attachment below (password is idProfile)
Source code:
idResourceId 0.3 - tool to calculate DOOM Eternal resource/item IDs.
Usage: idResId.exe <resource/path> [resource-type]
If resource-type isn't set, will use warehouseItem by default.
(eg. "idResId.exe character_skin/doomslayer/doomslayer_skin_milestone_e2m4_complete" should return the hash 18176129181975243555)
Source code (includes the farmhash modification needed):