Had some guy who frequents another forum, thinking since he has been "around" since 2009 that he thinks Sheep only did 1 trainer LOL
I fell off my seat, and then has the audacity to say some games don't encrypt values in real time. It's so fucking surreal.
Man some people just learn a few things and then suddenly want to think themselves as on top of the pile.
Anyways /vent lol
Whatever happened to Sheep, Whitey etc? With the old IRC channels/servers gone now it's difficult to find peeps from back then.
Sad days when the old peeps are forgotten
Re: Sad days when the old peeps are forgotten
Probably off to doing better things

Re: Sad days when the old peeps are forgotten
I remember you being a cunt a long time ago, back in 2009 then 2015. Suddenly moping for old times' sakes? There is a saying, something on the lines of when your praisers die, you come knocking at other people's doors... Guess CH stopped treating you right?..
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