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CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic (2019-08-04)

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:18 am
by Shinkansen
Simple table for CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic, may or may not work. Game generates code at runtime so table has a high chance of not working / detecting the wrong code / crashing.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address.
E. Do action ZZZ.

V1000 - 2019-08-04
1. Tested game version V1.00.0 64-bit with R18 patch. May work on other versions.

2. Maid.
"Parameter Set to Massive?" sets Parameter to massive.
"H-Parameter Set to Massive?" sets H-Parameter to massive.
"Training / Work Levels Set to Massive?" sets Training / Work Levels to massive.
"Yotogi Play Set to Massive?" sets Yotogi Play status to massive.

Allows the following to be modfied.
- Flags.

3. GameInShopMain.
"Funds Set to Massive?" sets Funds to massive.
"Coin Set to Massive?" sets Coin to massive.
"Club Gauge Set to Massive?" sets Club Gauge to massive.

Allows the following to be modfied.
- Flags.

4. YotogiSkillData.
"Level Set to Max?" sets performed Yotogi Skill levels to max.

5. ClassData_1.
"Level Set to Max?" sets performed Class levels to max.

6. Appeal_Mgr.
Dance Appeal Perfect must occur first before this can be activated.
"Appeal Notes Set to Massive?" sets Appeal Notes to massive.

7. SceneEdit.
"Maid Points Set to Massive?" sets Maid Points to massive.

Re: CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic (2019-08-04)

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:15 pm
by Nobody13
How does the Maid section work? What does it mean to have "Visible Maid Model"? Is it like having them in a scene?

Re: CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic (2019-08-04)

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 2:44 am
by Hitomi
All option except no.7 never work for me so far, is it because of a loader? I'm using COM3D2 BepInEx.

Re: CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic (2019-08-04)

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 12:28 pm
by anthony9786
What you mean by Dance Appeal Perfect must occur?