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Re: Freeman Guerrilla Warfare

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:21 am
by reinzhart
definitely need an update since it was release now

Re: Freeman Guerrilla Warfare

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:40 am
by nukza38
ีupdate pls for v1.0.

Re: Freeman Guerrilla Warfare

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:12 pm
by Vee_
Freeman Guerrilla Warfare [FitGirl Repack | CODEX]

Go to this thread for the latest table
Pointer Offset update for v1.0
Char Edit Script (Activate the script, open inventory, change some items)
Money & Rep Script
Weapon Edit Script (Activate when engaging enemy)
*NB: Still, need some testing but this version should do, don't know if this table will last on future updates :P

Just a bunch of offsets for char script. Will create a table if i got some spare time.
You can update existing table using these offsets, but just make sure that you put it correctly.

For level

Code: Select all

00D0 - Id                1B15B701B70 : 1               
00D4 - sex               1B15B701B74 : 0               
00D8 - Level             1B15B701B78 : 1               
00DC - renownValue       1B15B701B7C : 0               
00E0 - morale            1B15B701B80 : 0               
00E4 - curExp            1B15B701B84 : 0               
00E8 - nextExp           1B15B701B88 : 800             
00EC - maxHealth         1B15B701B8C : 181             
00F0 - curHealth         1B15B701B90 : 181             
00F4 - isPlayer          1B15B701B94 : 1               
00F8 - InitCost          1B15B701B98 : 0               
00FC - FireIntervalOverride1B15B701B9C : 0               
0100 - squadUnitIndex    1B15B701BA0 : 0               
0104 - will              1B15B701BA4 : 0               
0108 - speechImmune      1B15B701BA8 : 0               
0109 - tortureImmune     1B15B701BA9 : 0               
010C - attributePoints   1B15B701BAC : 2               
0110 - constitution      1B15B701BB0 : 3               
0114 - marksmanship      1B15B701BB4 : 5               
0118 - agility           1B15B701BB8 : 2               
011C - leadership        1B15B701BBC : 1               
0120 - intelligence      1B15B701BC0 : 4               
0124 - playerPoints      1B15B701BC4 : 0               
0128 - firstaid          1B15B701BC8 : 1               
012C - inventorymanagement1B15B701BCC : 1               
0130 - trading           1B15B701BD0 : 0               
0134 - navigation        1B15B701BD4 : 3               
0138 - commanding        1B15B701BD8 : 1               
013C - medical           1B15B701BDC : 1               
0140 - looting           1B15B701BE0 : 0               
0144 - training          1B15B701BE4 : 3               
0148 - prisonermanagement1B15B701BE8 : 0               
014C - persuation        1B15B701BEC : 0               
0150 - stealing          1B15B701BF0 : 1               
0154 - weaponPoint       1B15B701BF4 : 29              
0158 - armorPoint        1B15B701BF8 : 30              
015C - pistolPoint       1B15B701BFC : 0               
0160 - riflePoint        1B15B701C00 : 10              
0164 - SmgPoint          1B15B701C04 : 10              
0168 - shotGunPoint      1B15B701C08 : 0               
016C - assaultRiflePoint 1B15B701C0C : 10              
0170 - machineGunPoint   1B15B701C10 : 0               
0174 - launcherPoint     1B15B701C14 : 0               
0178 - meleePoint        1B15B701C18 : 0               
017C - throwingPoint     1B15B701C1C : 51              
0180 - weaponPointLimit  1B15B701C20 : 30              
0184 - pistolPointContainer1B15B701C24 : 1               
0188 - riflePointContainer1B15B701C28 : 1               
018C - SmgPointContainer 1B15B701C2C : 1               
0190 - shotGunPointContainer1B15B701C30 : 1               
0194 - assaultRiflePointContainer1B15B701C34 : 1               
0198 - machineGunPointContainer1B15B701C38 : 1               
019C - launcherPointContainer1B15B701C3C : 1               
01A0 - meleePointContainer1B15B701C40 : 1               
01A4 - throwingPointContainer1B15B701C44 : 1               
01A8 - pistolPointTemp   1B15B701C48 : 0               
01AC - riflePointTemp    1B15B701C4C : 0               
01B0 - SmgPointTemp      1B15B701C50 : 0               
01B4 - shotGunPointTemp  1B15B701C54 : 0               
01B8 - assaultRiflePointTemp1B15B701C58 : 0               
01BC - machineGunPointTemp1B15B701C5C : 0               
01C0 - launcherPointTemp 1B15B701C60 : 0               
01C4 - meleePointTemp    1B15B701C64 : 0               
01C8 - throwingPointTemp 1B15B701C68 : 0               
01CC - throwAA           1B15B701C6C : 0               
01D0 - armorHead         1B15B701C70 : 0               
01D4 - armorTorso        1B15B701C74 : 36              
01D8 - armorLeg          1B15B701C78 : 0               
01DC - combatArmorHead   1B15B701C7C : 0               
01E0 - combatArmorTorso  1B15B701C80 : 36              
01E4 - combatArmorLeg    1B15B701C84 : 0               
01E8 - nightCamouflage   1B15B701C88 : 0               
01EC - desertCamouflage  1B15B701C8C : 18              
01F0 - SnowfieldCamouflage1B15B701C90 : 0               
01F4 - JungleCamouflage  1B15B701C94 : 15              
01F8 - Healthy           1B15B701C98 : 0               
01FC - speed             1B15B701C9C : 0               
0200 - sightBonus        1B15B701CA0 : 0               
0204 - shirtId           1B15B701CA4 : 1004            
0208 - pantsId           1B15B701CA8 : 1203            
020C - helmetId          1B15B701CAC : 0               
0210 - armorId           1B15B701CB0 : 1417            
0214 - maskId            1B15B701CB4 : 0               
0218 - pistolId          1B15B701CB8 : 2805            
021C - rifleId           1B15B701CBC : 2011            
0220 - meleeId           1B15B701CC0 : 0               
0224 - launcherId        1B15B701CC4 : 0               
0228 - rifleScopeId_L    1B15B701CC8 : 0               
022C - rifleScopeId_R    1B15B701CCC : 0               
0230 - rifleSilencerId_L 1B15B701CD0 : 0               
0234 - rifleSilencerId_R 1B15B701CD4 : 0               
0238 - pistolScopeId     1B15B701CD8 : 0               
023C - pistolSilencerId  1B15B701CDC : 0               
0240 - pistolFlashLightId1B15B701CE0 : 0               
0244 - misc1Id           1B15B701CE4 : 501             
0248 - misc2Id           1B15B701CE8 : 501             
024C - misc3Id           1B15B701CEC : 501             
0250 - misc4Id           1B15B701CF0 : 501             
0254 - misc5Id           1B15B701CF4 : 0               
0258 - misc6Id           1B15B701CF8 : 0               
025C - misc7Id           1B15B701CFC : 0               
0260 - misc8Id           1B15B701D00 : 0               
0264 - misc9Id           1B15B701D04 : 0               
0268 - misc10Id          1B15B701D08 : 0               
026C - misc11Id          1B15B701D0C : 0               
0270 - misc12Id          1B15B701D10 : 0               
0274 - pa1Id             1B15B701D14 : 502             
0278 - pa2Id             1B15B701D18 : 502             
027C - pa3Id             1B15B701D1C : 502             
0280 - pa4Id             1B15B701D20 : 0               
0284 - hairColorIndex    1B15B701D24 : 4               
0288 - pirsonType        1B15B701D28 : 0               
028C - LiYouNum          1B15B701D2C : 0               
0290 - LiYouCoin         1B15B701D30 : 0               
0294 - rifleWeapon       1B15B701D34 : 0               
0295 - luncherWeapon     1B15B701D35 : 0               
0296 - pistolWeapon      1B15B701D36 : 0               
0297 - isTestMode        1B15B701D37 : 0               
0298 - index_Gun         1B15B701D38 : 0               
029C - index_Scope       1B15B701D3C : 0