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Hoard (Steam)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:50 am
by STN
Made by jgoemat

1) Continuous Breath
2) Harsh Breath - 450 damage instead of 45 default
3) Super Health - 4,500 health instead of default 45
4) Super Cargo - Carry up to 100,000 gold before returning
5) Speed - 70 instead of default 25
6) Min Gold - keeps 2000 gold in your cargo, so hover over your hoard to get 7) mega points
8) Enemy Dragons: Weak - Very small damage and long recharge on their breath
9) Enemy Dragons: Slow - Very slow enemy dragons

The Main Script injects code that I think executes for all units. It uses AOBSCAN to find the code, and to find a static pointer elsewhere in the game code that I use to find the player dragon. Activating scripts under the main script just set values that are used by the main script, you can edit those values directly by expanding the grayed-out "(variables)" table entry. "(pointers)" has some direct pointers and you can use the address for the player dragon in the structure dissector to see some other values I found or to find your own.

The values will not return to normal immediately after you deactivate the values. Those values that are modified are calculated and if you level up anything I think it will reset them all to normal for what upgrades you have.

Re: Hoard (Steam)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:38 pm
by SuperFrog
This cheat table does not work for current steam version.

Re: Hoard (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:16 am
by SuperFrog
Can anyone please update this table?

Re: Hoard (Steam)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 1:25 pm
by DellianEnt
Hey STN is there any chance for an update on this? I've tried to make my own but it's well above my current level of understanding.

Re: Hoard (Steam)

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:15 pm
by Mastadope