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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom [Ryujinx] Cheat Table

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 9:11 pm
by Aplixion
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Game Version: 1.0.0 & 1.1.0
Platform: Ryujinx
Cheat Engine Version: 7.5 (Table works best with CE Dark Mode on)
- Infinite Health
- Infinite Stamina
- Infinite Battery
- Infinite Rupees
- Infinite Arrows
- Infinite Items
- Infinite Crystal Charges
- Teleport / World Coordinates
- Fly mode
- Edit Key items

Compatible with Ryujinx version 1.1.775 (or higher)

Tested to be compatible with game version 1.0.0 & 1.1.0. May need additional testing to confirm compatibility with game version 1.1.1.

To use table: Change Ryujinx system setting "Memory Manager Mode" to "Host (fast)"

I've set a few hotkeys to teleport to a handful of popular locations around the map. I'll add more locations in future versions.

Note: Some scripts such as "God Mode" and "Load XYZ Coordinates" do take a long time to load the AOBs. Please be patient. I'm working on further optimizing my scripts to cut down on load times in future versions.

Edit 1: Fixed the script for "Load XYZ Coordinates" (loads faster) and added a few more teleport locations.

Edit 2: Fixed an AOB error in the script for "Load XYZ Coordinates".

Edit 3: Added "Infinite Battery" feature.

Re: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom [Ryujinx] Cheat Table

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:41 pm
by Will0731
God Mode is not working. I get the wait time, but when I click on it to activate the table stops for a bit and the code does not activate. Then I right-clicked God Mode and I got this message.

<<Error while scanning for AOB's: INJECT Error: Not all results found>>

Anyway this can be fixed?