Game Title : Total War - Warhammer 3
Game Version : 1.3.0 (14983)
Game Sponsor : TPW (Travis)
Process Name : Warhammer3.exe
Relevant Info : 64bits/TBS/RTS
Script Version: 3.5
CE Version : 7.4
Release date : 01-Jul-2022
Author : Recifense
20-Feb-2022: Preliminary Release (alfa) (s1.0)
23-Feb-2022: First Release (s2.0)
25-Feb-2022: Release for version 1.0.1 (s2.1)
12-Mar-2022: Fixes, improvement and new features (s2.2)
15-Mar-2022: Release for version 1.0.2 (s2.3)
19-Mar-2022: Fixes and improvement (s2.4)
20-Mar-2022: Fixes and improvement and a pointer (s2.5)
22-Mar-2022: New approaches (s3.0)
05-Apr-2022: Release for version 1.1.0 (s3.1)
17-Apr-2022: Fix for Unlimited Ammo (s3.2)
17-May-2022: Release for version 1.2.0 (s3.3)
25-May-2022: Release for version 1.2.0 (14425)(s3.4)
01-Jul-2022: Release for version 1.3.0 (14983)(s3.5)
- Minimum Treasure [1]
- Unlimited Action Points [2]
- Recover Troop Size/Hero HP [3]
- Research in 1 turn [4]
- Recruitment in 1 turn [5]
- Construction in 1 turn [6]
- Minimum Public Control [7]
- Minimum Pop Surplus [8]
- Level almost complete [9] (sel char XP)
- Hero can Act Again [A]
- God Mode for Auto-resolve battles [Be]
- Troops Quick Level Up [Ce]
- Minimum Special Resources [D]
- God Mode (RTS) [E]
- Full Ammo (RTS) [F]
- Minimum Leadership (GM) (RTS) [G]
- Fast Recover of Winds of Magic (RTS) [H]
- Ever fresh units (RTS) [I]
- Some Pointers [J]
[1] Minimum value is 74000;
[2] Your armies and heroes can move freely;
[3] Your troops will recover size and lords will recover health;
[4] Your research will complete in 1 turn;
[5] Your armies will be reinforced in 1 turn;
[6] The construction in your provinces will complete in 1 turn;
[7] Minimum Public Control for your provinces will be 70;
[8] Every time you access your province/Camp the POP Surplus will be 30 at least;
[9] Your Heroes/Lords/etc will level up quickly;
[A] You heroes/Lords/etc can act more then once during a turn;
[Be] You don't need to manually fight all battles;
[Ce] Troops will get to max level after the first battle;
[D] Some Special Resources can be checked to a minimum value: (*)
- Devotion (1000)
- Skulls (7000)
- Devotees (7000)
- Meat/Food (1000)
[E] For your players' units
[F] For your players' troops
[G] For your players' troops (110)
[H] Recover quickly
[I] For your players' units
[J] Used at the table; (**)
(* ) You have to pass the cursor over the displayed value
(**) Check the list of pointers. It may help you with some values.
Please check the pointers it may help you with some values.
Another good pointer is [X]<== Last Special Resource Under Cursor. It will show the address of a special resource after you passed the cursor over the value: Food/Meet, Devotion, Devotees, etc
1) Run CE74 or greater;
2) Run Game;
3) Load the game process "Warhammer3.exe" in CE;
4) Load this table and activate the main script;
5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;
6) Game On;
- Not defined;
When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.
Tested on Win 11 64bits
Many thanks go to Travis for providing the game!
Have Fun!
Please read the Table Extras or the information above. Pay special attention to [USAGE];
Note: The scripts use the CE command Assert and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.
It is for CE 7.4 or greater
Cheers to All!
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
[A] You heroes/Lords/etc can act more then once during a turn; - this one doesn't seem to be working right, at least the heroes. Tested it multiple times with several factions, the agents lose their movement points upon action and can neither move nor act again.
[A] You heroes/Lords/etc can act more then once during a turn; - this one doesn't seem to be working right, at least the heroes. Tested it multiple times with several factions, the agents lose their movement points upon action and can neither move nor act again.
This post broke my heart as this is the main feature i've been waiting for. I just tested this with Zorya in the prologue and it works just fine. I also had the "unlimited movement" cheat active at the same time so perhaps they have to be used in concert? Or maybe its something weird where it won't work in main campaign? I'm unable to test that yet but that would suck.
Thanks so much recifense! I'm sure its on the way but I'd definitely like to see the other options from the wh2 table (further spell stuff, cooldowns, uses, etc) included at some point. You're the man!
Noticing that the "Lord Info" section doesn't seem to work for me. Just started a Katarin campaign and it just stays as ?? for every line (lord/current skill points/current xp) instead of finding katarin when I select her. The player info section works just fine for finding "the ice court" and current treasury etc.
If anyone has this section working, please let me know. I'd like to know if its something on my end that I can keep messing with till it works. Thanks
I am rly glad that you have appeared again on this forums and incredibly happy that you have released a table for the WH3.
It's rly great by default and only a few functions don't work as expected.
I would like to point out the two main issues from my perspective for your next update (which I hope you would create):
1. Hero/Lord unlimited actions
- after a siege or an agent action, I'm not able to get the character move bar back. And as well I'm not able to use agent actions a second time (let it be another action or joining the army).
2. Lord/Hero XP/Skill
- neither of those is working for me at all. It's just "??" value.